Saturday, November 27, 2010

Today is the feast of the Medal of the Immaculate Conception.

Otherwise known as the Miraculous Medal.
O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.  - This prayer causes demons to flee.

Friday, November 26, 2010

After Thanksgiving stuffing...

Spewing random stuff.
Apparitions (spurious):  The 1948 Filipino 'Lipa apparitions of Mary Mediatrix of All Graces' to a Carmelite novice are:
a) false
b) true
c) approved
d) disapproved
e) all of the above
f) none of the above

Who knows?  Spirit Daily posted the declaration, Vatican rules Filipino apparition not supernatural.  I skimmed the report and find it confusing - ruled not supernatural but the devotion is fine?  That is my impression.  I bet that will be the case with Medjugorje too - which is why I'm paying attention to this story BTW.
Exorcists (silenced):  Pewsitters had a link to some questions raised about what happened to Fr. Euteneuer and his book on exorcism?  I answered this in a comment box awhile back - just my opinion to be sure, since I have no direct knowledge of the situation - but neither did the questioner.  However, any reasonable person can speculate that Fr. Euteneuer was returned to ordinary diocesan assignment most likely because his book, Exorcism and the Church Militant, which was also pulled from publication, was perhaps just a tad more extreme than what the bishops would have said on the subject themselves - in other words, he got ahead of the bishops.  (Just my opinion, of course.) 
It appears Euteneuer also spoke well of the now suppressed religious group, the Intercessors of the Lamb in his book, so it could be as simple as pulling the book back for editorial needs.  Nevertheless, I'm still thinking there is more to the story than that - despite the fact the USCCB just conducted a seminar on exorcism a couple of weeks ago, and I didn't notice his name amongst the speakers.  Blaming stuff on the devil makes the Church look pre-Vatican II, if not completely medieval - at least that is what some modernists in the hierarchy fear.  What follows are some excerpts from interviews Fr. Euteneuer gave - my source links to the original stories no longer work - so I will link to the blog posts where I first published them.
Euteneuer stresses, “exorcism is a pastoral ministry and the explicit form of exorcism is a liturgical rite which can only be done by priests.”
"The Church has good reason to avoid popularizing exorcism, and affirming the sensationalist or dismissive accounts of the culture at large," said Father Euteneuer. "At the same time, this necessary discretion has led to the rite being neglected in many areas, at precisely the time when it is most needed to deliver those who have succumbed to the increasing deceptions of the devil in these troubling times."
"Our culture is ever more saturated with enticements to the occult and other dangerous spiritual and moral choices. Clarifying what exorcism is and underlining the urgency for both clergy and the faithful is key if we're going to start confronting Satan where he is making so much headway, in our homes and communities." - Fr. Euteneuer
In today's day and age, Satan is growing exponentially more powerful due to the enormity of human sinfulness, and the Church must confront his power either willingly or unwillingly. Satan is normally "hidden in the dark sea of human sin and error," like Leviathan of the Old Testament, but nowadays he is walking tall in powerful structures of sin like abortion, pornography, sex slavery, rapacious greed and terrorism. He flexes his muscles in the massive diffusion of errors and sinful practices like the doctrines of myriad false religions, pernicious ideologies like radical feminism and "pro-choice" extremism, the militant homosexual movement and the aggressive mass media which is the ministry of propaganda for Satan and all his works and all his empty promises. - Fr. Euteneuer
Black Friday and the herd mentalityNorth Korea threatens war and Americans shop en masse for trivialities - make wishlists and encourage consumption...  everyone needs a Mac.
Thanksgiving Holiday.  It's a secular event.  It's over.  Secular Christmas season is here!!!!!!

Feeder-Feed and Holiday Wishlist....

Remember, after Thanksgiving, the homeless still don't have much more than they had the Wednesday before...
Don't forget to donate to the real poor this season... a check in between your Mystic Monk order and liquor store bill would be just fine.
BTW - USPS, UPS, Fedex cannot deliver without an address.  Just saying.

Happy Thanksgiving.

This summer there were wild turkeys in our neighborhood - for some reason I can't post the photo however.  My cool neighbor posted it to her blog here.  This turkey family strutted up and down the alley and around people's yards and were just as polite as could be.  I live in the city - but there was some freeway construction not too far from here, and I suspect their habitat may have been disturbed.  A few neighbors wanted to eat them, which I find disgusting.  I'm not fond of turkey, and I do not like killing everything that walks by the house.  An interesting note:  Over the years, I have seen the following wild animals either in my yard or in my very urban neighborhood:  Deer.  Fox.  Raccoons.  Muskrat.  Rabbits of course.  Nesting wood-duck beneath my hedge.  Voles/moles.  Mouses.  Hawks.  Feral cats.  Lesbians.
So anyway - happy Thanksgiving everyone!  Here is some stuff I'm thankful for...
A place to live.  Heat and air conditioning.  Stuff to eat and drink.  A car to drive.  Friends and cats and dogs and bunny rabbits.  My religion.  Faith, hope and love amidst failure and trial.  The mercy of God.  Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, Our Lady and St. Joseph, the angels and saints.  My friends and my family.  Joy and sorrow.  Blue skies and cloudy days.  Sister death.
I can't mention names - because if I forget anyone some one will certainly be offended - but my best wishes and prayers and thanksgiving to all my friends and those especially who may not like me, and of course - to every one whom I have ever offended - which happens to be most people who know me BTW.  Happy Thanksgiving and God bless you.  And thanks for being my friend - despite the fact just admitting that may tarnish your reputation.  LOL!  No - I'm serious.
Just for you ________:

ROFLMAO!  Happy Day!

Feast of St. Catherine of Alexandria

Disputation over the body of St. Catherine.
These days, art historians, modern hagiographers and monastics often propose the legend that angels carried the body of the saint to Sinai is a myth, and that it is more likely that monks translated her relics to Sinai.  Monastic life was once referred to as the angelic life, hence the theory angels(monks) removed the relics to the monastery of St. Catherine's in Sinai.  They say similar things about the Holy House of Loreto.  Poor materialistic souls.
Anyway - In addition to being Thanksgiving in the U.S., this day is also the feast of Catherine of Alexandria, the saint, and her namesake - the very angelic,  Cathy of Alex.  Happy feast day Cathy!
Art:  St. Catherine being carried to Mt. Sinai by Henri Lehmann

Yeah - but the Pope never said anything about homosexuals and the priesthood.

Yes he did.
So like, everyone, just keep freaking out about whether or not the Pope approved condoms all you want - the bigger news is that the Holy Father also reiterated the perennial teaching of the Church that homosexual inclination/acts remain  intrinsically disordered and most definitely incompatible with the priesthood. 
One of the miseries of the church.
"The interviewer, German journalist Peter Seewald, asked the pope whether the church's teaching that homosexuals deserve respect isn't contradicted by its position that homosexual acts are "intrinsically disordered."
The pope answered: "No. It is one thing to say that they are human beings with their problems and their joys, that as human beings they deserve respect, even though they have this inclination, and must not be discriminated against because of it."
"At the same time, though, sexuality has an intrinsic meaning and direction, which is not homosexual," he said. "The meaning and direction of sexuality is to bring about the union of man and woman and, in this way, to give humanity posterity, children, a future."
The pope said the church needs to hold firm on this point, "even if it is not pleasing to our age."
He said it was still an open question whether homosexual inclinations are innate or arise early in life. In any case, he said, if these are strong inclinations, it represents "a great trial" for the homosexual.

"But this does not mean that homosexuality thereby becomes morally right. Rather, it remains contrary to the essence of what God originally willed," he said.
When Seewald said that homosexuality exists in monasteries and among the clergy, even if not acted out, the pope responded: "Well, that is just one of the miseries of the church. And the persons who are affected must at least try not to express this inclination actively."
"Homosexuality is incompatible with the priestly vocation. Otherwise, celibacy itself would lose its meaning as a renunciation. It would be extremely dangerous if celibacy became a sort of pretext for bringing people into the priesthood who don't want to get married anyway," the pope said.
The pope cited a 2005 Vatican document that drew a sharp line against priestly ordination of homosexuals. He said the document emphasized that homosexual candidates cannot become priests because their sexual orientation interferes with "the proper sense of paternity" that belongs to the priesthood.
The pope said it was important to select priestly candidates very carefully, "to head off a situation where the celibacy of priests would practically end up being identified with the tendency to homosexuality." - CNS
Another misery...
The Holy Father said, "to head off a situation where the celibacy of priests would practically end up being identified with the tendency to homosexuality."
That's pretty much what people think already - and I suspect many cardinals and bishops know it too.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Raymond Cardinal Burke

An especially good photo of the Cardinal.
John Sonnen has some more excellent photos on his blog.

The Pope.

Figure it out.

"Yesterday I asked him whether Our Lord had more than one nature. He said: 'Just as many as you say, Father.' Then again I asked him: 'Supposing the Pope looked up and saw a cloud and said 'It's going to rain', would that be bound to happen?' 'Oh, yes, Father.' 'But supposing it didn't?' He thought a moment and said, "I suppose it would be sort of raining spiritually, only we were too sinful to see it.'" - Fr. Mowbray, Brideshead Revisited

Some maxims I like.

You must be willing, for the love of God, to suffer all things, namely: labors and sorrows, temptations and vexations, anxieties, necessities, sickness, injuries, detractions, reprehensions, humiliations, confusion, correction, and contempt. - [James 1.2.] Imitation, Bk. III, Chp. 35:2
You will find all that in a manner lost, which you have  placed in men apart from Jesus. - Imitation, Bk. II, Chp. 7:2
You will soon be deceived if you only regard the outward show of men. - Imitation, Bk. II, Chp. 7:3
"Discover not thy heart to every one." - Ecclus, VIII, 22
“He that flatters you more than you desire either has deceived you or wishes to deceive.” - Italian Proverb
John of the Cross tells us flattery and vain praise frequently involves deception and vanity, as Isaias warns: 'My people, whoever praises you deceives you.' - [Is. 3:12] - Ascent, Bk. III: 22, 2

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Jackpot! So who can use a condom?

Degrees of evil...  blow'd up real good!
"This is a game-changer," said the Rev. James Martin, a Jesuit editor and writer. "By acknowledging that condoms help prevent spread of HIV between people in sexual relationships, the pope has completely changed the Catholic discussion on condoms."

In the book, the pope was not justifying or condoning gay sex, condoms as a means of artificial contraception or heterosexual sex outside of a marriage. He reaffirms the Vatican opposition to homosexual acts and artificial contraception and reaffirms the inviolability of marriage between man and woman.
But by broadening the condom comments to also apply to women, the pope is saying that condom use is a lesser evil than passing HIV onto a partner even when pregnancy is possible.

"We're not just talking about an encounter between two men, which has little to do with procreation. We're now introducing relationships that could lead to childbirth," Martin said.
While the lesser evil concept has long been a tenet of moral theology, the pope's comments mark the first time a pope had ever publicly applied the theory to condom use as a way to fight HIV transmission.

Individual bishops and theologians have applied that theory, but it had previously been rejected at the highest levels of the Vatican and theologians have been disciplined for voicing it, Martin said.
Monsignor Jacques Suaudeau, an expert at the Vatican's bioethics advisory board, said the pope was articulating the theological idea that there are degrees of evil.

"Contraception is not the worst evil. The church does not see it as good, but the church does not see it as the worst," he told The Associated Press. "Abortion is far worse. Passing on HIV is criminal. That is absolute irresponsibility." - Source
Jackpot!  This is getting really interesting now!  Just when I'm thinking I should stop blogging, the --it hits the fan big time - "this is a game-changer".
Looks like North Korea's blowing up good too!

Rethinking Christopher West and other Catholic punching bags.

Getting a grip.
The brouhaha over what the pope really said in the Peter Seewald interview sent me back to my copy of Salt of the Earth - thanks to Michael R., a conscientious objector and commenter on this blog from time to time, who reminded me about the earlier interview.  I spent some time this morning re-reading points I checked earlier - taking time to meditate if you will, what was being discussed.
I'm just a student as it were, a learner.  I was reminded of this when I came across a response by then Cardinal Ratzinger at the beginning of Seewald's interview.  Seewald asked Cardinal Ratzinger about his 'private' opinion on cases before the CDF - if he exercised it in discussions and debates - as if the Prefect had the power to dictate the teaching of the Church - imposing his private opinion, etc..  (It is my understanding decisions are arrived at when consultors are in 'substantial agreement' and implemented after approval by the pope.)  But I digress.
What impressed me is how Ratzinger responded to the question regarding his private opinion - it is quite humbling to consider, coming from such a learned and brilliant scholar:
"[...] I worked for many years as a professor, and I still try my best to keep up with the theological discussion.  Naturally I have my own ideas about how theology should look; I also express them in my own publications." - Salt of the Earth; Words and Signs
As for me, it is all too convenient to have my own ideas and express them in my own publications (blog), but how much do I know so much?  To whom am I accountable?  A man without training and even without access to consultation with expert consultors.  At one point in the interview discussing the apparent slowness of the Vatican, the Cardinal points out that some questions resolve themselves in time without intervention.  Yet I want everything to be reformed and settled over night. 
Asked if the Cardinal would have to contradict himself on occasion, Ratzinger responded:
"Let's put it this way: time can certainly bring correction.  I can simply learn through dialogue that I haven't seen this or that matter properly.  [...]  A development through further learning that also brings a correction of past views is entirely within the realm of possibility."  Salt of the Earth; Words and Signs
So what's my point?  As a blogger I need to be open to correction and contradiction of my ideas - especially when it emanates from a critical spirit.  Hence what appears to be my own backtracking on certain matters is usually a development of learning.  As I always say and everyone must understand, I'm no authority.
That said, I thought of Chris West and all of the criticism he has undergone after I came across another reply by Cardinal Ratzinger to a question regarding young priests in youth ministry:
"This means that young priests out in the youth ministry who in part have problems proclaiming the sexual morality of the Church as they are supposed to be can be forgiven if on occasion they say something that you don't like? 
Yes of course, if the basic intention is there.  That is the crucial point.  No one unfailingly finds the right means at the first go." - Salt of the Earth; The Prefect and His Pope
I'm not making any defense or apology for West and the TOB enthusiasts, I'm just saying that though I may take issue with certain points, I'm not competent to critique his entire body of work for instance.  The Cardinal (Rigali), bishops and priests and academics who more or less oversee these matters are the competent authority to answer questions and objections regarding the theology of the body.
Hopefully, if indeed I continue this blog, I can be less repellent to persons genuinely interested in the faith, the Church, and Catholicism.  I'm afraid the critical spirit gets the best of me at times and I frequently fail in charity when discussing contemporary morality and church-people.

Monday, November 22, 2010

WDTPRS? The Pope - what did he really say?

It's not just about condos either.

Peter Seewald's book promises to be a best seller after all the press it has generated.  So far I think everyone clearly understands how brilliant and compassionate Benedict XVI really is - and of course, that he is above all, totally Catholic and faithful.  After all, he is the Pope.

I especially like these snippets from Catholic News Service, which help dispel a few other myths about what the pope really says/thinks:
Communion in the hand:  "He said he began distributing Communion on the tongue during papal Masses not because he was opposed to Communion in the hand, but to "send a signal" about respect for the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist."  (See! - your hands aren't really going to turn black and fall off in the casket after you are dead just because you received in the hand.)
Intolerance and discrimination:  "The pope said the church's task is threatened by a "new intolerance" that would limit religious expression in the name of non-discrimination, for example in banning the display of crucifixes in public schools, or in condemning specific church teachings.  "When, for example, in the name of non-discrimination, people try to force the Catholic Church to change her position on homosexuality or the ordination of women, then that means she is no longer allowed to live out her own identity," he said.

Contraception:  He defended the 1968 encyclical "Humanae Vitae," which taught that artificial contraception in marriage is morally wrong, but said the church needs to find ways to help people live the teaching and show tolerance to those who have problems with it.  (I'm so surprised people didn't take off on this one - 'show tolerance to those who have problems with it.')

Fr. Maciel:  Pope Benedict said Father Maciel remains for him "a mysterious figure," one who lived an immoral and twisted life but who built up his religious order with dynamism -- a "false prophet" who nevertheless had a "positive effect."   (For me this one needs a lot more explaining.)
Catholic blogs and the kitch they schlep:  "I don't read many blogs except for Abbey-Roads and a few other academic blogs.  Actually Georg discovered Abbey thinking it had something to do with the Beatle's - we both love Lennon/McCartney music.  Anyway - he got me interested in it - it's very clever - although sometimes Monsignor gets upset with some of the things Terry says - and that amuses me to no end."  Asked about some of the more commercial blogs by priests and the kitch they attempt to pawn off on Catholics, the Holy Father just rolled his eyes and waved off the question after pretending to stick his finger down his throat as if to make himself vomit.
Photo:  No - it is not packaging for what you think - it is a button, sold on another site.  What?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Mass Chat: Pretend I'm the homeless guy someone dragged in off the street for donuts and coffee talk.

Just shooting my mouth off today.
News Update:  I suppose most of my readers have noted that Nazareth Priest hasn't commented all week - he is in Rome for Cardinal Burke's Red Hat Society ceremony.
Answering holiday queries...
A friend asked what I planned to do on Thanksgiving.  The official line is this, "Oh, I'm going to my sisters, she has a large family and it is so nice to get together for the holidays with all of them."  That's what I tell people who ask me over to their house or ask what I plan to do, as if I'm a really lonely guy with no place to go.  Even if you called me after reading this and asked me over, I would still repeat the same story.  If you said, "I know you are making that up!"  I would still stick to that story.  If you ran into me the day after Thanksgiving and asked me pitifully, "So what did you do for Thanksgiving?"  I would still stick to that story.
"But it's a lie!"  You might argue...
My thoughts on the holidays:
I don't do anything on Thanksgiving - I pretty much hold my breath till it's over.  I never 'got it' - a day set aside for Thanksgiving, the big feast and stuff. I know what the holiday is all about, but I never got it. I never really cared.  For me it is in the same category as a parade or a circus - I don't get that stuff either.  Religious people like to say, well it is a day we give thanks to God for all of his blessings.  I prefer to do that everyday and at Mass: Eucharist - thanksgiving, very close.  In fact the priest's homily for today was all about how the Mass is just like Thanksgiving dinner.  Eye roll.  I'm sure it worked for most of those listening.  Anyway, I love Christmas - despite the fact I use the same excuse when invited out for Christmas - "Oh, I'm going to my sister's!" 
Condom conundrum.
I don't think the pope should be giving so many interviews - Queen Elizabeth doesn't - the Royals pretty much keep their mouths shut.  Anyway - public discussion of this topic corrupts young minds.  When I was little, whenever the subject of rubbers was brought up, most of the boys in 8th and 9th grade wanted to try them out.  You know what I'm saying Master B.
Gay high school boys.
Speaking of corrupting young minds...  So that kid at Benilde-St. Margaret's is in the news again - he wants the Catholic high school to establish a gay/straight alliance club in the school.  What a trouble maker - he wants acceptance and protection from bullying.  When I was in high school and you even acted gay - POW!  So knock it off kid, and toughen up.  You can't be gay until you are eighteen!
Oh, oh!  here comes the pastor to escort me out, yelling:  "Grab your donuts and coffee jerk - you're outta here!"  I knew I should have gone to my sister's!
(So now you see why I don't go home for the holidays or participate in donuts and coffee after Mass.)

Mixed messages? Not at all.

Straight talk on Church teaching.

According to a new book, the Pope says condoms are okay for male prostitutes.  Asked why the sudden change, the Holy Father reportedly said, "They're going to hell anyway."

That's all folks!  (Yep, I made that up.)

So anyway, here's the real story...  Balloons for Austria.

Naturally members of the Vatican press are falling all over themselves to correct any misunderstanding as regards Church teaching...  the actual, really real story here:  Condom usage is a sticky subject.  Or you can just read Fr. Z and his commenters and find out what the wordpress-magisterium thinks.
Evidently the subject of blow-up dolls was not even discussed  in the interview.  Pity.
H/T Tom in Vegas
Photo:  Austrian condom WYD liturgical celebration.  (Yep - I made that up too.)