Sunday, February 21, 2010


At the church I attended last evening, during the homily, the priest was especially animated.  I know him so I could tell his recent studies and workshops were influencing his homiletics - he was exhibiting a bit more enthusiasm than usual.  He also sounded as if he were reading someone else's script.  I think his recent studies were showing through.  His homily wasn't what I would deem perfectly dogmatic - there were a few chinks or subtle errors... perhaps better defined as ambiguities.  Believe me when I tell you I wasn't looking for the chinks - I was just listening to the homily.  I doubt anyone else even noticed.
I've heard the stuff he was saying many times before.  I was a bit surprised however that old dogs would learn old tricks, yet the so-called errors are fairly minor.  Some people would probably have told me I should talk to Father about it, either after Mass or catch him at another time.  I didn't and I won't.
I have more important things on my mind.
"What availeth a great dispute about abstruse and obscure matters for not knowing which we shall not be questioned at the day of judgement?" - Imitation, Bk. I, Chp. 3: 1