Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Among the dead in Haiti.

"According to the Vatican's Fides news agency, Apostolic Nuncio to Haiti, Archbishop Bernardito Auza was reported as saying:
Port-au-Prince is totally devastated. The cathedral, the Archbishop's Office, all of the big churches, all of the seminaries have been reduced to rubble. The same luck for the Ministry buildings, the Presidential Palace, the schools. The Parish Priest of the Cathedral, who was spared, told me that the archbishop of Port-au-Prince would have died under the rubble, together with hundreds of seminarians and priests that are under the ruins." - CNA 

O Mother of Perpetual Help, Patroness of Haiti, with the greatest confidence we kneel before you to present ourselves before you in our many afflictions. We implore your help for us and for our neighbors suffering from the devastating earthquake and its aftermath, especially as we struggle to provide aid and support for the survivors. Trials and sorrows often depress us; misfortunes and privations bring misery into our lives, especially now when the poorest of the poor are afflicted so terribly; everywhere we meet the cross. Comforter of the Afflicted, beg your Son Jesus to strengthen us as we bear one another's burdens and to free us from our sufferings. Or if it be the will of God that we should suffer still longer, help us endure all with love and patience. May we follow the example of your Son, and through him, with him and in him commend ourselves to the care of our heavenly Father.  Jesus and Mary I love you, save souls!  Amen.


  1. I remember in my prayers during the Mass the victims & survivors of the earthquake in Haiti. I will also find ways to help raise funds for them. Mother of Perpetual Help, pray for us!

  2. I decided to put my money where my prayers are and donated via CRS. I'm trying to be less selfish and to respond to needs more quickly.

  3. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Amen. And especially for those trapped in the ruins and rubble that they may be rescued quickly; and for the injured, the mourning, and the dead. Venerable Pierre Toussaint, pray for us.

  4. Are the archbishop, priests and seminarians ALL dead?!??

  5. Angela - the Vatican confirmed that the Archbishop of Port-au-Prince has died. I read of an account somewhere else that 100 priests at a retreat have also died.

    Terry - excellent prayer. Mary, Mother of God, pray for us.

  6. Maria5:35 PM

    The prayer is simply beautiful and should be said. Thank you, Terry.

  7. The prayer is actually from the novena prayers to Our Lady which I adapted for the disaster in Haiti.

  8. I also want to point out the fact that many priests have been killed, hence the people are without the sacraments - please pray for the suffering and dying who may be deprived of the sacraments. At adoration today we were praying the Divine Mercy chaplet throughout the afternoon specifically for the dead and dying.


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