Saturday, June 30, 2012

Givenchy... menswear...

Crucifix jacket.

God awful clothes.

I haven't seen many details of the new 2013 menswear collection from Riccardo Tisci for Givenchy, but it's supposed to be 'holy' stuff, and surely expensive stuff at that, Emily.  BTW - Tisci is southern Italian... pazzi.  So anyway - the maestro has incorporated images of the Virgin Mary, symbols of the passion of Christ, and clerical-wear styles into his latest menswear collection. 

Why?  Maybe he's devout?  Or maybe he wants to men to dress lavishly - in expensive kitsch I suppose.  Have you noticed how fashionable it has become for Catholic people to insult religious kitsch and those whose taste they deem inferior to their own impeccable aesthetic?  Therefore, perhaps it is only natural that a Catholic designer should elevate what the theological aesthete mocks, to the level of haute couture.  It doesn't matter if one likes Tisci's designs or not, some of his former collections have been constructed and fabricated in as costly a manner and material as the finest liturgical vestments once were. 

I find it interesting what the dogs can do with the scraps which fall from their master's table, don't you?

Of course you don't.

The image is distinctly  'Bouguereauté'...
'every little detail'

*And no - I don't like this stuff, I prefer jeans and t-shirts.  Just saying.

I feel sorry for Tommy

Tom and Katie are divorcing.  Evidently Tom did not see this one coming: Katie filed in NY where the records are sealed, so we will probably never know the details.  I feel sorry for Tom.*  I think he is sort of a control freak, out to prove something - like his manhood.  Why else would he endanger his life doing all his own stunts?  It seems to me he pretty much obtained the marriage he contracted with Katie - he wanted it - he wanted her.  Secular-civil marriage is a form of acquisition and possession - on one level it is a means to contract, or claim ownership of one or the other, or in today's terms, one another... it becomes a legal claim of possession.

In the old days especially it was like that - consider how the woman lost her identity and became known as Mrs. John Doe - not Mrs. Jane Roe-Doe, but Mrs. John Doe, or Mrs. Doe.  What happened to Jane?  See what I mean?

So Tom Cruise is actually an old fashioned kind of guy - he goes looking for brides, buys them, and then they leave him.  He might just be too possessive... although he's obviously a good provider. Ka-ching. 

Anyway - in our day, marriage has lost its meaning, don't you agree?

*I feel especially for him because despite all his fame and fortune he strikes me as terribly unhappy and shallow.

One-a-Day: Greatest hits.

I used to play this album over and over and over.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Blogs: Slow day in hell.

'Perfect Stranger' - Michael Cheval

Just taking an online break from the heat.

While doing so, I checked out a few blogs - mostly those I rarely read, jus ta see wha up.

First - as a blogger, do you ever wonder why you posted something in the first place?  Or wrote what you wrote?  I do - and I have been known to remove the posts after I realize the real reason I posted it - sometimes - other times it is usually TMI.

So.  I was just reading a few posts elsewhere that made me wonder why a couple of these people even bothered to write them.  And then I wondered why I even link to them.  They are supposed to be good writers - obviously, since they've been published, but I have no interest in what they have to say.  Yep. I moved on.

Have we met?  No, I don't think we have.


Do you use that word often?

No, I doubt I've ever used it until now.

Many people use it, haven't you noticed?

I don't know what you mean.

Bradley Cooper

Bradley Cooper looks like Alberto Marvelli.

Bradley Cooper should play Blessed Alberto Marvelli in a film.

Are there Catholic script writers or film makers?  Do they do anything besides talk about film?

Middle of summer and 4th of July week...

My side of the fence.

Means no one is online reading blogs and I can say what I want to, say what I want to; you would cry too if it happened to you.

My neighbor vandalized my fence again this year.  I was surprised when I got angry about it, even though it wasn't as bad as last year.  Unfortunately, I confronted the husband and wife team, and said some uncharitable things.  I could say even more right now, but I'm trying really, really hard to be forgiving and charitable.  Once again however, because of my tongue, we will probably never speak again... but who wants friends like that anyway?

Minneapolis is the very worst city in the midwest - outside Chicago of course.

Minneapolis is a horrible city to live in, it is getting almost as bad as Chicago, although that may be because the criminals from Chicago move up here since we have tremendous emergency assistance and welfare benefits. 

Anyway - just last week, a little 5 year old baby boy was sleeping on the couch in his living room when he was killed by a stray gun shot which penetrated the side of the house.  Similarly, just a couple of months ago, another little kid was shot in exactly the same way as he was going up the stairs in his house - in the house! - a stray bullet killed him.

Last weekend, people were shot outside a gay bar downtown after closing.  Lately there has been an increase in muggings and attacks downtown - some possibly racially motivated or gang related.  This past week a woman's body was found in a downtown parking ramp - she had been stabbed to death.  Yet police, downtown businesses, the mayor and city council members insist these crimes are 'isolated incidents' and the city is safe.  Who lines their pockets, huh?

Trash - the city is run by trash.

Today I practically gift wrapped yard waste - all according to code - and the garbage collectors did not pick the stuff up - they picked up one bag of waste - probably because it was in a purchased compostable bag - while the other stuff was in ordinary craft bags - which are very much in compliance.  I called the city 3 times already.  You see I'm very, very, very tired of government interference, intervention and control of every effing thing we do, and it is only getting worse.  Do you know what I'm saying?  You can't eat or drink this or that.  You can't dispose of this and that unless it is in a bag made by a company some city inspector probably signed a contract with.  You can't smoke or get fat because you make other people who might look at you, sick.  You must wear a helmet when you ride a bike, and the bike must be licensed and have a light and reflectors.  (And my effing spell-check doesn't work either!) 

Yeah!  So everything is legislated and enforced these days - except the protection of life and morality.  WTF?!

Priest executed by Mafia recognized a martyr.

Don Giuseppe Pino Puglisi, martyr.
Rome - A Sicilian priest who was murdered by the Mafia in 1993 was declared a martyr by Pope Benedict XVI, a step toward sainthood, the Vatican said in a statement on Thursday.

The pope authorised the Vatican's Congregation for the Causes of Saints to issue a decree naming Giuseppe Pino Puglisi a martyr, "killed in hatred of the faith in Palermo".

Puglisi, who was known as an outspoken opponent of organised crime, was gunned down in front of his home.

He had worked in Palermo's Mafia-controlled Brancaccio neighbourhood, trying to help youngsters stay away from the Mafia.

He publicly addressed the problem of organised crime and his murderer later declared that when he fired a bullet in the nape of his neck the priest said with a smile, "I expected this". - Source

Praise God!  Don Pino's death reminds us that martyrdom is truly possible for us in our day, in our modern cities, our neighborhoods, our front yards.  Ah!  To be worthy to die for Christ!  Pray for us Blessed Guiseppe Pino Puglisi, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ, with Our Lady and St. Jospeh, pray for us now and at the hour of our death. 

I think it was Bl. Charles De Foucauld who said, "Live each day as if you are to die a martyr's death tomorrow."  With a smile, Don Puglisi greeted his assassin, "I expected this."

One-a-Day: Greatest hits.

How we got to this.  Or...  Who/what hatched Obama?

While everyone got stoned.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Nancy Pelosi Canonizes Ted Kennedy...

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi on Thursday credited the late Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) with driving the success of the Democrats' healthcare law:  "I knew that when he left us he would go to heaven and help pass the bill," Pelosi told reporters in the Capitol. "And now he can rest in peace. His dream for America's families has become a reality." - The Hill

May God have mercy on that woman's soul.

ObamaCare Won.

Taxing the poor.

I didn't expect that.

I'm against it. 

So if someone* doesn't have a job or an income and lives off the kindness of strangers, and doesn't have health insurance, how's he supposed to be able to pay a fine/tax?

I'm against it.

*Homeless people and those who solicit donations online. ;)

One-a-Day: Greatest hits.

All these pages are burning
    And all that's left is You

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

New film on Jesus of Nazareth

Ramon Navarro as Ben Hur, 1925

Marketing hype.

The script isn't even written and protests are beginning.  The film is only a proposed project at this stage, based upon a bad book, distorting the life of Christ, disputing Christian dogma, and so on.  Don't give it press - the more press it receives, the more likely it will make it to production.  Don't fall for the bait.

Scorsese's version flopped, but it was hugely contentious before release, Mother Angelica even calling down the wrath of God on Hollywood.  I'll bet the publicity her rants generated probably sold more tickets for the film if nothing else.

Of course people could always boycott Hollywood along with media and entertainment in general.  Or...

"I have an idea!  Let's make bumper stickers against it!"

"Oh!  And maybe some mugs too!"

"Juz somethin' I sawr in a winda and I couldn't resist it!"

Seriously, I couldn't resist posting this photo.  I found it first on The PulpIt and then on New Liturgical Movement.  I love Cardinal Burke who seems to be one of the few Cardinals willing to wear the cappa magna - a lot.  I genuinely like him and I also like the fact he favors traditional ecclesial style. 

Can you hear this?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

St. JoseMaria Escriva

The saint of ordinary life.

In thanksgiving for the graces and favors bestowed upon the holy founder of Opus Dei.

Euteneuer back in the news.

   ARLINGTON, Va. (CN) - A Roman Catholic priest "kissed (a woman) on all parts of her body" during a so-called "exorcism" session, and "frequently explained full, passionate kisses as 'blowing the Holy Spirit into' her," the woman claims in court. 
Jane Doe sued the Catholic Diocese of Arlington, its Bishop Paul Loverde - who is not the priest accused of the abuse - and Human Life International and the HLI Endowment Inc., of Charlottesville, in Arlington County Court. 
Doe claims she was sexually abused repeatedly by her "exorcist," Thomas J. Euteneur, who was president of Human Life International and the HLI Endowment; Euteneur, however, is not named as an individual defendant. 
Doe claims that Euteneur, a Roman Catholic priest, offers "'spiritual deliverance' and the performance of the rite of exorcism," and did it "with the knowledge and consent of the Diocese and the Most Rev. Paul S. Loverde. ... On at least one previous occasion, the Diocese and Bishop Loverde gave permission to Euteneur to conduct an exorcism within the Diocese." - Source
If this crap is true - it is disgusting.  What I found interesting is that the woman signed a document "entitled 'Agreement for spiritual help.' Among many other things, the document defines 'deliverance' as 'the application of the spiritual resources of the Church to persons with demonic infestation in order to liberate them from the influence of unclean spirits.'"

I suppose such a document implies 'consent' for what goes on?  Within reason of course.  Euteneuer admitted he crossed the line and committed violations against chastity.

I wonder if he charged for his services?  Did you know some people charge for 'spiritual direction'?  Not sure if priests do, however.  Religion becomes a business, doesn't it.  Not a question.

Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save. - Psalm 146: 3 

Thinking of Pier Vittorio again...

Pier Vittorio Tondelli  +1955-1991+
Before his conversion:  “Tondelli was fascinated with the works of Jewish mysticism, the Imitation of Christ, and the mystics like St. Teresa of Avila. “I love to look through them, to find and read stories, and the idea of holiness,” he wrote.
During his conversion:  "In 1989, the Italian writer said, “Everyone that has been raised in the bosom of a religion has his own religiosity. I have always tried to seek out not so much a discussion about the Catholic faith, but rather to express my own religiosity—without a doubt in the bosom of Christianity—which seeks out or questions its own positions, especially in confrontation with other authors.”
Speaking about chastity after his conversion, Tondelli called it “a mystic virtue for those who have chosen it and perhaps the most superhuman use of sexuality.”” - Catholic News Agency

Pier Vittorio Tondelli.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Good Question at WDTPRS

Put up or shut up.


I never applied for a permit to make comments at WDTPRS, which is why I turn what could have been a comment there, into a post here.  Without further ado. 
From a reader:
A group of us wanted to recite the Rosary after Mass in church and our pastor said ‘No the Rosary is a ‘private prayer’ and cannot be said as a group in church…..your thoughts ???
Fr. Z responds:
Are you sure that is what he said?

If he really said that – and it is a little hard to believe – think that to be one of the dumbest things I have heard in a long time.

Of course the Rosary can be prayed by groups and in a church! - WDTPRS 
Truth be told, the pastor of the church calls the shots.  There is a famous little Catholic church in a small town which has a big Cathedral, wherein the pastor of the one, and the rector of the other, told people they were not to publicly recite the rosary as a group out loud.  Each circumstance was different however.

  • At the famous little Catholic church, the pastor told the lady who wanted to pray the rosary out loud, after Mass, with her little group, that he would not permit it because it disturbed other people who wished to pray silently after Mass.  In addition, he instructed her, that in the future if she wanted to initiate a prayer group or time of public prayer, she must first ask the permission of the pastor.

  • At the Cathedral a group of 'gay' Catholics attempted to pray the rosary out loud, in the Church, for a particular intention, and the rector of the place instructed them to pray quietly and privately.  The rector stated that “public prayer” had to be approved in advance by his office.   In this case, the rector was aware that the intentions of the group were in opposition to Catholic teaching.  He thereby instructed them and limited them, while permitting them to remain and pray privately and silently, without demonstration. 

In both cases, each group was permitted to stay and pray silently.  Nothing wrong with that.

It is the pastor of the place who calls the shots - and he answers to his bishop - not to Catholics online.

NB: When in church, I keep my head down and my mouth shut - no really I do.  I still get tripped up on 'consubstantial'.  Never see it coming.  I know!

Toldja. The secret was revealed in its entirety.

Sr. Lucia of Fatima, before and after the chin implant. 

Sister Lucia on the third part of the secret of Fatima:

"It upset her that there was so much speculation about the Secret," writes Sister Maria Celina de Jesús Crucificado in a fascinating little booklet, Our Memories of Sister Lucia. "Before it was revealed, she used to say rather sadly: 'If they would only live the most important part, which has already been revealed! They are only interested in what has yet to be said, instead of fulfilling what has already been asked for: prayer and penance!'

"After the Secret had been revealed, people began to express doubts as to the authenticity of the text. One day I said to her: 'Sister Lucia, people are saying that there is yet another secret!' "She replied: 'If they know that there is another secret, let them reveal it! I know of no other! Some people are never satisfied. Take no notice!'" - Source

The Miracle (1959)

The plot.
So anyway, there was a young girl named Teresa who entered the monastery but ran off with a soldier - when she left, the Madonna came to life, took her place in the convent until she returned.  She came back, giving up a lucrative career as a singer, and deeply penitent, asked to be forgiven.  Then suddenly the statue was back and Teresa was a nun again - and it rained ending a 4 year long draught - which she caused BTW.  Evidently no one knew she had left in the first place...  Although it was said that the Abbess forbade her to blog ever again, and so the little penitent-nun-former songstress/writer  became an anchoress instead.
This is a true story/legend from Spain which was made into film, and before that had been a play, and before that actually happened.  More information here.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Patheos... Leah Libresco... Patheos... Leah Libresco... Patheos...

Leah Libresco

Washington (CNN) – She went from atheist to Catholic in just over 1,000 words.
Leah Libresco, who’d been a prominent atheist blogger for the religion website Patheos, announced on her blog this week that after years of debating many “smart Christians,” she has decided to become one herself, and that she has begun the process of converting to Catholicism. According to Dan Welch, director of marketing for Patheos, Libresco’s post has received around 150,000 page views so far. - Read the rest.

How cool is that?

This is big.  Really, really big.  Susan Boyle big.  Justin Bieber big. 

You just know the Catholic Church is the true Church when the Libresco story goes viral.  There's gotta be a script here someplace Barbara Nicolosi!

That so coulda been me!  Congratulations Elizabeth Scalia Leah Libresco!
I dreamed a dream in time gone by
When hope was high
And life worth living
I dreamed that love would never die
I dreamed that God would be forgiving
Then I was young and unafraid
And dreams were made and used and wasted
There was no ransom to be paid
No song unsung, no wine untasted
But there are dreams that cannot be
And there are storms we cannot weather

I had a dream my life would be
So different from this hell I'm living
So different now from what it seemed
Now life has killed the dream I dreamed.

Seriously - prayers and best wishes for Leah Libresco.  You ain't seen nothin' yet.  You can become a saint now too.  God bless you!

NB: You know what's really nice about this?  She seems like a nice young woman too.  Not like some of those former filthy, slutty, alcoholic converts.  What?  I'm just kidding.

Fr. JJ Day in St. Paul

A wonderful civic honor for a wonderful priest.

Fr. Johnson is leaving the Cathedral after a short term as Rector - only six years.  Yet he accomplished much in a very short time.  He will definitely be missed by many - including the Mayor of St. Paul, Chris Coleman, who honored Fr. Johnson with a special day today.

From the Catholic Spirit...
Sunday, June 24, will be declared “Very Rev. Joseph R. Johnson Day” in the City of St. Paul.

Mayor Chris Coleman will make the proclamation at a reception for the departing Cathedral of St. Paul rector in Hayden Hall following the 10 a.m. Mass June 24 at the cathedral.

During Father Johnson’s six years as rector, the cathedral has been designated a national shrine, the parish’s debt has been reduced, and efforts have been made to preserve the historic church through the Cathedral Heritage Foundation.

“[Father Johnson] has been just a wonderful curator of the building,” Coleman said in a June 15 phone interview.

“I’ve had a number of occasions to actually take a tour of the cathedral with other guests with Father Joe in the lead, and he just always amazed me with his depth of knowledge — not just of the building itself, but really of art history and the architectural history and how all the iconography relates to the history of the church,” Coleman said. “He’s very impressive that way.”

Father Johnson announced to Ca­thedral parishioners in April that he would be leaving in July to serve as the new pastor of Holy Family in St. Louis Park. - Read more.
Father Johnson also raised the cathedral’s visibility
 by hosting public events like the 
Red Bull Crashed Ice skating
competition in January,

Congratulation Fr. Johnson!

One-a-Day: Greatest hits.

This song played a huge role in my conversion.  It was released just after I began to get into 'spiritual stuff'.  Pure doctrine would have been too much for me at the time - so getting 'spiritual' was a stepping stone - a gateway... a stairway.  Did I ever tell you how I would 'see' Our Lady when I was high?  She always had her back to me, never turning around, although she 'appeared' like Our Lady of Fatima.  They were dreams or hallucinations of course... but I wanted to see her nevertheless.