Sunday, July 23, 2017

He's absolutely obsessed ...

Once again, Fr. notes ...
Spadaro, who is so focused on the life and works of Italian homosexual writer Pier Vittorio Tondelli that he created his own website about him (HERE).
It is at least the third time he mentioned it in as many days.  This time Tondelli is actually identified as a homosexual - I expect in case his readers did not know.  Earlier Fr. simply wrote:
The vicious attack piece is penned by Fr Antonio Spadaro, the Jesuit editor of Inciviltà cattolica. Fr. Spadaro is so interested in the life and works of Pier Vittorio Tondelli that he created his own website about him (HERE). - Z

What does it mean?


  1. I guess I don't get the connection...but then I hane not really followed any of this latest controversy.

  2. You are better off. ;)


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