Sunday, July 14, 2013

Mass Chat

Sometimes I feel like I attend a Protestant church.


  1. Because in some Catholic churches the Liturgy is bad or worst than Protestant churches.

  2. Pretty much what Fr. Gary says below as well as some revelations concerning local groups and their 'conspiring' against Church teaching on sexual morality as well as their rejection of the hierarchy in the Church. It's too complicated to devote an entire post about at this time. I also thought it might be fairly obvious to anyone reading the labels I designated for this post.

  3. I'm not even going to get started on this one today. I left during the closing hymn this morning, "How Great Thou Art".

    Terry, I think of you every time someone lunges at and tries to grab my hand during the Pater Noster. Modesty? what's that? you mean spaghetti straps and tube tops aren't modest? I girl next to me worried about her I-Phone the whole time. I'm the wierdo trad type who kneels for communion and tries to remain recollected which is increasingly difficult. No, it's actually a heroic act of virtue considering the atmosphere.

    1. I know. BTW - The FSSP were given a parish in North East Minneapolis recently. I'll try harder to get there now.

  4. Good news about the FSSP parish. I'll have to look it up...

    1. They are at Holy Cross - now All Saints I think? I went to the website but they merged all the churches in the neighborhood and it's pretty confusing. I'll wait till they settle in. I hope they won't throw me out if I go.

      That said - I saw photos of St. Francis Cabrini last nite - holy crap - if that is supposed to be a Catholic Church I'm totally confused.

    2. Why would they throw you out lol?! I used to go to St Boniface sometimes on rare occasions. I also was known to frequent the Ukrainian Church in nordeast on a regular basis. I'm happy the FSSP is getting an apostolate in Minneapolis. I'm sure if I lived there, I'd still be going to St Agnes even on the bus down University....

  5. All Saints is 8.8 miles from you and in current traffic (12:30pm your time) the trip will take 16 minutes. I think you'd be much happier there...

    1. I think so too. I misspelled Francis - sb Frances, but you knew that. Take a look at their website - unbelievable.

    2. Rather nauseating IMO. Funny - with all the social justice gar-baaage going on there one would think they'd have time for more than two Masses per week. Wonder what wonder boy Tegeder does in his spare time?

      It's definitely All Saints: 435 4th Street NE

      You need to go and tell us all about it. Yes?

      Hopefully they'll keep a lid on the radical types like they did here. And I'm sure they'd be delighted to have your presence. One thing about FSSP is that if you just wish to celebrate Mass and sort of be left alone, they're very willing to do that.

  6. I have no doubt our new pastor would like to turn our parish into a Baptist congregation. He won't be doing it with my help. Until he's gone, I'll be going elsewhere. I gave it the ole college try but it feels icky and icky is never good. I can't even begin to describe what I've seen. Sad.

    1. Joyce - I miss your blog. Hope you are doing well.

    2. We only have one parish where I live and the closest one other than that is forty five minutes away. I wish I could go to an FSSP parish. Our parish is better than it used to be though.

    3. When I don't really want to complain too much I label my posts as a sort of summary. My parish is actually better than it used to be too.

  7. Oh I didn't look at the labels. Yeah, when I first converted I seriously considered becoming Orthodox because of the Mass at my parish and the attitudes of the people there. We actually had liturgical dance *gag* We don't anymore Thank God.

  8. Thank you Terry. It just felt like it was time to put it to rest, at least for now. I will try to drop in more often. Happy Feast Day! I went to Mass at a Franciscan parish tonight b/c I just couldn't make it out to the monastery again and I heard a beautiful sermon on the Carmelites. Thom would have been proud :)
    Love ya,


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