Tuesday, October 09, 2018

So here's the deal about McCarrick.

It's being handled now.

They are talking, addressing, explaining, cautioning on how to interpret it, and so on.  The powers that be are in control and that's it.  I'm kind of over it, myself.  I actually feel sorry for McCarrick now.

I came across an article on how the Vatican is starting to address the case and was struck by the following commentary:
Obviously, many Catholics are outraged that church leaders who seem to have ready answers for how laypeople should live and behave have been so slow to figure out a way to stop sexual abuse by clergy and to hold bishops and cardinals accountable for their personal behavior and for the cover-up. - C. Wooden
I was outraged.

I've settled down now, but that point, how Church leaders are so quick to point out how laypeople are to live, who they can live with - or not - and what language they are to use when identifying themselves, while living a corrupt life themselves, is painful.

Now it will be handled officially and explained away - not without apologies of course, acknowledging "there were failures in the selection procedures implemented in his case", but we won't do that again, and so on.  They can argue among themselves as to who is the greatest all they want.  That's what they do.

He and I.

When I first returned to the sacraments, now decades ago, I sought God alone.  I used to search for places where I could be alone with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.  Few churches had adoration, except for one or two on Fridays, otherwise adoration chapels didn't exist.  So I prayed before the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle - all alone in the church, sometimes in a closet where the tabernacle was reserved.  Always undisturbed.  At Mass I sat alone and remained alone afterwards in thanksgiving.  I had no interest in bishops or Church 'politics'.  I had no interest in parish activities.  I had no interest in clubs or socials - none.

Now I'm old, and no one is interested in what I do or say, I'm free to return to that early love.  And let the dead bury their dead.


  1. "Church leaders are so quick to point out how laypeople are to live, who they can live with - or not - and what language they are to use when identifying themselves, while living a corrupt life themselves, is painful."

    True, but then again we have all lived with folks be they family or friends who have done the same. I live with some who are extremely sensitive to the point that one has to measure their words at times and at other times I just say, "to h*ll with it, I will be honest and speak my mind."

    I hope I too can seek God alone but family gets in the way and misunderstandings occur and I many times over lack the patience and the humility to accept it all. Please pray for me and thanks for doing so.

    I am glad the powers that are in control are finally taking the McCarrick matter up. I have nothing to add to what you have already said Terry except to continue to pray and to hope that truth and justice will prevail and to entrust the entire matter to St. Thomas More.

    I am also entrusting to him the manner in which many are suggesting that Cardinal Ouellet "is lying."

    From the recent article on the website Where Peter Is"

    "Instead of acknowledging the huge hole Ouellet’s letter punches on ViganĂ²’s testimony (a death blow in my opinion), anti-Francis critics have, unsurprisingly, doubled down. All across the Catholic social media, the immediate reaction to Ouellet’s intervention was a kneejerk one. “Ouellet is lying.” – they say, supposedly out of fear of reprisals from his superior. After all, the idea of Francis as a “Dictator Pope” is part of the narrative those critics constantly peddle. Of course, Ouellet’s tone is not one of a fearful person who is trying to lay low in fear of his superior… on the contrary, it’s the tone of a person who is in possession of the facts and forcefully presents them as such, showing even a hint of understandable frustration for seeing such a stubborn insistence on statements which are contradicted by those facts."


    Not one bit surprised ... I believe Cardinal Ouellet over those would soil his good name.

    1. I trust Cardinal Ouellet as well. Accusing him of lying, as well as calling the Pope a liar is unbelievable to me. I don't know how people can approach Communion with attitudes and statements like that. "May God rebuke him, we humbly pray." That is how we are taught to pray in the St. Michael prayer. It seems people have lost their 'fear of God'.

  2. I have scandal fatigue. I now do a meditation wherein I escort all these people to the door to put out of my mind. It feels good to have some control over at least my own thoughts. Let's face it, the Church has a long and sorid history of scandal and yet survives. All the material things matter no more then dust. The spiritual
    survives. I will stay faithful to that and let the rest bicker among themselves. Let the best man win, but they will still need to admit woman to real positions of influence and ministry to really change this corrupt culture.

  3. We have to keep our eyes on Jesus or we will sink as Peter did. Jesus, I trust in You. Amen.


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