Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Cor ad cor loquitur

Sacred gun, I trust in thee.


  1. I can't believe the number of atta-boy comments he got, but at least some people had the courage and decency to stand up to him, including at least one priest. It's not funny, but when I saw how you labeled this post I had to LOL. Joyce

  2. Unfortunately the response to the priest was rather condescending.

  3. Does he filter his comments?

  4. Jackie, yes he does. One must register to comment and give what amounts to a brief biography as well - then if you meet his standards you are allowed to comment - and after all of that, comment moderation is employed for certain posts.

  5. I've had conversations about guns and self-defense with several priests. Some of them are comfortable with guns and would defend themselves. Others are not. At least one priest of my acquaintance believes that he, as a priest, should never exercise lethal force. However, he is fine with others, both civilians and police, carrying guns and defending themselves, even defending him if he is in trouble, with lethal force if necessary.

    That said, while I believe Fr. Z when he says that the target was provided and not chosen by him, and I understand why human outline targets are used sometimes, I think it was a poor choice on his part to post the picture. He could have posted a picture of a target with circles and numbers instead.

  6. "Traditional gun" as opposed to...what? Fr. Z said he was using a Glock 19, which is a semi-automatic handgun.


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