Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Novus Ordo Seclorum...

I'm kinda, sorta beginning to know how Robert Langdon felt... I came across this site called Sinister Sites - yes, H/T to old Spirit Daily. Actually the memorial architecture displayed on the site is generally wonderful as is the art, although the author points out the Masonic implications and hidden symbolism behind it all. Is it real or is it theory? I kinda, sorta think it could be real. Check out the site for yourself - some of the architecture is great - and the theory somewhat convincing. (See Cath - I know how to spell it.)
While we are on the subject however, look at the image I lifted from the site - doesn't it remind you of the two pillars in the vision of Don Bosco? Oh! Oh! Look at the ladder in the image - does it not so look like that one Catholic church with the stairway in the sanctuary in Crescat's ugly church contest?
If you look at another photo on the site, you see the interior of a Masonic temple, the altar looks exactly like the people's altar one sees in Novus Ordo Catholic Churches... what's that all about?
Oh! And get this:
“In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.” -Prince Philip (Do you think he had Princess Diana murdered? Just wondering. What a queer thing for PP to say - aren't the royals kind of a virus already? Sorry - my mistake, I think they are referred to as parasites.)
Anyway. The author discusses the Masonic/Illuminati agenda throughout the post - especially the motivations of the ruling elite, appealing to the sensibilities of the new urban elite in Western culture...
"The elite are into eugenics, planned parenthood and other (more extreme) ways to reduce the world population. It is important to understand the state of mind of those people and the way they are reasoning before analyzing their symbols. Other researchers who have studied occult memorials have concluded that these structures actually celebrate the ritual sacrifice of these people for the elite, the “illuminated”. The presence of ancient pagan symbols such as phallic and yonic shapes, mixed with emblems of western occultism are very recognizable signatures of Illuminati architecture. When one is aware of the culture of death that is cultivated in the higher level of the occult orders, one sees the real meaning of the National Memorial. It is saying: “These people died to serve our interests.” - Sinister Sites
Maybe because I'm reading the Weakland memoirs (I take long breaks from it), or reading odd blogs - but it makes one wonder, doesn't it? What's going on? The Novus Ordo... the Pope's encyclical on Novus Ordo Seclorum and Marxist/Socialist economy, and Barack and Skip Gates horsing around with Rachel Tenshun, and Hilary wearing that sling with the seal of the U.S., and Bishop L. had his reception in a Masonic Lodge when he was first made a bishop, and remember that famous Archbishop who allowed a transsexual to be a nun and then dismissed her under pressure, oh - and the military is planning for martial law during the H1N1 pandemic, and, and, and... Sarah Palin may run for president!
OMIGOSH! I'm screaming in terror! It's all simply much too much! Much too much!
(See, and yet not a word about the homosexual menace!)


  1. Anonymous12:55 PM

    If you look closely at the central pillar (in the posted picture) with an uncorrected astigmatic eye, aided by a plastic Dollar Store magnifying glass, you can see a prophetic script:

    Palin, 2012.


  2. Penny - I'm th same way - this stuff is fun though.

    Susan... LOL!

  3. If'n you're really obsessed by having to know all about this stuff, THE MAN who should know eveything anyone in the WHOLE WORLD could possibly want to know about stuff Catholic, the man who plans to talk on the afterlife -- followed by spiritual warfare, protection in our times, and prophecy. Talks, discussions, and question-and-answer periods will extensively address what is occurring in the world; the hidden aspects of current times; and how we grow close to God and tap into His power (and the miraculous) -- how we should perceive and deal with the turbulent times we live in. And how we can be healed by the special graces at this moment in time!

    The discussion of heightened demonic attacks on families will address how to ward such off, the role of Confession and the Eucharist, and extensive review of Heaven, hell, and purgatory. So too will we discuss alleged apparitions and prophecy along with "secrets." We will recite family-healing prayers and discuss this fascinating topic. There may also be a Mass and blessing of sacramentals, including water, oil, and salt.

    HIMSELF, is coming to town, to talk, probably just for you, Terry. And it will only cost you six five dollar bills.

    On September 26, at the Bloomington Airport Marriott, will be appearing himself, the eminence grise behind SPIRIT DAILY itself, MICHAEL BROWN, himself, in PERSON!!!!!

    I think it would be worthwhile to go just to see who will be in attendance.

    And you say I never have any important posts!

  4. I think that's the poster for the upcoming 2011 American Catholic Council...coincidence???

    Ha ha only kidding!
    or am I???????

  5. Terry, we seriously need to talk about transgendered nuns. Wanna meet for coffee?

  6. Ray - Let's go and wear our tin-foil hats and capes!

    Larry - ya wanna join us?

    Nan - I responded by email.

  7. Terry - gosh darn it! I'm stocking the bomb shelter that day and running the family through end time scenarios. Just my luck!

  8. Terry:

    I can't find my old tin foil hat, but I did discover my old pyramid hat? Do you think that would work? I was really big into pyramids for a while.

    Still am, in a way.

    And I've got some of the ferns that Cathy gave me to use in disguises when I assume my liturgy copy role.

  9. Carol2:18 PM

    The really scary thing is knowing that twin brothers who were ordained priests somewhere in Ottawa still gather with their father as often as possible and talk about Illuminati (it was nightly for years). Every other raindrop only seems a raindrop, eh?



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