Saturday, July 02, 2011

"Why do these words sound so nasty?"

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Friday, July 01, 2011

Fr. Gobbi: Mixed messages and locutions.

The Marian Movement of Priests:  Is It Safe for Faithful Catholics?
Note: That is the title of an article from Catholic Online by Mary Beth Kremski.  It is a good question to ask these days when false mystics rise up around us.  Kremski's article is very good, based upon documentation from the MMP relaying the request by the CDF that the claim of locutions/messages be changed to Fr. Gobbi's private/personal meditations, while within the semi-private communication circle of the MMP, the supernatural character of the messages continued to be affirmed.  Nevertheless, the CDF never interfered with the apostolate.  To see why there was concern in the first place, please read Kremski's article.
Silence of the tomb.
With the death of Fr. Stefano Gobbi comes the assessment of his locutions and messages from the Blessed Virgin Mary to her priests in the Marian Movement of Priests and the faithful who support them in cenacles of prayer.  Many good priests and bishops have found spiritual support and encouragement through Fr. Gobbi's apostolate, I suspect most believe in the authenticity of the messages.  While it is true the CDF recommended that Gobbi no longer make the claim that the messages were from Our Lady, but rather his personal meditation, none of his writings were ever banned or condemned.  Fr. Gobbi cooperated willingly with the requests made of him by Church officials.  He strikes me as a very humble and holy man, deeply devoted to Our Lady and the priesthood. 
Deluded or mistaken?
Personally, I was immediately attracted to the spirituality of the Marian Movement since it emphasised devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as revealed at Fatima, but I never could 'get into' the Gobbi messages, nor did I carry any sort of veneration for Fr. Gobbi beyond his being a priest.  I actually lost all interest in him after the instruction from the CDF to refer to the locutions as personal meditations.  Likewise, his endorsement of Medjugorje helped me detach myself from trying to follow along with the messages, a few of which concerning the future were eventually proved wrong - at least in the literal sense.  Deluded?  Perhaps, but suffering from delusion doesn't always make someone a bad person - just mistaken.  Well intentioned, but deluded.  Sincere, but mistaken. 
Locutions are apparently very popular these days amongst nouveau-mystics, yet they can be confusing phenomenon even for the saints.  For example, the Lord's words to St. Francis, 'rebuild my Church' is a very good example.  Francis thought he meant the run down church of San Damiano, but Pope Innocent III in his dream about the Saint understood that Francis and his order were called to help rebuild the whole Church - the people of God.  Hence the Pope himself approved and defined the mission of St. Francis, while subsequent popes have continued to do likewise for the Franciscans throughout the centuries.
God's ways are not man's ways.
St. John of the Cross explains why locutions are not always dependable, and how the recipient of the messages may misinterpret them.  I'm frequently reminded of Sr. Lucia of Fatima who wrote several things that seemed to hint at the contents of the third secret, yet when the secret was revealed and interpreted by the Church, some people felt there were contradictions and or omissions, although Sr. Lucia herself affirmed the secret had been revealed in its entirety, just as she affirmed that the consecration Our Lady requested was accepted by Heaven as being fulfilled.  Sr. Lucia, referring to the secret said that the details and meaning were "up to the Church to interpret".  In this she was absolutely correct.  She demonstrated great humility and obedience subjecting every thing to the better judgement of the Church, mistrusting even her own interpretation of events - since as John of the Cross states, "the soul is easily mistaken" - and in some cases even the person's spiritual director can be misled.
Visions and locutions, even though from God, can mislead us. 
St. John of the Cross in Chapter 19 of the Ascent lays out proof from Scripture on how this can be, for the sake of brevity, I will only high light a few passages to help explain the dangers and misunderstandings locutions can and do generate.
"We mentioned the two reason why, although God's visions and locutions are true and certain in themselves, they are not always so for us.  The first reason is because of our defective manner of understanding them, and the second because their basic causes are sometimes variable.
Clearly in regard to the first, not all revelations turn out according to the literal meaning.  The cause is that, since God is immense and profound, he usually embodies in his prophecies, locutions, and revelations other ways, concepts, and ideas remarkably different from the meaning we generally find in them.  And the surer and more truthful they are, the less they seem so to us.
We behold this frequently in Scripture.  With a number of the ancients, many of God's prophecies and locutions did not turn out as they had expected, because they interpreted them with their own different and extremely literal method."
The letter kills, the spirit gives life.
John goes on to cite several passages from Scripture, explaining why and how the recipients got it wrong and events turned out not as human nature expected.  John then explains:
"[...] Souls are misled by imparting to God's locutions and revelations a literal interpretation, and interpretation according to the outer rind.  As has been explained, God's chief objective in conferring these revelations is to express and impart the elusive, spiritual meaning contained in the words.  This spiritual meaning is richer and more plentiful than the literal meaning and transcends those limits."
[...] "Anyone bound to the letter, locution, form, or apprehensible figure cannot avoid serious error and will later become confused for having been led by the literal sense and not having allowed for the spiritual meaning which is divested of the literal sense.  ('The letter kills, the spirit gives life' - 2 Cor. 3:6)"

+ + + + +

"It is impossible for someone unspiritual to judge and understand the things of God correctly; and one is not spiritual if one judges them literally." - All quotes from St. John taken from The Ascent, Bk II, Chapter 19
Prayers for Fr. Gobbi.  Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
 H/T Spirit Daily

Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

This year the Solemnity falls on the First Friday of July, which also coincides with the memorial of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus.

+ + + + +
Most Precious Blood flowing forth from the Sacred Heart of Jesus as a font of mercy for us, I trust in you.

Bishop Tobin expresses disappointment over Rhode Island civil union law.

Bishop Tobin has been outspoken against legislation which would permit same sex marriage or its equivalent, civil unions.  Rhode Island just did.  From Bishop Tobin:
“I am deeply disappointed that Rhode Island will establish civil unions in our state. The concept of civil unions is a social experiment that promotes an immoral lifestyle, is a mockery of the institution of marriage as designed by God, undermines the well-being of our families, and poses a threat to religious liberty.
In this context it is my obligation to remind Catholics of the teachings of the Church on this matter. First, the Church continues to have respect and love for persons with same-sex attraction; they are indeed children of God and our brothers and sisters in the human family. We pray for their well-being and offer them spiritual guidance and pastoral care. We also extend our love and support to families of homosexual persons who sometimes struggle with this difficult emotional issue.
At the same time, the Church reminds its members that homosexual activity is contrary to the natural law and the will of God and, therefore, is objectively sinful. Persons with same-sex attraction are required to live the Christian virtues of chastity and modesty, as all persons are. The importance of these virtues is clearly established in the Holy Scriptures and in the constant tradition of the Church.
Because civil unions promote an unacceptable lifestyle, undermine the faith of the Church on holy matrimony, and cause scandal and confusion, Catholics may not participate in civil unions. To do so is a very grave violation of the moral law and, thus, seriously sinful. A civil union can never be accepted as a legitimate alternative to matrimony.
Can there be any doubt that Almighty God will, in His own time and way, pass judgment upon our state, its leaders and citizens, for abandoning His commands and embracing public immorality? I encourage Catholics to pray for God’s patience, mercy and forgiveness in these distressing times.” - Bishop Tobin.
May God bless Bishop Tobin for reiterating sound Roman Catholic teaching so forcibly in these days of mass delusion and confusion. 
In addition to praying for the intentions Bishop Tobin requests, I also think it is rather important to pray for the priests and bishops who remain in communion with the Catholic Church, rather than those who defect or abandon ship. 

BREAKING! Woman who accused him of sexual misconduct caught in lies!

The sexual assault case against him is on the verge of collapse as investigators have uncovered major holes in the credibility of the housekeeper who charged that he attacked her in his Manhattan hotel suite in May, according to two well-placed law enforcement officials.       
Although forensic tests found unambiguous evidence of a sexual encounter between Mr. Strauss-Kahn, a French politician, and the woman, prosecutors do not believe much of what the accuser has told them about the circumstances or about herself.       
Since her initial allegation on May 14, the accuser has repeatedly lied, one of the law enforcement officials said. - Finish reading @ NYT

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Corapi, John

Buzz on a famous Sacramento priest.
See how much better he looks when he doesn't dye his beard and get himself so tanned up?  He looks great in civvies too - and he looks much more rested.  I want to read his autobiography when it comes out.  (I smell a movie-script here too.)  I'm hoping he reveals who the starlet was he had with him in the fancy sportscar drive to Vegas.  I keep thinking it could have been Tatum O'Neil - although maybe she was too young at the time - additionally, she could have been too wasted to remember.
Anyway - the first secular press mention of the lawsuit against his whistle blower that I have encountered has come to light today - making it a 'public' issue now, and not just a 'private' ho-hum mind-your-own-business Catholic priest scandal.  It's 'civil' now, man.  I wish it could get on Judge Judy.
Here's the deal from The Sacramento Bee:
A former Sacramento priest and nationally known speaker has filed a lawsuit against the woman who accused him of sexual misconduct.
The Rev. John Corapi, who served as the director of Catholic Faith Formation in Sacramento in the 1990s, filed a lawsuit in the 11th Judicial District Court of Montana, where he now lives. He alleges that his accuser committed libel and that a letter she wrote to his religious superiors contained "numerous false, malicious and unprivileged statements" about the priest. He is suing for punitive and unspecified compensatory damages.
In the lawsuit, Corapi said the success of his ministry depends on his reputation and his position of a priest in good standing.  Read more:
Works for me.
For a synopsis of what's been happening regarding the Corapi affair I've found Diane's reporting at Te Deum to be helpful - she also has an amazing photo of Fr. Corapi at the top of the post.  The Anchoress has her good objective commentary as well. 
The Black SheepDog website hasn't been updated for awhile.  I'm thinking TMZ might get a hold of the story pretty soon and we'll maybe get better coverage.  I'd love to see photos of the ranch.  What?

UPDATE:  1 July - there has been an update.  A patriotic update no less.  Black SheepDog

Father Stefano Gobbi, RIP

Founder of the Marian Movement of Priests
Fr. Gobbi founded the Marian Movement of Priests in 1972 after receiving locutions from Our Lady asking for priests to consecrate themselves to her Immaculate Heart.  This occurred at the time many priests began leaving the priesthood and Marian devotion was in decline.  Fr. Gobbi's movement grew and spread quickly.  He was a friend to other mystics, Bl. John Paul II, as well as the false mystic, Fr. Gino, an Italian stigmatic now discredited due to homosexual behavior and other canonical infractions.  I'm not sure if Gobbi knew Fr. Maciel or not.  Fr. Gobbi also believed Medjugorje was authentic and offered his own predictions about the secrets - he believed Our Lady had told him.  Gobbi's locutions were deemed 'private meditations' by some authorities, although it is my understanding that the CDF never officially ruled on the phenomena, and the Marian Movement remains an active organization in good standing.    
A personal encounter.
Fr. Gobbi visited the Twin Cities a couple of times, I think at the invitation by the late Fr. Thomas Pingatore, who was very devoted to the Movement.  I saw Fr. Gobbi once at old St. Ambrose, and I think once at St. John's on the East side of St. Paul.  I have no recollection of either event except the one at St. Ambrose.  One of my Italian friends was there - she is also my sister-in-law's sister.  Anyway we were standing at the back of the church when Gobbi came in and he greeted us.  After he passed I pulled out a rosary made of rose petals I happened to have with me and I whispered excitedly,  "Mary Ann!  Can you smell the roses just now when Fr. Gobbi passed?"
"O my God!  Yes!  Terry! - And - and- I think the rosary smells of roses too!"  her eyes flooded with tears by then. 
I then held my beads up to my nose, inhaled and exclaimed, "Oh!  My!  Gosh!  Roses!  Mary Ann!  The rosary smells just like roses!"  And I held the beads out for her to smell and pulled them back before she could get a closer look.
So.  Do you think I told her that the rosary was made of scented rose petals squashed into little brown-red beads?  Or do you think I let her believe it was a miracle? 
I'm not telling.
More seriously, prayers for Fr. Gobbi - he was certainly a devoted servant of Our Lady.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Canadian Bishops Issue Document: Pastoral Ministry to Young People with Same-Sex Attraction

A new document - one that is very much overdue.
As Fr. Tim Finigan said, the document is composed: With kindly pastoral advice, the document does not shirk from Catholic doctrine but presents it in a balanced way with a view to fostering the spiritual life of young people with SSA.  Fr. Finigan hi lights some key sections of the document that I will reprint here.
Above all, welcome these young adults and, if they are honestly striving to live in accordance with the teaching of Christ, encourage their full and active role in parish life. ...
To the extent that a same-sex attraction is not freely chosen, there is no personal culpability in having such an inclination. Nonetheless, when oriented toward genital activity, this inclination is “objectively disordered.” This does not mean that the person as a whole is somehow defective or “badly made,” or that he or she has in some way been rejected by God. Inclinations to homosexual acts in no way diminish the full human dignity or intrinsic worth of the person. For many people, same-sex attraction constitutes a trial. They therefore deserve to be approached by pastors with charity and prudence.
A person with homosexual inclinations is not called to a “loveless” life, but to live in the love and grace of Christ Jesus. He alone fulflls our human personalities and lifts them up to the Father. Such a life entails both self-giving and self-sacrifce, the marks of true love for God and one’s brothers and sisters.
We ask you to pay particular attention to guiding adolescents and young adults with same-sex attraction away from two specifc dangers. First, help them see themselves as persons with a God-given dignity and not merely as individuals with sexual inclinations and desires. Second, help them avoid involvement in a “gay culture” opposed to the Church’s teaching, with its often aggressive and immoral lifestyle.  - The Episcopal Commission for Doctrine of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) Full document here.
Help them avoid involvement in a “gay culture” opposed to the Church’s teaching, with its often aggressive and immoral lifestyle.
I personally believe that the need for this new pastoral instruction on doctrinal teaching and direction is urgently needed today more than ever, since in many places education, government, media and entertainment has already more or less united together to indoctrinate young people and children into accepting the construct that gay (homosexual behavior) is good, and that gay (homosexual behavior) is no different from heterosexual marital relations.  As Fr. Finigan observed: "One of the most important pastoral concerns of the Church should be to protect young people from the strident and aggressive gay culture which is prevalent in many cities."
Bonus:  Two more excellent quotes from the document:
20. Because chastity is not only a journey but also a battle, be on guard against temptations that will continually arise. Realistically assess your weaknesses, and avoid circumstances that might lead you to fall. When using the internet, be on guard against pornography, as well as certain chat rooms and social networking sites that promote immoral lifestyles. Chastity is a challenge, but God’s grace will give you the strength to overcome temptation. ...
21. ... When you stumble on your way, the Lord is with you. Never give in to discouragement, but return frequently to the Lord for forgiveness. Growth in holiness is a long and arduous journey. Because we are all sinners, God continuously calls us to conversion when we give in to weakness and sin. God always offers you his grace, especially in the hardest moments of your lives. Confess your sins with contrite hearts, resolved not to repeat them again. Try to find a stable confessor or spiritual director with whom you can discuss your difficulties honestly and so receive help in overcoming them. -  Best Quotes Source
These last two are very important to remember so that one doesn't become discouraged.  It takes time and effort to do God's will - patient endurance and trust in merciful love.

Thanks very much to Diane at Te Deum for the heads up.  Thanks to Fr. Finigan for the excerpts and his commentary.
Art: Andrew Wyeth

SS Peter and Paul

I've never had a particular devotion to these saints in the sense that I do for particular personal patron saints, although I have a great devotion to their Letters.  Perhaps the times warrant a more intense devotion to these fathers in the faith.  They are frequently depicted in art appearing to various saints.  I believe Catherine of Sienna was especially devoted to them as well.  How much we need them today!

Art:  Fra Angelico, Apparition of St.s Peter and Paul to St. Dominic

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I give up! Portugese Cardinal says there is no theological problem with women's ordination.

What up with that?
At Fatima Our Lady said "In Portugal the dogma of faith will always be preserved".
Yeah-huh!  But at Akita the Blessed Virgin said, "The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops."
So what's up with Cardinal Jose da Cruz Policarpo, the Patriarch of Lisbon, Portugal?
"Theologically there is no fundamental obstacle," Cardinal Policarpo was quoted as saying. "We could say there's a tradition, because it's never been done. There's a fundamental equality among all the members of the church," the Cardinal said. "The problem lies in a strong tradition, which comes from Jesus and from the fact that the churches of the Reformation conceded the priesthood to women." - Source
Now clearly that is just wrong.  Especially since the Holy Father has asserted that the teaching against the ordination of women is 'infallible'.
Whaddaya do? Quick - somebody get Ed Peters on the line!  Or.  Let the dead bury their dead. 
In the meantime, maybe I should go back to drinking?
Photo:  Cardinal Policrapo


Homeless saints.
I need a change of scenery.  I've got to finish doing the period pieces I'm working on for the tabernacle frames and do something less disciplined.  I am finishing up my patron, Peter of Verona right now - though it is small, I think I'm treating it too preciously.  I want to do something else.  I came across this wonderful work by a street artist, Gabriel Reese, a portrait he painted and mounted on the boarded facade of a building.
The artwork was installed by artist Gabriel Reese, known better in street-art circles by the name Specter. Mr. Reese said he based the portrait on Billy Bobby, a homeless man he met and spent time with in Soho. It’s the second installation in a series called “If I saw you in heaven” that Mr. Reese said will eventually feature two more romanticized depictions of homeless people he has encountered in the city. “On earth these people are on the same plane as you, we just choose to ignore them,” he said. “That’s why I make them godly.” - Story here
His Billy Bobby reminds me of St. Alexis.  The homeless St. Alexis at once exemplifies for me - on the one hand the Scriptural passage, "let the dead bury their dead", while on the other hand, "Go back home and recount all that God has done for you." [Luke 8:39] 

Becoming Jain...

These men are Jain monks or ascetics - some wander totally naked - no matter the season, so completely detached are they from worldly goods and possessions.  Others actually wear a band over their mouths to maintain silence - I think.  It seems strange to us in the West of course - although Indian food is very popular now days, and many TV shows (Big Bang Theory) have Indian actors.  But I digress.  One shouldn't be scandalized by the nudity, since even in Orthodox tradition, some holy ascetics went around naked - these were often considered to be holy fools for Christ.  None of this would be tolerated in the West today however - although it is still permitted in India.  In Minneapolis there are many people from India and we even have Hindu temples - although it must be noted Jains are not Hindus.
I heard from a monk friend yesterday, just after reading about Jain monasticism, homeless pilgrims, and Franciscan poverty and asceticism.  It seemed like such a coincidence.
For more information on Jainism (it isn't Catholic), click here.

That's all.  ...well maybe not:
The top illustration of ascetics is to replace photo showing real life Jain ascetics. 
One more unique aspect of Jainism is its ascetics. The Jain ascetics are homeless wanderers, having no possession of any kind. They follow strict celibacy and guide basic layman about the principles of Jainism and principles of nonviolence, which they follow strictly. They never use vehicle and still travel thousands of miles. They renounce the material worldly things and show the people that true happiness lies in non-possessiveness and not in material or sensual pleasures. Their wealth is their spirituality.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Best commentary yet on the gay marriage deal...

I found it on Dymphna's blog.
At the risk of making her mad at me for being so presumptuous, let me say that I always find great wisdom on Dymphna's little blog.  For some reason she reminds me of Nina on Third Rock From the Sun, the only sensible character in the college office of Dr. Mary Albright and Dr. Dick Solomon, to whom she acts as administrative assistant.  Dymphna is one of the few commonsense bloggers in a blogosphere of opinionated insanity and inflated egos - and I'm trusting she has a good sense of humor too.  But I digress.
She's right of course:
"A lot of nice, well meaning people in the blogosphere are aghast because gay "marriage" has been legalized in New York state. To be honest, I feel like asking these people where the hell they've been for the last twenty or thirty years. Have they been so self absorbed that they havne't seen what's been going around them?
Marriage was already befouled a long time ago and heterosexuals did it." - Dymphna's Road
Photo:  Third Rock cast.  I would be Dr. Dick of course.  (Larry is French Stewart's character, and Adrienne is Mrs. Dubchek.

Another priest thrown under the bus?

Rather, isn't it simply compliance with the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People? 

“Please keep Father Spaulding, St. Timothy Parish and the person who brought forward the accusation in your prayers.” - Rev. David Sanfilippo, vicar of priests.
Rev. John D.“Jack” Spaulding, pastor of St. Timothy’s Catholic Community in Mesa, was placed on administrative leave Friday after a Diocesan Review Board Thursday night determined there was a “credible”allegation of his involvement in sexual misconduct with a minor. It allegedly took place more than 25 years ago when he was pastor at St. Maria Goretti Catholic Parish in Scottsdale.
Between 1989 and 1996, nine young people of St. Maria Goretti said they were hearing voices and getting messages, or “locutions,”from Mary. Spaulding, who said he also began to get messages, instructed them to record their messages, which were compiled and examined by a diocesan commission. Its report in 1995 said the locutions were “explainable in the range of ordinary human experiences” and were not supernatural.
The diocese released a statement Friday afternoon that Spaulding, 67, had resigned as pastor on Monday, and that Bishop Thomas Olmsted had accepted it and was consulting with others in the diocese to name a new priest for St. Timothy, one of the largest parishes in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix.
Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery released a statement Saturday morning saying his office has received no allegations or investigative report from law enforcement regarding Spaulding, nor is it participating in any criminal investigation arising from his suspension.
Olmsted said the case will be referred to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome for further proceedings. Spaulding’s resignation is effective July 4 and “came after a separate investigation by the diocese into concerns that the parish had failed to follow certain financial and human resources policies and procedures,” the diocesan statement said. It said the diocese wants to “assure the faithful of St. Timothy that there was no finding of embezzlement or other such financial crime or impropriety” on the part of Spaulding or parish staff. “Father’s Spaulding’s resignation on Monday from his position as pastor was based upon his recognition that a change of leadership was necessary at the parish,” the two-page statement said.
Olmsted said he took his action on the sexual misconduct allegation in compliance with the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People adopted by national bishops several years ago. - Source
Prayers for Fr. Spaulding.

Who are you going to believe?

Faith in what?
Do you believe the One Holy Roman Catholic Church, the Vicar of Christ and the Bishops in Communion with him? 
Or do you believe popular culture which governs public opinion effecting changes in civil law and traditional morality?  Or, if you are trying to be a faithful Catholic, do you believe a schismatic bishop who claims to speak for the CDF?  Or a priest who has left ministry?  Or the bloggers and journalists who claim sitting bishops are liars and Marxists, and that they throw unwitting priests under buses?  Or do you believe dissenting Catholics who form their own 'worship' communities and new age retreat centers and tell you every one is wrong - except the gays?  Or do you believe spurious mystics who claim the Virgin has been telling them secrets for 30 years - but they can't reveal them?  Who do you believe?
So, who do you believe?
Bishop Fellay of the SSPX claims:  "These are the words from the Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: “But you know, it’s the priests, it’s the bishops, it’s the Catholic universities: they are full of heresies!” That’s what the the Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith told us in June 2009! So they know that the situation in the Church is dramatic. If they are able to say that it is full of heresies everywhere, it really means something! At the same time, they act as if everything is fine. It is disappointing and confusing, my dear Brethren, but that’s the situation." - Source
Thirty years and still going strong: "Since the beginning of the apparitions, over 40 million pilgrims have come to the small, hilly village to pray, fast, repent, and get a glimpse of the visionaries. Some have documented “miracles” such as rosary turning to gold, supernatural sightings, the dancing sun and healings.  If this is a hoax, six individuals have given 30 years of their life to maintaining the charade. Each of them has continued on with their lives; marrying, having children, working. None of the visionaries took a vocation in the Catholic church. They all chose secular lives." - Source
Fr. Corapi:  "The leadership of the Church has made it clear to me they don’t want me anymore. They have a right to do that and I have to accept that. So, I’ll do what I can outside of the Church. I’m not leaving the Church. I am simply doing something else in life so that I won’t wither up and die, and so that you can still derive some benefit from my gifts from God." - Source
But what have your bishops and cardinals in communion with the Pope told you?  What does the Catechism teach?  What do the various Vatican dicasteries tell you in the Pope's name?
One, Holy, Roman Catholic Church - Jesus Christ.
Let the dead bury their dead...  follow Jesus Christ. 
Art: Synaxis Of The Holy, Glorious And All-praised Twelve Apostles

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Corpus Christi

Body and Blood of Christ, strength and courage of martyrs, save us.
"Martyrdom is witnessing to the truth, and paying for the witness. In other words, we're living in the age of martyrs in two senses. First, on the level of suffering and pain. For many, suffering due to physical pain has been reduced by advances in science; thus, the deepest pain is not in the body, but in the soul. In the souls of the just, there has been an ocean of suffering. One sees so much evil in the world, and often it is very close to home. It is a deep suffering. When we see evil perpetrated, committed by people whom we dearly love, it causes us deep suffering. And so that's martyrdom, you might say. But when we accept such suffering as a witness to our love for Jesus Christ, we are practicing martyrdom, and, with his grace, we can even enjoy the experience." - Source
"Given that, to make bread the wheat must be ground, and to make wine the grapes must be crushed, so I want my members to be broken and ground by the beasts' teeth to become a sacrifice pleasing to God." - St. Ignatius of Antioch

Photo:  Cardinal Giovanni Battista Montini during the Corpus Christi procession.  I very much admire a monstrance like the one shown.  Photo source