Saturday, October 31, 2015

Parabola article on Monastero Di Bose

Bianchi with Pope Francis

When I first heard of Patheos I confused it with Parabola, a print magazine on spirituality.

I came across an issue of Parabola at the grocery store which included an article on the monastic community of Bose, in Italy.  Pope Francis received the Prior, Enzo Bianchi once or twice and was criticized for doing so.  I can't recall why - but I'm pretty sure the critics believe he's some sort of heretic.

Anyway - I discovered that the article I bought the magazine for is online here: Parabola visits Monastero Di Bose.  I read it, found it an interesting take on contemporary monasticism, and didn't notice anything heretical - but I'm not a scholar or lawyer.

The community reminds me a bit of Shakers - who lived celibate lives in a mixed community, but unlike Shakers, the Bose community is liturgical.  It's an interesting concept - I maybe would want to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.

Speaking with Prior Enzo Bianchi
“At a certain moment there was an intuition that instead of dedicating my life to politics, toward which I was leaning, I should lead a Christian life—just that. In time I thought of monastic life. There were three with me, another young man and two women. Offices morning, noon, and night. The community started that way. I obeyed what occurred, I had no big project. I said to the Lord: a simple monastery of our time, that is all I ask. Seven or eight brothers would already be quite a few. I had no sense of what lay ahead.
“At the beginning we had many difficulties. The local bishop opposed us: we couldn’t celebrate the Eucharist, he wouldn’t receive Protestants, and he didn’t want to speak with me. However, Cardinal Pellegrino of Turin took the responsibility. He visited us in 1968 and lifted the prohibition against the Eucharist. He assigned a Jesuit to serve as an intermediary. In time the cardinal and local bishop urged me to study for the priesthood, but I preferred to remain a brother. It’s enough for me to be what I am. In the early years we went to Mass in the nearby village, like the Pachomian monks in the Egyptian desert. Now we have priests among the brothers.
“We never thought to attract attention as we have. We received confidence that we didn’t deserve. Cardinal Pellegrino had great confidence in me, as did Patriarch Athenagoras who took a few of our number to Mount Athos. Throughout my life I’ve encountered even too much confidence—the Lord has done many things in spite of me. I do try to give confidence to people: I say that if you have confidence, others will have confidence. People today have little confidence, little hope, little faith. And what they wish from us monks is a word of confidence. I believe the Lord has asked this of us more than all the rest. - Roger Lipsey for Parabola
I like very much the following insight:
Brother Enzo wrote the Rule of Bose in the early 1970s with counsel from the small community of that time (look online at for the Prologue to the Rule and some of the characteristic music of Bose). A closing paragraph of the Rule includes a remarkable thought: “Brother, sister, you have built the community, and you build it each day. But do not worry about giving the original intuition continuity in history.” Speaking with Brother Enzo, I asked about this daring statement, in effect a plea to future generations to undo some of what he in his time had done. This was his response: “The next generation mustn’t be concerned to continue the charism of the founders. There is no ‘charism of the founders’—there is monastic life. They will have a monastic life, but as the Lord and the times require today and tomorrow. Where forms are concerned, they must not follow me; that, absolutely not. The Spirit has a newness. Gospel, celibacy, and community, these must remain; all the rest can change. The Spirit will give the possibility to find new paths." - ibid

"The Spirit has a newness. Gospel, celibacy, and community, these must remain; all the rest can change. The Spirit will give the possibility to find new paths."

"Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom."

Right now ... I can't think of one contemporary Catholic writer, blogger ...

... who has anything edifying, original, or genuinely worthwhile to say.

Not one.

There is something so packaged and marketed in what is available online and in print - it is so boring. Sterile.  Impotent.  It's about branding, I think.  Or better, labeling oneself, and assuming a title, a job description-persona one feels the duty to live up to and promote - propagate.  Everything one says and does emanates from that. Even those with a real vocation seemed to have turned it into a career.  The soul is gone.  The first fervor has grown cold.

There is nothing so boring as diocesan newspapers, or Catholic news papers, with their stable of writers... and that is what blogging and online magazine-news portals seem to have turned into.

I kind of like it that way though - less to be distracted by.

That said, I think Pope Francis may be the only voice to speak authentically at this time - which may explain why he is so opposed.  

Friday, October 30, 2015

Local news: Person of interest in the Jacob Wetterling case.

Investigators are cautiously saying they may have a break in the case.

It's a creepy story and one that most Minnesotans will never forget - the abduction and disappearance of a young boy.  It is heartbreaking - and the details surrounding the suspect's 'proclivities' is even worse. The suspect is charged with child pornography.  He kept boy's clothes and shoes, several binders of child porn - mostly boys.  Evidence of bondage - duct tape and so on.  Seriously evil and perverted.

The latest on this story.
After 26 years of mystery surrounding the abduction of Jacob Wetterling, hope of resolution for his parents and the city of St. Joseph emerged on Thursday. 
The arrest of Annandale’s Daniel Heinrich on child pornography chargesbecame even more significant when a subsequent link to the case of another Stearns County boy who went missing around the same time as Wetterling was revealed. 
Though he has not been charged with Wetterling’s abduction and denies involvement, authorities led by U.S. Attorney Andrew Luger went public with the information, identifying him as a “person of interest” in the cold case. 
Wetterling’s parents Patty and Jerry, who opened a child protection centerbearing their son’s name after he went missing, issued a statement that was hopeful, but also asked “for time” as the investigation progresses. 
“The search for Jacob is an ongoing investigation and we will watch and learn with everybody else,” they said, adding: “For 26 years we have said that somebody knows something … we are so grateful for the prayers, the support and hope shared in our search for Jacob and the search for answers.” - Source

Following all the links in this story opens up an entire underworld of perversion and sexual exploitation of children and teen aged boys most of us never knew existed.  The guy arrested in the Wetterling case had photos of teen boys from local yearbooks, he cut out the faces and pasted them onto existing porn he down-loaded from the Internet.   He secretly video taped neighborhood boys delivering papers and doing ordinary things - focusing the camera on their crotch.

I'm too upset to write about this stuff.

Stop sexualizing children.

Stop using any kind of porn.

Stop engaging in sexual perversion of any kind.

Pray that the pervert in this case, Daniel Heinrich confesses to his involvement in the Wetterling case.  Pray that he will have a change of heart and confess his crimes.

Pray for Jacob's parents.

Pray for kids.  Protect your kids.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Going 'postal'...

Postal posts.

That phrase originated with postal workers who went nuts and caused mayhem at their job-sites.

Then it got to be commonplace and spread to other businesses and schools - tragically.  Although the term 'going postal' can have a sort of humorous context - like saying someone is going nuts - it's probably not the best term to use.  Despite the fact it could really apply to blogs, bloggers, and the art of blogging.  A friend axed me if I was 'going posty' the other day when I posted on why Fr. Longenecker sometimes pisses me off.  I took the post down because no one needs to know that or see that.

More seriously, I was kind of, sort of, afraid of going postal-posty.  It happens when you read too many crackpots online - and since I'm one of them - how could I not react to some of those postal bloggers?

Years ago, there was a very popular blogger with great taste in art and architecture who went postal-posty.  He freaked out online, called out Catholic bloggers and literally spewed venom at the whole lot of us.  I had the feeling he had some issues.  I was afraid I was on the verge of getting to be like him.  He maybe met a lot of his online friends in chat-rooms and forums, something I never did - but for those who did, friendships were formed and when they began blogging they had a built-in following.  Somehow this fellow felt betrayed by the Catholic blogosphere - and went postal-posty.  I miss him.

I think that still happens - not always in the same way, to be sure.  But we can get too wrapped up in editorializing the news, one another - even ourselves, as well as world and church events and scandals - and gul-darn-it, start thinking we're important.  On the other hand, we maybe aren't getting the attention and respect we think we deserve... and just like Joan Crawford, we go a little nuts.

I've had to watch out for that myself.  Which brings me back to Fr. L.  Just kidding.  

Anyway - I bet everyone regrets something they said online at one time or another.  What you post or put in writing pretty much stays there.  I've found when I insist I'm right or what I wrote needed to be said - well, that's ego talking.

I can't tell you how many letters of resignation from this job or that parish still haunt me.  At least with blog posts you can return them to draft, delete content, repost and then delete the post entirely - and it's pretty much no longer available.  But God knows what you said, wrote.

Penance, penance, penance.

I bet that the Polish gay priest, Fr. Krzy lives to regret his letter to the Pope.  At least I hope he will.

Was this post necessary?  


That said, I should do a list of bloggers who have gone postal-posty...

Some of the pros seem to have learned to avoid crazy talk - or couch it in more diplomatic terms and respectful conversational tones.  Like, 'engaging Fr. Toonces' - rather than, 'Taking down the evil-sodomite-assface, Fr. Toonces' - see the difference?  

Have a nice day family - we love you!

- Bob and Penny

Well this came out of nowhere: Krzystof Charamsa claims the clergy is full of homosexuals.

"Now don't be Krzy honey."


Charamsa's story is very difficult to believe.
Father Krzystof Charamsa was stripped of his post earlier this month on the day he announced he was in a relationship with another man. 
In a scathing letter to Pope Francis, he accused the Vatican of hypocrisy because he said the clergy was 'full of homosexuals'. 
He also condemned the Church for causing 'immeasurable suffering' to homosexual Catholics and their families. - Full story here.
Now who would ever believe such statements, coming from a homosexual priest?  Perhaps if he said Same Sex Attracted, one might accept that - but gay?  Homosexual?  Aberrosexual?  Nah.


Straight story here.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

I thought of the soul as resembling ...

At the center of the soul is the Blessed Trinity.

The nearer one got to the centre, the stronger was the light ...
I thought of the soul as resembling a castle, formed of a single diamond or a very transparent crystal, and containing many rooms, just as in heaven there are many mansions. If we reflect, sisters, we shall see that the soul of the just man is but a paradise, in which, God tells us, He takes His delight. What, do you imagine, must that dwelling be in which a King so mighty, so wise, and so pure, containing in Himself all good, can delight to rest? Nothing can be compared to the great beauty and capabilities of a soul; however keen our intellects may be, they are as unable to comprehend them as to comprehend God, for, as He has told us, He created us in His own image and likeness ... Teresa of Avila,  Interior Castle

You talking to me? - Papal rebukes, admonitions, or just insults?

"Teacher, when You say these things, You insult us as well." - Luke 11:45

I wonder if we all think we are experts in the Law - better than the rest of sinful humanity?  I wonder if we think we deserve praise for our good works and fidelity - when in fact, at best, we have only done our duty?  And perhaps, not all that well.  I think we may all be Pharisees, seeking praise from men and places of honor at dinners and award ceremonies - or just a jump in stats on one's website.

So many people feel insulted by the Holy Father?

I wonder why?  If they came from my background, they maybe wouldn't feel so put down.  If they knew the scripture, "If a good man reproves me it is kindness" maybe they would have a deeper, spiritual experience of what the Holy Father says.  I don't know - I'm just as much a Pharisee for even writing about this stuff.  I've been steeped in sin since birth, like the man born blind - I can't presume to teach or advise, much less correct others.  I dare not even criticize any longer, lest I sin even more.

I was a little surprised today by comments and articles on Catholic sites, more and more people seem to feel insulted by the Pope.  It's not so surprising I guess - nevertheless it is so strange to read - coming as it does from teachers and doctors ... of the faith.  

Calling names without naming names.

The following are a summation of the Pope's comments on the Synod - explaining what the Synod was supposed to be about:
It was about bearing witness to everyone that, for the Church, the Gospel continues to be a vital source of eternal newness, against all those who would “indoctrinate” it in dead stones to be hurled at others.
It was also about laying bare closed hearts, which frequently hide even behind the Church’s teachings or good intentions, in order to sit in the chair of Moses and judge, sometimes with superiority and superficiality, difficult cases and wounded families….
It was about trying to open up broader horizons, rising above conspiracy theories and blinkered viewpoints, so as to defend and spread the freedom of the children of God, and to transmit the beauty of Christian Newness, at times encrusted in a language which is archaic or simply incomprehensible. - Dr. Mirius
Dr. Jeffery Mirius wrote that the Pope's tendency of 'calling names without naming names' is his least likable characteristic.  Nothing wrong with saying that, nor is there anything wrong with not liking the Pope or pointing out personality traits one doesn't like in him.  Dr. Mirius obviously likes the Pope, but he expresses something other Catholics have used to berate the Pope with, even denouncing and mocking just about everything else he says and does because of it.  For instance, almost from the beginning of his papacy, bloggers have collected and cataloged Francis' 'insults' - into his 'little book of insults'.  Mirius isn't doing that, of course - but many are.  One priest mocking the pope as 'a baby throwing his toys out of his pram'.

I don't know.  I don't get it.

It seems as if everyone is now making a living online hurling insults at one another - blaming this one and that one for all the troubles in the world and the Church - and turning on the Holy Father - something they predicted liberals would do.  (There are those outside the Church who have no love for the pope and have said as much - but when Catholics use the term liberal - they mean other Catholics.  It is a political term - the Church is not a political institution - it is the Mystical Body of Christ.  They overlook the supernatural dimension when they speak that way.)

Maybe they don't need a pope?  Maybe they can be sedevacantists or protestants?

No one listens to popes anyway.  Just when they say things they want to hear, or when they confer honors and honorary titles.  (Unless of course they canonize this or that person whom they don't like.)  Benedict XV was ignored when he offered his peace plan - WWI followed.  Paul VI was ignored for Humanae Vitae.  JPII and Benedict XVI were conveniently ignored on various teachings and by alternate groups ... while Vatican II has been largely ignored by traditionalists.

In conclusion.

I don't know why I wrote this.  Dr. Mirius' essay is fine - other complainers and whiners - they're fine too.  These poor Catholics in the United States seem to be so bullied and abused... If they came from my background - I think they might interpret things another way.

I'm sure I'm wrong, however.  Steeped in sin and perversion since birth - blind, deaf and dumb.  Please pray for me.  Thanks.

"To attain the ideal life of the soul, I believe we must live on the supernatural level." - Bl. Elizabeth of the Trinity

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

You cannot tell by careful watching ...

The world revolves, but the cross remains the same.

One translation of Luke 17:20 warns against 'careful watching' to perceive the reign of God, because the kingdom is already in our midst ...

I think of this  Gospel all of the time, since it more or less forms the basis for my prayer.  The practice of the presence of God, the prayer of recollection is the awareness of the indwelling of the most Holy Trinity in our souls.  The kingdom of God is within you.  "Realize that your soul is the temple of God - it is St. Paul who teaches this.  At every moment of the day and night the three Divine Persons are living within you." - Elizabeth of the Trinity

Therefore, if the mountains fall into the sea, the earth quakes and every structure collapses - nothing can separate us from the love of God that comes to us in Christ.  It is Christ who begs us, "Remain in me": "It is the Word of God who gives this order, expresses this wish.  Remain in me, not for a few moments, a few hours which must pass away, but 'remain' - permanently, habitually.  Remain in me, pray in me, adore in me, love in me, suffer in me, work and act in me." - Elizabeth of the Trinity

So.  It is not by careful watching, judging the orthodoxy of others, questioning every report and searching every word to see if it indicates this or that, is true or false, or may open the door to error, and so on.  None of that is necessary for simple souls ... not even for ordinary people.

Why do you concern yourself with who goes to communion?  What they are wearing?  What their posture, their demeanor is like?  Are you worthy to receive?  Do you prepare your soul to receive the sacred humanity - body, blood, soul and divinity?  Do you stay a long time with Jesus when you do receive him?  Do you acknowledge him?  Do you cling to him in love, in recollection from one communion to the next?  Why do you care about the interior lives and practices of others?  Is it love?  Is it out of charity that you are so concerned?  Or is it care-filled watching others?

You can't tell by careful watching - because the conscience of others is hidden - it is the sacred place of encounter within each person ...  God is the judge.  God dwells in the soul.  If you spend all of your time watching, you necessarily leave the presence of God - you become a voyeur - and the devil shows you your subject's faults.  Sometimes real, but often false - because neither can he read the conscience - God alone is judge.  In the end, the accuser of our brothers is cast out - be careful, lest you are cast out with him.

You can't tell by careful watching ...  If you cry out, "But father!  But father!" Do it only to the One, using the words Christ taught us, "Our Father ..."

Remain within, in Him ... ask Him to make you entirely teachable.  Only cry out 'Abba' - don't go to strangers.

It sounds too simple?  Too ordinary?

It is.

Keep yourself in peace
and thousands about you will be saved.

Just a note:  Live the Catholic faith, stay with the Pope.  Stay away from the doomsayers.  Trust in God.  I'm not a follower of Mark Mallet, but he has a good post on why sticking with the Pope and ignoring media reports and gossips is more necessary than ever.  For your consideration: Peter Speaks.

Pray for priests - especially for those who squander their lives and vocation on matters outside their obedience, engaging in partisan politics and polemics, neglecting themselves and the ministry they were ordained for.

Song for this post here.

Post-Synod Church Terms.

Remember St. John of Cologne, one of the Gorkum martyrs,
 killed by Calvinists because they would not deny 
the supremacy of the pope nor the Real Presence.
St. John, a Dominican was captured exercising his priestly ministry,
having gone to the aid of the other priests imprisoned before him.

New and old terms.

Post-Synod commentary will become a money-making venture for Catholic bloggers and journalists, and many new - and old - expressions will be employed in the contest.  I might start a list.  Maybe not.

Well, maybe a short list to start out:

  • On the side of angels.

Really?  I thought that was the name for a blog in the UK?  Fr. Z picked up the term at a dinner with Remnant people in Rome.  Taking sides in the Church?  In the Catholic Church.  Hmmmm.

  • The Conservatives won.

So the Synod was a competition?  Like a football game, I guess?

  • Power in the Church.

Women want more power in the Church.  Aberrosexualists want more power.  Conservatives want more power.  Power is not what it's about. 

So anyway.

Not sure where I saw it, but one priest described Francis as a baby throwing his toys out of his pram - evidently the author believes the Pope is upset that he didn't get his way.  Sounds like something a loyal son of the Church might say?  No.  I don't think so either.

Fomenting division instead.

I wonder if priests should take care of their flocks instead of vying for Internet-literary stardom and monetary compensation?

Sunday, October 25, 2015

One of my favorite martyrs ...

Francisco de Zurbarán
Saint John Houghton (detail), 1637-39
Saint John Houghton, O.Cart., (c. 1486 - 4 May 1535) was a Carthusian hermit and Catholic priest, and the first English Catholic martyr to die as a result of the Act of Supremacy by King Henry VIII of England. He was also the first member of his Order to die as a martyr. - Houghton, along with two Carthusians, Fr. Reynolds, and John Haile of Isleworth, was hanged, drawn and quartered at Tyburn on 4 May 1535. Catholic tradition relates that when Houghton was about to be quartered, as the executioner tore open his chest to remove his heart, he prayed, O Jesu, what wouldst thou do with my heart? A painting of the Carthusian Protomartyr by Zurbarán depicts him with his heart in his hand and a noose around his neck.

Today is his feast day.

Something from yesterday's meditation confirmed a sentiment of mine I've carried in my heart most of my life, concerning the psalm verse,

Mercy and truth shall meet;
Justice and peace shall kiss. 

It is from  D. Augustin Guillerand, O. Cart:

"It is there, in the depths of our nothingness, that his mercy and his justice - two things we do not usually associate with one another - meet." - Guillerand

I won't rewrite the entire meditation - it's in the October Magnificat for October 24.

I just want to say this may be many people's problem.  They do not understand God's love and mercy - and insist justice must be meted out before mercy can be received.  I'm not a theologian, but that strikes me as misunderstanding Christ himself - judging as humans judge and not as God.

This is so clear, to me at least, in how many have responded to the disputations at the Synod.  We separate justice and mercy - when in fact, God's justice is so clearly expressed in mercy.

I think the Carthusian explains this here:

"In raising us up from the depths of our fallen state, God has remitted our debt; he has restored his glory and repaired the damage done by sin.  He has truly resumed all his rights over us; he has completely satisfied the demands of that glory; He has done himself full justice. And we must learn to love that splendid glory and to accept generously our wretchedness, which has procured it." - Guillerand

How Thereseian, how Franciscan.

Remember how Therese taught her novices to love their weaknesses?  Recall how Pope Francis speaks about mercy and love - reaching out to the most far away?  See, this is scriptural.  This is doctrinal.  This the meaning of mercy, which Christ tells us over and over to study and understand, and now in these times - to practice.  To put into action.  I often quote Betsy Ten Boom who said, "No pit is so deep his love is not deeper still."  She witnessed to that in the horror of the Nazi camp - where sin seemed to reign as a foretaste of hell.  Yet she encountered Christ - as every sinner does when he falls in even the worst sin - if he only looks next to himself, he sees Christ has fallen there with him - carrying the cross, his teeth biting the dust ...  "No pit so deep - his love is not deeper still."  Justice and mercy have met.

Just a thought.

+ + +

Read this instead:


Bartimaeus and "all those kept on the fringes who are crying out to" Christ.

I love the story of Bartimaeus.  He could listen.  Imagine his interior silence - Bartimaeus' recollection was so deep, so intense - he heard Jesus approaching - amidst the fervent clamor and enthusiasm of the crowd.  Likewise, the heart of Jesus sensed - heard the prayer of the blind man.  This exchange is prayer - deep prayer.  As Jesus approached, Bartimaeus called out more ardently, more loudly - those nearby tried to silence him, they tried to stop him.  Nevertheless, Christ heard him and called him.  That is so profound.  So reassuring for me.

Fr. Martin re-posted what the Holy Father had to say in regard to this Gospel today.  It sums up everything for me.  How much we have learned from the Synod, how deep has been the exchange - heart speaks to heart - so loudly - no one could silence ...  So many see doom, I see life, love, and mercy.
"There are, however, some temptations for those who follow Jesus. The Gospel shows at least two of them. None of the disciples stopped, as Jesus did. They continued to walk, going on as if nothing were happening. If Bartimaeus was blind, they were deaf: his problem was not their problem. This can be a danger for us: in the face of constant problems, it is better to move on, instead of letting ourselves be bothered. In this way, just like the disciples, we are with Jesus but we do not think like him. We are in his group, but our hearts are not open. We lose wonder, gratitude and enthusiasm, and risk becoming habitually unmoved by grace. We are able to speak about him and work for him, but we live far from his heart, which is reaching out to those who are wounded. This is the temptation: a 'spirituality of illusion': we can walk through the deserts of humanity without seeing what is really there; instead, we see what we want to see. We are capable of developing views of the world, but we do not accept what the Lord places before our eyes. A faith that does not know how to root itself in the life of people remains arid and, rather than oases, creates other deserts.
"There is a second temptation, that of falling into a “scheduled faith”. We are able to walk with the People of God, but we already have our schedule for the journey, where everything is listed: we know where to go and how long it will take; everyone must respect our rhythm and every problem is a bother. We run the risk of becoming the 'many' of the Gospel who lose patience and rebuke Bartimaeus. Just a short time before, they scolded the children (10:13), and now the blind beggar: whoever bothers us or is not of our stature is excluded. Jesus, on the other hand, wants to include, above all those kept on the fringes who are crying out to him. They, like Bartimaeus, have faith, because awareness of the need for salvation is the best way of encountering Jesus.
"In the end, Bartimaeus follows Jesus on his path (v. 52). He did not only regain his sight, but he joined the community of those who walk with Jesus. - Finish reading here.

Oh God, I want to see,
grant that I may see, rather than seek to be seen,
grant that I may hear, rather than seek to be heard,
Grant that I may follow you
and remain in your company,
moment by moment,
day by day.

Jesus said to them, “If you were blind, you would have no sin; but now you are saying, ‘We see,’ so your sin remains." - John 9:41

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy upon me a sinner. 

At the conclusion of the Extraordinary Synod: The edifying address of our Holy Father Pope Francis.

"So, the Church is Christ’s – she is His bride – and all the bishops, in communion with the Successor of Peter, have the task and the duty of guarding her and serving her, not as masters but as servants...
The is the Church, our Mother! And when the Church, in the variety of her charisms, expresses herself in communion, she cannot err: it is the beauty and the strength of the sensus fidei, of that supernatural sense of the faith which is bestowed by the Holy Spirit so that, together, we can all enter into the heart of the Gospel and learn to follow Jesus in our life. And this should never be seen as a source of confusion and discord.
Many commentators, or people who talk, have imagined that they see a disputatious Church where one part is against the other, doubting even the Holy Spirit, the true promoter and guarantor of the unity and harmony of the Church – the Holy Spirit who throughout history has always guided the barque, through her Ministers, even when the sea was rough and choppy, and the ministers unfaithful and sinners.
And, as I have dared to tell you , [as] I told you from the beginning of the Synod, it was necessary to live through all this with tranquillity, and with interior peace, so that the Synod would take place cum Petro and sub Petro(with Peter and under Peter), and the presence of the Pope is the guarantee of it all." - Read the entire address here.

I told you so.

Ed. note:  My oversight.  I posted last year's address.  To read this year's concluding statement, go here.