Monday, June 17, 2019

A priest forever.

From the NCRegister:

PRAYERS for Father Michael Los who died this morning! 
The Polish seminarian suffering w/ terminal cancer was ordained in his hospital bed in May. 
On the day he was ordained, he said: “Praised be Jesus Christ! Thank you for all your prayers, and I hope you continue praying. I bless all of you in the name of the Father & the Son & the Holy Spirit." 
—Father Michael Los. Requiescat in pace

In thanksgiving for the sacred ministry and holy priesthood of Fr. Michael.   Pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.  Amen.


  1. The same happened here in Monterey. The late and gracious Bishop Rich GarcĂ­a ordained Tom Agar to the priesthood in the ICU. I was blessed to have a long talk with Fr Tom before he went to God. Thank you for this posting, dear TJ.

    1. What special priests they are. Thanks for telling me about Fr. Agar.


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