Monday, January 27, 2020

A Lutheran Convert in Our Lady's Court.

Don't even go there Fr. Z ... please.

Fr. Z sees 2 popes in the Fatima Secret.  No.  No. No.  Gosh!

About that secret.  Cardinal Ratzinger pretty much summed it up.  However, those who do not know how to deal with the retirement of a reigning Pontiff need to see some sort of extraordinary judgment on that.  C'mon.

What bothers me?  Not the part about persecution.  That’s a given.
Speculating on the Third Secret, Fr. Z goes on to observe:
Note that reference to seeing an image like to that of an image in a mirror.
When you see someone pass in front of a mirror, you see two of them, the real one and the image. Two.
Hence, in this case, the vision involved seeing two figures dressed in white, one being the real one and the other being the image of the real one. And, according to the description, LĂșcia says she saw whom she took to be the Pope and a figure that was not the Pope but an image like the Pope.
One figure the Pope and the other, close by, as in a mirror, not the Pope but looking like the Pope. - Fr. Z
He tries, I know.  I hope he prays his rosary.  Deeply, and consistently.  Devoutly.  Then Our Lady will never permit silly distortions like this to continue.  Our Lady did not put on a show or a morality tale.

On this day, the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, just remember, Our Lady at Fatima never mentioned by name her people who died in the camps.  Our Divine Mother encompasses all of humanity - she never enters into politics, much less the way the Petrine Office is conducted - EXCEPT to request prayers for the reigning Pontiff - at any time in history.

Stop playing with the secret.  Stop manipulating it for your agenda.  Our Lady is obedient to her Son, to the Church He established, and She is Mother of the Church.  Children and simple souls understand her message - they don't ever use it to condemn or judge, much worse, to play Pope against a retired Pope.  The secret is unfolding - no doubt - but not how those who should know better attempt to interpret it.


  1. I do not know any more Terry. The whole revelation is startling and, at least in part, unfulfilled. I agree that Our Lady would not play games or be coy, however, like Jesus, she is teaching us in parables what is important and what is not. I know Father Z is controversial, but his interpretation does not seem so far fetched. You know more then I do so I trust your critical opinion more then my own. Yet..............we are in uncharted waters. When My mind goes down this road of trying to understand the apparition messages I start looking at other documented occurrences of Our Lady's appearances. Like most things in life we look to find evidence to support for what we already believe. Lately, I have had a very active dream life. I believe our dreams are both a door to our unconscious and a portal to the spirit world. How many times did God act by sending a message in a dream? Lately I have had dreams that have included over a dozen of people I have known. Some well some not so well but all now dead. Just yesterday I asked some of my retired coworkers about a secretary we once worked with but long lost touch with. I was told, "she died a year ago." She has been in one dream just last week. Do not get the impression that I give this too much importance, like the interpretations of Fr. Z., I am uncertain what to make of it. Just an active imagination colored with my beliefs? Perhaps. Like I said I do not know much of anything anymore. For what it is worth, I pray my evening Rosary just before sleep. So, I feel protected not troubled and more then a little skeptical that it means anything at all.

    1. I think Fr. is mistaken in his interpretation. That said, I think dreams can have significance. I just had a dream of a former boss who is dead and he told me six weeks-months? before death. I wasn't sure if he was talking about me or the friend I care for. Then he called security to have me escorted out. I've had the most disturbing dreams lately and do not know what to make of them.


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