Saturday, March 21, 2015

Miracolo! The Blood of St. Januarius liquifies in the presence of Papa Francesco!


St. Gennaro’s relic miraculously turned to liquid in Naples Cathedral today. This usually only happens on the feast of the saint on 19 September. Sepe said St. Gennaro loves the Pope, the blood has already liquefied by half." But the whole relic eventually turned to liquid. - Finish reading here.

Praise God!

San Gennaro, pray for the Pope!
San Gennaro, pray for the Church!
San Gennaro, pray for the martyrs!
San Gennaro, Pray for us!

Thanks to Yaya for the story.

Monastic burial... cheap and easy.

A worthy vessel to contain the remains.

Try that in your parish or local cemetery.

[The cremated remains of a body should be treated with the same respect given to the human body from which they come. This includes the use of a worthy vessel to contain the ashes, the manner in which they are carried, and the care and attention to appropriate placement and transport, and the final disposition... cf Order of Christian Funerals # 417]

An addendum to my post here.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Strange Notions ... Concerns About Cremation

We are all just diamonds in the rough.

Monsignor Pope is the best.  He has a great post on the 'strange practices emerging' with the 'cremains' of our loved ones.

Evidently not a few people keep mom and dad at home, on the desk or on the mantle, while ungrateful nephews forget about Uncle Buck and put him back in the closet, yet Auntie Lola is made into a broach.  There appears to be no limit to what one can do with the ashes of the deceased.  It's a cult.

All cheekiness aside, Monsignor Pope really does help Catholics navigate what can and should be done when it comes to funerals - specifically cremation and burial.
From a pastoral point of view, these norms are clear and understandable. However, as a pastor, I must say that I have growing concerns over practices that are appearing with the more widespread use of cremation. 
The norms clearly indicate that cremated remains are not to be scattered, divided, or retained in the homes of the faithful on fireplace mantles, on shelves, or in other places. But these norms are somewhat difficult to enforce. 
The problem emerges essentially from the detachment of the funeral Mass from interment. When cremation is chosen, it is common for the funeral Mass to be celebrated quickly but the burial to be scheduled at some “later date” when arrangements can be more conveniently made. Frequently clergy are told that the family will “call back” at some point in the future. But often these calls never come and burials are put off indefinitely. 
Issues such as money, logistics, and family disputes are often factors in the delay. 
Priests, too, are often busy and do not have time to follow up to see if “Uncle Joe” is ready for burial now. As such, many deceased remain unburied for weeks, months, or years, or perhaps never even buried at all. 
I was shocked a couple of years ago to discover that a certain Catholic family still had the cremated remains of an uncle on the top shelf of their closet. The delay centered around who in the family was going to pay for the burial lot and debates about whether burial was even necessary at all. Perhaps the ashes could just be scattered out in the woods. 
Without the urgency to bury the dead, the burial is often given little regard. - Finish reading here.

I think the problem does  have a lot to do with the detachment of the funeral Mass from interment, as well as a lack of  urgency to bury the dead.

The division of ashes seems to me to hearken back to pagan practices, although some of the 'spiritual-not religious' may claim it isn't unlike the disposition of the relics of the saints, as I noted in my comment on Monsignor's post.

Terry Nelson says:March 19, 2015 at 11:07 amExcellent article Father. I wasn’t aware of the variety of developments such as making jewelry with the cremains – as I have heard them referred to. I knew you could make a diamond out of them or send them into space. You suggested fragmentation of the ashes was “ghoulishness and (in) bad taste”. However, since you brought it up, many people regard the collection and veneration of relics, which from ancient times included bodies and body parts, (St. Catherine’s head), bone fragments, and so on to be ghoulish as well. (I don’t – but a lot of people seem to – esp. non-Catholics.)
My point is, I think some people may have that practice in mind when making a diamond out of mom or attempting to keep the ashes.
In Latin countries, the practice of wearing relics or relicarios is a very old tradition. In fact the theca or pendant which holds the relics have a loop to facilitate wearing the relic around the neck. So as ghoulish as it may seem, cremains in a locket may not be all that strange.
Thanks for presenting clear Catholic teaching on the subject however. Your posts are very helpful.
God bless!

It's always something.

Nothing ghoulish about this ...


Evidence may be stacking up against Medjugore.

From Deacon Kandra:
Sidestepping orders from the Vatican, Medjugorje “visionary” hosts “apparition” in private home in Missouri ...
Deacon Kandra links to the story from Te Deum Laudamus blog:
Ivan Dragicevic thumbs nose at CDF; holds public apparition in private home.
Diane calls it 'justification gymnastics' - read more here.  I think she hits the nail on the head with her commentary, especially the following:
It was a publicly held event, promoting the alleged apparitions of Medjugorje, in a private residence. That’s the only thing that is private – the house. 
If Ivan Dragičević has his ‘apparition’ in a room by himself, then that is truly private. There is no one around to be influenced in such a way that, “promotes the so-called visionaries of Medjugorje and in particular Mr. Ivan Dragičević.” But, there is nothing private about Ivan having an ‘apparition’ in a residence with 10, 25, 75 or 175 people watching – people he does not know, mind you. It’s simply a public event, or meeting, held at a private residence. It promoted the Medjugorje phenomena to everyone in attendance. - Finish here.
These mystical events seem to get stranger and stranger, the continuous justification by visionaries and locutionists and their defenders to circumvent authority seems especially problematic for any hope of approval from Church officials.  It just seems to add to the confusion faithful Catholics are experiencing in the Church these days.  

The Holy Father will be at the Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii tomorrow, Saturday, March 21 - reminding us of true devotion to the Blessed Virgin, calling us to pray the Rosary and dedicate ourselves to the Mother of God.  Pray for the Holy Father.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Dolce and Gabbana receive support from the children of gay parents ...

Echoing what the Pope(s) have said.

Remember both Benedict and Francis have affirmed Catholic teaching on marriage and family and both have called gay adoption an abuse.  ("Let's not be naive, we're not talking about a simple political battle; it is a destructive pretension against the plan of God." - Pope Francis)  Dolce and Gabbana recently agreed and said as much - speaking from their personal life experience.  This week, adult children of gay parents have written a letter of support to the designers.

On Monday, six children (now adults) raised by same-sex parents in the United States wrote a letter supporting the designers, thanking them for speaking up for the rights of children to both a mother and a father.

“Every human being has a mother and a father, and to cut either from a child’s life is to rob the child of dignity, humanity, and equality,” the letter reads.

The signers said Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana, who are openly gay, expressed what they’ve learned through their own life experience, which is that while gay parents can be very loving, children are best supported when raised by a mother and a father. 
Even though some of the signers are themselves gay, they all raise their children with their opposite-sex parents. 
“We know that gay parents can be loving, since we loved our parents and they loved us,” they wrote.

“Nonetheless, we have all had firsthand experience with the harsh backlash that follows when the dominant view of ‘gay parenting’ as universally positive is questioned.” - Finish reading here.
Ed. note: 
The six signers of the letter on the blog include Heather Barwick, contributor to Federalist; Rivka Edelman, co-author of Jephthah’s Daughters: Innocent Casualties in the War for Family Equality; Katy Faust, writer at asktheBigot; Robert Oscar Lopez, co-author of Jephthah’s Daughters: Innocent Casualties in the War for Family Equality; Denise Shick, author of My Daddy’s Secret; and Dawn Stefanowicz, author of Fuori Dal Buio: La Mia Vita Con Un Padre Gay.

Solemnity of Our Holy Father St. Joseph

O holy father St. Joseph, I consecrate myself to your honor and give myself to you, that you may always be my father, my protector and my guide in the way of salvation. Obtain for me a great purity of heart, temperance, humility, and a fervent love of the interior life. After your example, may I do all my actions, each and every day, for the greater glory of God, in union with the Divine Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary! O blessed St. Joseph, pray for me that I may share in the peace and joy of your holy death in the company of Jesus and Mary. Amen.

Thank you for having adopted me as your son, provided for me in life, and protecting me from the assaults of the devil.  Thank you for having heard my prayers and for the favors you have poured out ... forgive me for having squandered these gifts, take pity upon me your prodigal, and all of those who seek your intercession!  Obtain for us the forgiveness of all our sins.  

How can I praise and thank you most holy father St. Joseph?  St. Joseph pray for me and all of those who have recourse to you - especially those I recommend to you - and those most in need of the mercy of God.

In thanksgiving for the protection and intercession of St. Joseph, I totally consecrate myself to your most pure heart.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

San Francisco Cathedral Automatic Asperges System: I'm glad that got sorted out.

Or, why the Archbishop always needed an umbrella.

I saw water flowing out from under the threshold of the temple...

I knew there was a simple answer.

The Archdiocese released a statement explaining the reason a sprinkler system was installed:

This sprinkler system in alcoves near our back doorways was installed approximately two years ago, after learning from city resources that this kind of system was being commonly used in the Financial District, as a safety, security and cleanliness measure to avoid the situation where needles, feces and other dangerous items were regularly being left in these hidden doorways. The problem was particularly dangerous because students and elderly people regularly pass these locations on their way to school and mass every day. When the system was installed,after other ideas were tried and failed, the people who were regularly sleeping in those doorways were informed in advance that the sprinklers were being installed. The idea was not to remove those persons, but to encourage them to relocate to other areas of the Cathedral, which are protected and safer. The purpose was to make the Cathedral grounds as well as the homeless people who happen to be on those grounds safer. We are sorry that our intentions have been misunderstood and recognize that the method used was ill-conceived. It actually has had the opposite effect from what it was intended to do, and for this we are very sorry. We have also now learned that the system in the first place required a permit and may violate San Francisco water-use laws, and the work to remove this system has already started, and will be completed by the end of the day. - Read the entire statement here.
Works for me.  

As I said in my combox on one of my earlier posts:

I doubt the Archbishop was even aware of the matter. In my archdiocese the Rector is pretty much in charge of operations at the Cathedral - the Archbishop here doesn't reside at the Cathedral rectory - I don't know the situation in San Francisco. 
I have a feeling this is traceable to the city and it's treatment of the homeless as well as possible insurance issues, not to mention sanitation problems. It won't surprise me if Archbishop C initiates a new program or means to care for the homeless who choose the cathedral as a place to spend the night. 
I would bet the Archbishop was as surprised as anybody by this story. It will be cleared up in a jiffy - I'm sure. Sadly, the enemies of Cordileone will run with the story because of his stance on Catholic education and faith and morals. - Me

So anyway - it wasn't the best solution - and the Archdiocese is fixing it.

Moving on.

H/T Deacon's Bench

Announcing a REAL capital "C" Catholic Conference: 'Welcoming and Accompanying Our Brothers and Sisters with Same-Sex Attraction'

There is actually a very good Catholic way to do that...

“The pastoral care of persons with homosexual tendencies poses new challenges today, due to the manner in which their rights are proposed in society. How can the Christian community give pastoral attention to families with persons with homosexual tendencies? What are the responses that, in light of cultural sensitivities, are considered to be most appropriate?” 

Where?  In Michigan.

When?  In August.

Who?  Many speakers - highly qualified speakers.  Deeply respected speakers.  And clergy - for clergy and Catholic educators and religious, school superintendents, and diocesan personnel who minister to those with same-sex attraction.

And there will be a Bishop there as well: Most Rev. Allen H. Vigneron, Archbishop of Detroit.

This conference is very necessary.

For complete details, visit here.

Thanks to Dan Mattson, who has been working on the project, for the heads up on this.  I'm told a book is forthcoming as well.  Check out Dan's blog for more information:  Letters to Christopher.  With guys like Dan around, we don't have to worry that solid Catholic teaching isn't getting through to persons with homosexual inclination and/or acclimation.

Tell your pastors and Catholic teachers about the conference - and don't forget the deacons and RCIA directors.  All are welcome ...  The name of the conference:

“Love one another as I have loved you”

Song for this post here.  


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Cardinal Dolan interview with Michael Voris

Michael Voris said "The Church of nice ain't so nice."

Ah, well.

Song for this post here.

First seen on Eponymous Flower.

Gotta give it up.

Bathing Bishops, Fernando Botero

"Scold them because they are hurt?"

When I was little I was told I was a bastard because my parents weren't married in the Church.  My mother was divorced from her first husband, and remarried my dad in a civil ceremony.  It wasn't outsiders who called me names - it was family members, my parents, my brother and sister from my mother's first marriage, cousins, and so on.  Today no one would ever do that.

Of course they didn't call me that all of the time - they only did that when they wanted to hurt me, when they were upset with me for some reason, or wanted to taunt me for being so 'pious'.

My point in mentioning this is that early on I learned how to live with that kind of stuff - strange as it may seem.  I accepted it and offered it up, I suppose.  Yet it did not define me.  It may have may have affected me to some degree, discouraged me perhaps.  For instance I wanted to be a priest in grade school but I was told - not without a note of contempt - that I couldn't because my parent's marital arrangement was a canonical impediment.  Oddly enough, it didn't discourage me and even as a kid I knew there were dispensations possible.  Did the contempt from the school sisters hurt?  A little bit - but kids from an abusive home are resilient.

In retrospect the nuns seemed to me to be a little like 'gate-keepers' at such times, laying down the law, enforcing the rules - one might even say, laying heavy burdens hard to carry, without nary an encouraging word to guide.  In effect, blocking entrance to God's house, as it were, especially to those trying to enter.

I think of that in relationship to the difficulties some religious people put in the way of those folks who identify as gay - or gay-Catholics.  I fully understand the language the Church prefers and uses in teaching regarding persons who are same sex attracted, or identify as gay.  It's appropriate for the classroom and in spiritual direction of course.  Yet many in the Church use the 'vernacular' expressions of sexual identity, 'gay' in every situation.  Though some religious people and same sex attracted individuals insist they cannot use the term, ordinary usage has been adapted to use the term, 'gay'.  The Pope says gay.

Don't be yourself?

Gay people are called to chastity.   We go to the ends of the earth to make one convert - that is, we keep talking about how  gay people are welcome, how they are called to holiness, but we are getting to the point where we almost contradict ourselves telling them they can't come in to the Church if they say they are gay.  That may not be exactly what we tell them - but that is how it's perceived.  'You can't be gay and Catholic' is a sort of mantra I keep coming across online.  For many gay people, it's dishonest.  (And same sex attraction is not the same thing as being bi-polar either.)

About a month ago, I came across something Pat Archbold wrote about his kids.  The youngest was having trouble fitting in at school, the older brother advised the younger something like this: "It was like that for me at first too, then I learned - 'don't be yourself' - and it all worked out."  I actually liked the older kid's advice - I did that when I was a kid too.  That said, what I think Patrick's son may have meant was closer to this: "Behavior does not always have to mirror feelings."  [For a fuller explanation of that quote, go here.]

Nevertheless, the culture almost demands that we be ourselves and let everything hang out, as it were.  You gotta be honest, be who you are, etc..  Though it isn't necessary to discuss sexual attraction or identity - it is pretty much a cultural expectation these days.  If you are same sex attracted, are tempted to having sex with the same sex, or engage in sex with the same sex, the expectation is you are gay.  Coming out is another cultural expectation, which I consider a violation of privacy and a sort of branding.  (Especially for children and youth who experience transitory same sex attraction.)  The pressure to come out as gay has led to accepting gay as an identity, hence the confusion surrounding Catholic teaching.  No one is required to reveal their sexual proclivities/temptation to anyone.  Despite the lack of propriety, people coming out identify as gay.

I think what I'm trying to say is, if someone identifies as gay, it is what it is.  We can't tell him he can't be Catholic and gay.  He can.  His reality may not fit our objective reality - and I don't mean that in a relativistic sense, but we can't keep placing obstacles - language/terminology - in his way either.

"Jesus welcomes [all]. But not only does He welcome, He goes out to see people just as" ... they are.

I lack the skills needed to express my thoughts on these issue, and I have no authority to 'teach' anyone on the matter.  Nevertheless I think something is off in our emphasis.  I keep going back to what Pope Francis often says about letting people into the Church rather than always slapping them in the face doctrinal terminology.  Once again today, commenting on the Gospel of the healing of the man at the pool Bethesda, the Pope said, "the Church always keeps its doors open!"
"A man - a woman – who feels sick in the soul, sad, who made many mistakes in life, at a certain time feels that the waters are moving - the Holy Spirit is moving something - or they hear a word or ... 'Ah, I want to go!' ... And they gather up their courage and go. And how many times in Christian communities today will they find closed doors! 'But you cannot, no, you cannot [come in]. You have sinned and you cannot [come in]. If you want to come, come to Mass on Sunday, but that’s it – that’s all you can do.’ So, what the Holy Spirit creates in the hearts of people, those Christians with their ‘doctors of the law’ mentality, destroy ".
Jesus welcomes [all]. But not only does He welcome, He goes out to see people just as He went out to find this man. And if people are hurt, what does Jesus do? Scold them because they are hurt? No, He comes and He carries them on His shoulders. And this is called mercy. And when God rebukes his people - 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice!' – He’s talking about this. "
"Who are you,” the Pope continues, “ who shut the door of your heart to a man, a woman, who wants to improve, to return within the people of God - because the Holy Spirit has stirred his or her heart?" - Pope Francis

Yeah.  So.  I gotta give it up.

Talk amongst yourselves.

Jesus, I trust in you.

Monday, March 16, 2015

A queer calling: The "New Homophiles"

Nightwatch, John Kirby 1989

"A rose by any other name would still smell."

I think "Spiritual Friendship" movement may be a better term.  After all, it is a new movement.

Gay-Catholic-Celibates just seems to be a weird identity to carry around.  Too much information.  New Homophiles seems to imply to some that 'they' may not be chaste and celibate.  It was also imposed upon 'them'.  But who am I to judge?  Love that line, BTW.

I honestly do not care how people identify themselves - whatever works at this point.  Write volumes on how people should identify, they won't care.

The aim is to be faithful to Catholic teaching, to live chastely and celibately - alone or with friends, or a community of at least one like-minded individual - the purpose of that being the sanctification of one's life.  People need friends.  You don't need a ritual of friendship.  Friendship sin't a vocation.  Friendship isn't a union.  Friendship should not be eroticized.   You know what I'm saying.

That's enough from me.  Just be Catholic.

I have to quit meddling in the lives of others.

Born that way ...

O God, we praise Thee, and acknowledge Thee 
to be the supreme Lord.

The Man Born Blind.

He may have been born that way - but ...

By the mystery of the Incarnation,
he has led the human race that walked in darkness
into the radiance of faith
and has brought those born
in slavery to ancient sin
through the waters of regeneration
to make them your adopted children. - Preface:The Man Born Blind; IV Sunday Lent

The Lord anointed my eyes: I went, I washed,/ I saw and
I believed in God. - Communion Antiphon

Sunday, March 15, 2015

I just saw this headline: "Your family is an icon of the Holy Trinity" ...


Ed. note:  This is not meant as a criticism of the article by that title.

This about sums it up - on the confusion in the Church about the gays ...

Sometimes I just want to throw my hands up ...

Seriously.  I've read so much stuff in the last few days and every Tom, Dick, and Faerie is writing about gay ... all about the gay.  Dan Savage will be a keynote speaker at the Dignity conference - along with Sr. Campbell - spokes-nun for the Nuns on the Bus.  This weekend Arthur Fitzmaurice spoke at the Religious Ed. Congress in Los Angeles - I only learned about him via Joseph Sciambra's post on the subject. There are a ton of voices out there - New Ways Ministry - though cited as not Catholic, continues to have immense influence on Catholic education and pastoral care.  Then there is the gay-Catholics and Spiritual Friendship movement ... and, and, and ...

Me.  I waste my time with all of this - who am I kidding?  I've wasted almost ten years blogging about this crap.


Crux writer Michael O'Loughlin pretty much sums up the results of all the confusion in the Church on the subject of gay, don't say gay-Catholic, SSA-don't even suggest change, friendship-but don't say love, spiritual friendship-just make sure it's religious, and so on. What to do? What to say?  Be yourself?  Don't be yourself?  What?

Yeah.  So.  Without further ado, the Crux of the matter:
ANAHEIM, Calif. — The Catholic Church “acts unjustly” toward gay and lesbian Catholics, who are “held to different standards than other Catholics,” a situation “harming” the Church — and one that must change.
That was the message delivered Friday at the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress by Arthur Fitzmaurice, an advocate for making the Church more welcoming for gay and lesbian Catholics.
His talk, delivered to 800 catechists and religious educators during an official Church event, comes during renewed clashes between Catholics who hold the line on the Church’s teaching on issues of sexuality, and those who support same-sex marriage and other gay rights. - Crux
Fitzmaurice echoes every other gay-Catholic activist complaining about the Catechism and how teaching is worded ... Really?  These people are probably the most well educated lay-Catholics in history, and yet they do not get what the Catechism clearly states?  How is that?

Fitzmaurice, resource director of the Catholic Association for Lesbian and Gay Ministry, said he, like many gay Catholics, has turned at various points in his life to Church writings for guidance, including the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
The paragraph on homosexuality — which describes it as “intrinsically disordered” while also demanding respect for gays and lesbians — is placed in a section of the catechism paragraphs condemning “pornography, prostitution, and rape,” he said.
“To keep this abusive language in the Catechism and other Church writings is, in itself, gravely evil,” he said. - Read the entire article here.
It is all so very frustrating.  Fitzmaurice works for the archdiocese as  resource director of the Catholic Association for Lesbian and Gay Ministry and he teaches that people are born gay, as demonstrated in what he said this weekend:
He referenced recent high-profile firings of gay Church employees — such as a church musician in Chicago and a vice principal in Seattle — and said those episodes “reinforce the false message that being born LGBTQ is shameful.” - Fitzmaurice

"Being born LGBTQ"?  That's not even Catholic.

So it's here.  It's being taught.  Gay-Catholics will write their books ...

Talk amongst yourselves.

All I have to say is that if you want to accept authentic Catholic teaching on marriage, family, and sexuality - do that.  Go to confession - pray and frequent the sacraments.  You can do that - no matter what you call yourself.

If you want to make compromises, accommodations, go ahead - take your chances.  God loves you.  Just don't teach others how to do the same.  One kid at the conference told others: 
One participant in the gay and lesbian workshop told the crowd that he is drawn to being a catechist because he wants “to change the mindset” of Catholics who are opposed to homosexuality.
“You cannot be gay in a Mexican family, because they will say so much stuff to you that hurts you,” Anthony Marquez, a high school senior, told participants. “But what hurt me most was my confirmation teacher who told me it was a disease. I want to be a catechist so badly because I want to change that mindset. It’s not a disease. We can be good Catholics, even if we’re gay.” - Crux

Yep.  You can be a good Catholic even if you are gay.  The Confirmation instructor may have misspoke, what the Church teaches is that it is an objective disorder and homosexual acts are gravely disordered.  Catholic teaching doesn't diagnose and it is not uncharitable.  

Dolce and Gabanna are against it!

“The only family is the traditional one.”

I love the Italians.  I love the Dolce and Gabannas and Zeffirellis and Tondellis of Italy!  They are so Catholic.  The Italians know how to sin and they do it passionately - they also know how to repent and live devoutly.  They are baptized and confirmed, they go to Mass; they have affairs, they sin, they repent, they go to confession; they become saints.  I like that.  I love that.  That's Catholic.  But I digress and carry on....  pay no attention to me.

D&G 2013 line.

At First Things, Matthew Schmitz did a short article on Dolce and Gabanna coming out in defense of traditional marriage.  I've noted signs of Catholic devotion in the D&G line for several years:  Beckham accessorized in the D&G Rosary beads for an ad, the Crowned Madonna ensemble clearly shows their devotion for the crowned Madonnas of Italy, and the icon and religiously embellished couture is evocative of the Byzantine treasures of Ravenna.  All deeply religious motifs, impeccably executed.  No doubt about their heritage.

Beckham's St. Sebastian

In an interview with Panorama magazine, Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana, the two men whose business partnership—and one-time romantic partnership—lies behind one of the world's great fashion powerhouses, have declared that “The only family is the traditional one.”
“The family is not a fad,” Gabbana told the interviewer. “In it there is a supernatural sense of belonging.” 
Procreation “must be an act of love.” Children born through artificial insemination or egg donors are “children of chemistry, synthetic children. Uteruses for rent, semen chosen from a catalog,” Dolce said.
“The only family is the traditional one. No chemical offsprings and rented uterus: life has a natural flow; there are things that should not be changed.”
Domenico and Stefano were for years perhaps the globe's most prominent gay power couple. In the tightly knit, family-based, quasi-aristocratic world of Italian fashion, these two men came from nowhere to make a name for themselves that the whole world would recognize. In a 2005 New Yorkerarticle, John Seabrook marveled at their success:
Unlike the Guccis, Pradas, Puccis, Zegnas, Ferragamos, and Fendis, Dolce and Gabbana do not come from families with long pedigrees in the production and sale of luxury goods. . . . They began as outsiders, with their noses pressed to the windows of the fashion world. Their business and their distinctive style are based not so much on family history and artisanal traditions as on their relationship with each other. And the only reason that Dolce and Gabbana are creative and business partners at all is that they were romantic partners first. - Finish reading here.

Sadly, Italy's gay mafia is calling for a boycott as a result.
Already the new interview has prompted opposition, with the website LGBT News Italia calling for a boycott like the one launched against Barilla pasta after its chairman made similar comments. - First Things
I'm against it.  Boycotts and gay marriage and adoption.

Sort of an Empress Theodora inspiration:
After San Vitale of Ravenna

H/T Nan.