Thursday, October 13, 2016

Archbishop Chaput quotes a friend of his.

The choice facing voters.

In the meantime, a friend describes the choice facing voters in November this way: A vulgar, boorish lout and disrespecter of women, with a serious impulse control problem; or a scheming, robotic liar with a lifelong appetite for power and an entourage riddled with anti-Catholic bigots. - Chaput, Weekly Column

That pretty much sums it up alright.

I couldn't have said it better.


  1. He's spot on for Clinton, but I don't think he goes far enough for Trump. He's also a race-baiting rabble-rouser of the worst sort who literally promises to run rough-shod over the constitution, attack religious liberty, free speech, etc., not to mention encourage hatred of the foreigner in our midst and outside it.

    What a lot of commentators seem to miss is that Christians have made Trump the public face of political Christianity, and the public face of the pro-life movement. We seem to forget that when we support this man, we cause grave scandal, driving souls further away from Christ, since we reveal ourselves to be hypocrites of the worst kind. When Mr. Focus on the Family James Dobson defends Trump's p****y-grabbing comments, why should anyone care what he says about the evils of pornography? What witness are we providing by encouraging this man and his (bowel) movement?

    It breaks my heart to drive around southern Louisiana and see all the "Vote Pro-Life" signs that crop up all over the place here every election season, only to see them juxtaposed with "TRUMP 2016 Make America Great Again!" When people say pro-lifers are hypocrites who don't actually care about women, or minorities, or anything else, what are we going to say to them?

  2. "What a lot of commentators seem to miss is that Christians have made Trump the public face of political Christianity, and the public face of the pro-life movement."

    Exactly! And if he is elected - heck - even if he isn't - the Catholics who have said, 'you must vote for Trump or you commit mortal sin', will be the first to get the backlash - if not sooner - then later. The fallout will be similar to what happened in Spain after Franco. He was so connected to the Church, many young people later abandoned the faith because of the apparent blanket endorsement of the regime by the hierarchy.

    Thanks Merc - BTW - hope all is well w/you and Fr. Frank - prayed much for you during the worst of the flooding.

  3. I don't know how many times I've read the Register or listened to Catholic radio this election season and wanted to scream because they are constantly harping on every evil a Clinton administration would bring (and there are many of them), but soft-pedaling Trump, and refusing to address the multiple intrinsic evils he champions. If they're mentioned at all, it's only in passing, and we are told that yeah sure there are other evils, but that there's a hierarchy of evils and abortion is at the top. This isn't basically code for "Catholics should support any candidate as long as the other one is pro-abortion, no matter *what else* there is to consider. No, never mind the fact that Trump would completely wreck the economy and our international standing, never mind that having his name associated with the pro-life movement WILL discredit any moral authority it had - all things which could very well lead to an increase in the number of abortions anyway. We need to hand-wave his support of punitive torture, targeting of civilians, expansion of nuclear weapons, and mass deportation because "abortion!" This is madness.

    I am in no way whatsoever endorsing Clinton. I'm voting for Evan McMullin because we couldn't get the American Solidarity Party on the ballot here in Louisiana. I think Hillary Clinton is dangerous in many ways, though I think the folks who call her "literal Hitler" or basically Satan him/herself are taking it too far. But the fact is, even if we somehow get Wikileaks that she is literally in league with Satan and wants to destroy the Church - that still wouldn't be enough for me to vote Trump. Christians should be thinking about standing for truth and goodness in the face of persecution, not blowing all our credibility and witness voting for a demagogue who is literally the antithesis of the Beatitudes and all the cardinal virtues, apart from his disgustingly anti-Christian policy positions.

    Is there any example from Scripture or the saints where God urged his people to save themselves by actively promoting and making excuses for evil? If we think persecution is coming our way and we're so afraid that we will prostitute ourselves to any strong man who makes tenuous promises to protect us, does that make us brave? Trump's "promises" to Christians always strike me as hauntingly similar to Satan's temptation of Christ - I'll save you if you bow down and worship me.

    I'm just fine - I wasn't adversely affected by the floods, but I did put in some time to help people who were. I'm getting married next month, so keep me and my fiancée in your prayers! You're in mine, my friend.

    1. Best wishes on your marriage - you two are in my prayers to St. Joseph every night. I'm so happy for you.

      Thanks for writing your thoughts on the election as well. They will help many undecided voters.

    2. When I was at church this afternoon, I began to wonder about all the chaos and mud slinging that has everyone either entertained or in knots. I thought, "what's the worst that can happen?" Who knows?
      Maybe the next president will be so bogged down dealing with Obama's leftovers with regards to Syria, ISIS, North Korea, Iran (who is now reported to soon become involved in the bomb tossing at our Navy) the Saudis being sued by 9/11 families, our police officers being shot/ambushed left and right ... on and on and on ... good luck cause it ain't gonna be about preening in front of the cameras or cackling a fake laugh ... the next president has their work cut out for them big time.

      Then suddenly ... I had to stop thinking about it all as I had forgotten I came to visit my friend who resides in the Blessed Sacrament.

  4. Btw that should read "this IS basically code for"

  5. Well here we have high level Catholics having e mail discussions with each other and a man of Jewish heritage about Catholic issues and politics. Hillary does not enter into any of this herself. The discussion O read could have taken place in any Catholic group anywhere in this country. Go to many Catholic blogs and you see this and worse. Then consider what is accurate and what is altered to be more sensational. One r mail refers to a revolution against Bishops seems somewhat suspect to me. The Russians speak a lot about revolution. Catholics not so much. Catholics I know talk about withholding money from the Bishop not burning down his house. Anyway, the source is suspect. Russians and Julian Assauge are not people I would put much trust in. I know many are outraged. Church Militant is going crazy beating the hate drum and of course money raising too. Nothing this whole cast of characters does or says has any effect on my faith and practice.To me this is more fear mongering: a tempest in the teapot.

    1. Yeah I find this latest "scandal" completely overblown - leftists seek to use political activists to turn the church in their direction? That's totally never happened before! Mark Shea had a great piece about this today.

    2. You know Mark Shea is a hairitic, right?

      Awful hair.


  6. That sums our two presidential candidates very well.

  7. The only reason I supported Trump at first, besides not wanting another Clinton near the White House, was that he didn't give two craps about social issues, one way or the other. He could have cared less about gay marriage or abortion...(I am not pro abortion, I just think there are better ways to deal with this then banning abortions and "defunding planned parenthood") and was going to concentrate on the economy and defense. Then he cynically pandered to the Religious Right by getting Pence on board and turning around on abortion..(to his credit he still could care less if the gays get married or not...) and they went NUTS and told everyone that if they not only voted for Hillary but also not voted FOR Trump they were going to hell in a hand basket. And then Trump showed his true colors and they still are ready to (metaphorically as they are Far Right Christians) get in bed with him. The guy is talking about seducing married women when he was married and those people are still supporting him..(one blogger, who posts so much about sexual sins, hilarioulsy showed how titilated she was by Trump Talk that she posted that this was how MAN talks, his wife understands her man (and where those millions are coming from) and who the left was so prudish to be shocked about a man talking about sex in a marriage (leaving out or not quite understanding he was talking about sex with someone married to someone else!)

    But do they think, once he gets into office he will do a damn thing about any of the issues they hold near and dear to their hearts? He could STILL care less about any of that and he will forget all the promises he made. How many business deals has he backed out of? How many lies has he told? The fundies will be left with egg on their faces.

    Though I still aint voting for Hillary! What a freak show we have this year.

  8. Mack I have been were you are. I looked to both Johnson and Stein for options but am disappointed with both. My family got tired of my harranging against the Clintons. They were worried I was demented. I am in NY so I will not sway the election one way or the other. I am against abortion but that is not a factor in Presidential election despite all the hype. It will take a Constitutional Amendment to change established law. No one is working on this. As for the Court: there is never a guarantee that a Justice will vote in a particular way on any subject. Remember conservative Earl Warren? So, at this point, as Trump is trying to forment violence, I am feeling pushed into a Hillary vote or no vote for President. I suppose a write in is a choice too. We need a cool down period like one week before voting to try and deal rationally with all this bad behavior.

    1. Good point on the Constitutional Amendment and the Justices...(though I am naive enough that it shouldn't matter if your a conservative or liberal...they are basing their judgements on the rule of law not from a political perspective.)

      Oh well this too shall pass..hopefully without too much harm.

  9. ....there are evangelical prophecies that there will be No Election this year. We should be so lucky.
    I wish we could just Start Over Again, eliminating Both Clinton and Trump.
    but...who could stand it ? I think the entire nations is just wigging out.

  10. Ah those evangelicals and their prophecies... it kinda betrays their America-centric viewpoint, as if the US is the central focus of God's plans, or has a special mission from God. Instead, we're one nation among many, and like others before us, when we ignore God we get our own comeuppance. And the fact is that the religious right abandoned Christianity for worldly gain a long time ago.


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