Blessed Miguel Pro, S.J.

Blessed Miguel Pro

Does our life become from day to day more painful, 
more oppressive, more replete with afflictions? 
Blessed be He a thousand times who desires it so. 
If life be harder, love makes it also stronger, and only this love, 
grounded on suffering, 
can carry the Cross of my Lord Jesus Christ. 
Love without egotism, without relying on self, 
but enkindling in the depth of the heart an ardent thirst 
to love and suffer for all those around us: 
a thirst that neither misfortune nor contempt can extinguish... 
I believe, O Lord; but strengthen my faith... 
Heart of Jesus, I love Thee; but increase my love. 
Heart of Jesus, I trust in Thee; but give greater vigor to my confidence. 
Heart of Jesus, I give my heart to Thee; 
but so enclose it in Thee that it may never be separated from Thee. 
Heart of Jesus, I am all Thine; 
but take care of my promise 
so that I may be able to put it in practice 
even unto the complete sacrifice of my life.
- Bl. Miguel Pro shortly before his death.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

What does Thanksgiving mean today?

Mr. Pitt was forbidden to watch 
the Macy’s Thanksgiving day parade as a child 
but made up for it when he won a ticket 
to hold the rope for the Woody Woodpecker balloon.

This will sound bad, but it seems to me it means whatever anyone wants it to mean.  It used to be about the harvest and thanking God for his blessings and so on.  It also used to be such feast days were preceded by penance and fasting.  The feast day, like a Sunday was meant as a day of rest as well as feasting with family and friends.

As a Catholic, I know every Mass or Eucharist is a Thanksgiving.  But Sundays are now shopping days and sports days.  As are most holidays.  As Americans, we have so much, and when we see what others have lost, we instinctively express gratitude for what we still have.  We also share more in the face of crisis - which is very good.  Sharing, alms giving is maybe better than prayer and fasting - except - all three together is what makes us saintly.  If we accept God's grace to do that, then we have very much to be grateful for.

Now that I'm old, for me Thanksgiving is no longer a sentimental journey, it's just what it is - a holiday to kick off Christmas season, and a reminder to give alms.  It's the least demanding holiday ever - for old men.  You get to stay home and do whatever and not feel guilty.  Ha!

Happy Thanksgiving Poodles! 

If you have to eat with others,
watch your manners.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Here it comes ... USCCB released the following statement regarding Catholic alt-right social media groups.

No matter how bad things got, Mean Gene Okerlund was 
always a gentleman when he conducted his interviews.

Warning Catholic to use extreme caution.
In response to repeated requests for comment from NBC News, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops released the following response from their spokesman Bishop Christopher Coyne of Burlington, Vermont: 
“The promotion and defense of the faith should invite an encounter with the merciful love of Christ and contribute to a more civil and peaceful dialogue in our church and society,” he said. “I urge my brothers and sisters to exercise extreme caution before giving credence to anyone who instigates shameful, digital stoning as a way to defend the Church. Catholic participation in the public square should be marked by both fidelity to the Gospel and to charity toward all our fellow citizens.” - Source

Works for me.

I'd say it's about time as well - I wish they were more specific and name the sites.  Has anyone seen the video of Michael Voris chasing down Bishop Malone?  Michael is chasing him while pulling his luggage and holding onto his shopping bag, trying to get the bishop to respond to his questions.  I never turned the sound on, but it was funny.

Vortex-TMZ style ambush interviews.

Monsignor Bux the system ...

Where there is smoke there is papam.

Habemus papam.

To address the current crisis, Msgr. Bux suggested that an examination of the “juridical validity” of Pope Benedict’s XVI’s resignation was in order to “overcome problems that today seem insurmountable to us.” The theologian consultor to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints was implying that further study of the situation could reveal that Francis is not and has never been a valid pope, but is, in fact, an antipope who could be removed from the papacy, thus nullifying his "insurmountable" errors. - Source

It's so over my head.  But I'm pretty sure the resignation was valid - Benedict made that clear.  Pope Francis was elected and is the Pope.  I wonder if they could just go back to debating how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, instead?


Sunday, November 18, 2018

If I were a monsignor or a bishop ...

I would resign.

Instead of complaining that they are not branch managers of the Vatican or that the Pope isn't doing what they want him to do - resign.  Throw your mitre and crosier in the ditch.  Renounce your titles and comfy homes, and just be a priest.  Maybe a missionary priest right in your own diocese.  Or just be a pastor, but without all the honors.  Prove that you aren't a slave to clericalism.  Especially if you have a more lowly title, such as domestic prelate - give it back.

I know lay people who serve the poor and evangelize among the poor - without recompense.  They have families, but they respond to the needs of others, without fanfare.  They don't sit behind a desk or write articles for newspapers, or flash their good works online for people to see.  They aren't on TV shows complaining about the Pope.  They really live the Gospel.

Just a thought.