Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Watched the Life of Muhammad on PBS...

How could anyone possibly believe he was sent by God?  How can anyone see Islam as a religion of peace?  The Prophet was nearly continuously involved in warfare. 
The Mohammedan temper was not tolerant. It was, on the
contrary, fanatical and bloodthirsty. It felt no respect for, nor even
curiosity about, those from whom it differed. It was absurdly vain of
itself, regarding with contempt the high Christian culture about it. It
still so regards it even today. - Hilaire Belloc


  1. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Yesterday I was thinking, not about MuḼammad, though about what "preaching the Gospel" has come to mean today. It seems often to be reduced to ethics - I think this transition has paved the way to a more 'horizontal' view of the Church, and so also to seeking peace where can be no peace (peace which ignores this past Sunday's Gospel, for instance) and a seeking of heaven on earth (forgetting what you pointed to a few posts back - that here we have no lasting city). I don't hear much of that. One of the implications of this is the downplaying of the identify of Christ - and so faith in Him - as itself "the Gospel".

    To preach the Gospel used to mean to preach Him and Him crucified. It was a mystery that 'divided' because it is a scandal to our worldly sensibilities just as it was in His time on earth (and Paul's). But the primacy and exclusivity of Christ is just as much - actually, more so - the essence of the Gospel as ethics or the horizontal application of what Christ preached.

    And so I think this opens the door for Mohammedan apologetics.

    1. I think you are right - I find it very confusing at times.

  2. Nostra Aetate addresses your concerns.

    1. Thom,

      It wouldn't address yours very well if you lived in a majority-Muslim country. You wouldn't need a persecution complex then, not when you have a real one on your hands.

  3. I saw this as well and it was like watching a re-write of history to convince the masses of the innocense of was shocking to hear/see the defenses and protestations, none of which were believable. Trust the PBS....

    1. I totally agree - the defenses impressed me as a whitewash.

  4. Its worth noting that radical Islamic propaganda organizations such as CAIR and Al Jazeera (sp?) are pouring big money into progressive media and government machines in the UK and USA. If people believe that a man like Al Gore, living in a 20,000 sq ft house, really cares about the environment, then they are going to believe that now that Al Jazeera is selling global warming - BIG BROTHER has spoken.


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