Saturday, March 28, 2015

St. Teresa's Birthday

28 March 1515

Santa Madre.

St Teresa knew that neither prayer nor mission can be sustained without authentic community life. Therefore, the foundation that she laid in her monasteries was fraternity: "Here everyone must love one another, care for each other and help one another" (ibid., 4, 7). And she was very careful to warn her sisters about the danger of individualism in fraternal life, which consists "all or almost all in the denial of ourselves and of our own comforts" (ibid., 12, 2) and to place ourselves at the service of others. To avoid this risk, the saint of Avila recommended to her sisters, first of all, the virtue of humility, which is neither outward neglect nor inner shyness of the soul, but each knowing their own abilities and what God can do in us (cf. Relations, 28). The opposite is what she calls "false point of honour" (Life, 31, 23), a source of gossip, jealousy and criticism, which severely damage relationships with others. Teresian humility consists of self-acceptance, awareness of one’s own dignity, missionary courage, gratitude and trust in God. - Letter of Pope Francis to the Discalced Carmelites

St. Teresa is the perfect saint for sinners.  I need to renew my devotion to her... promptly.


  1. Santa Teresa!

    Felicidades, Santa Madre. I remember with gratitude the silent seven day retreat up in the beautiful Palos Verde Peninsula. Fr. Gregory ELmer, OSB was the retreat master and his topic was the life of Santa Teresa de Avila and the Interior Castle.

    He has a relic of St. Theresa. He shared with us many wonderful stories too. I remember talking to her in Spanish and asking her to walk with me...alas the years have come and gone and I forgot her.

    Today, like you, Terry I too need to renew my devotion to her. I cannot let those long talks I had with her go by the wayside.;p

  2. She looks good for 500.

  3. I think she would approve of the advice Cinderella's mother gave her before she died. "Be brave and kind."

  4. What most impresses me about her is her enormous store of humor-assisted common sense. She should be the patroness of those who have it--and, even more, those who should pray for some. ¡Felliz cumpleaƱos, querida santa!


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