Saturday, March 26, 2011

Bishop Paul Dudley, a man falsely accused.

Bishop Paul Vincent Dudley (November 29, 1926—November 20, 2006)
Bishop Dudley was a local bishop accused - more than once - of sexual abuse.  The cases stretched back to the 1950's.  Bishop Dudley was a very holy priest, one sensed that immediately upon meeting the man.  He was meek and humble and full of charity - much like his Master. 
He barely uttered a defense of himself when accused, except in an effort to avoid scandalizing the faithful, he declared his innocence saying,  "I totally deny these allegations. They are brutally unfounded."  To my knowledge, never did he defend himself further, nor ever castigate his accusers. 
After the last accusation concerning a minor altar boy from the 1950's, the bishop made the personal choice to voluntarily withdraw himself from priestly ministry until the investigation into the charges were concluded.  He acted thus to avoid adding to the spectacle of the flurry of media coverage on the sexual abuse scandal which swept the nation at the time. 
Bishop Dudley was soon exonerated of all charges.  Speaking of the ordeal afterwards he stated, "While living under the cloud of these accusations has been one of the greatest challenges of my life, I never lost faith and confidence that the truth would prevail."  His reputation was never even tarnished by the false accusations, in fact, his reputation for sanctity increased.

The beloved, saintly Bishop Dudley died in 2006, at the age of 79.  He seems to me to be a good example to all of those who are falsely accused.
More information here.

The sin of pride - more grievous than sins of the flesh.


The principal defects springing from pride are presumption, ambition, and vainglory.
Presumption is the desire and inordinate hope of doing what is above one's power.(16) The presumptuous man believes himself capable of studying and solving the most difficult questions; he settles the most abstruse problems with rash haste. He fancies that he has sufficient light to guide himself without consulting a director. Instead of building his interior life on humility, renunciation, fidelity to the duty of the present moment even in little things, he speaks particularly of magnanimity, of apostolic zeal, or indeed aspires to the immediate attainment of the high degrees of prayer without passing through the various stages, forgetting that he is still only a beginner, whose will is still weak and full of egoism. He is still full of self; a great void must be created in him in order that his soul may some day be filled with God and able to give Him to others.
From presumption springs ambition, under one form or another. Because a man presumes too greatly on his powers and judges himself superior to others, he wishes to dominate them, to impose on them his ideas in matters of doctrine, or to govern them. St. Thomas (17) says that a man manifests ambition when he seeks offices carrying with them honor which he does not merit; when he seeks honors for himself and not for the glory of God or the profit of others. How many schemes, secret solicitations, and intrigues ambition inspires in all walks of life! (18)
Pride leads also to vainglory, that is, the wish to be esteemed for oneself, without referring this honor to God, the source of all good, and often a wish to be esteemed for vain things. This is the case of the pedant who loves to display his knowledge, binding himself and wishing to bind others to trifles.(19)
Defects from vainglory.
Many defects spring from vainglory: (20) boasting, which easily makes a person ridiculous; hypocrisy, which under the appearances of virtue, hides vices; stubbornness, contention or asperity in defending one's opinion, which engenders discord; and also disobedience, sharp criticisms of superiors.
The way of perdition.
Thus we see that pride which is not repressed sometimes produces disastrous effects. How many discords, hatreds, and wars are born of pride! It has been justly said that pride is the great enemy of perfection because it is the source of numerous sins and deprives us of many graces and merits. Scripture says: "God resisteth the proud and giveth grace to the humble." (21) And Christ says of the Pharisees, who pray and give alms in order to be seen by men: "They have received their reward"; (22) they cannot expect that of our heavenly Father, since they have acted for themselves and not for Him. Lastly, a life dominated by pride is grievously sterile and presages perdition unless a remedy is promptly applied. - Garrigou-Lagrange

Friday, March 25, 2011

"It was good for me to be afflicted..."

"To learn your statutes." - Ps 119: 71
The more I think about the Fr. Corapi affair, the more I see it as a good thing.  I speak from experience.  Without going into personal detail, I can tell you that to be accused, shamed, and ostracised - deservedly or not - though painful, difficult and troubling, is always providential and grace-filled.  If one prays, there are always great lessons to be learned.  It is purifying to the soul, and if one is perfect (I'm not - maybe Corapi is) it can be redemptive and reparative for others.  Our nature rebels at first, but after reflection, self-examination and prayer, we find our peace and equilibrium in Christ, our rock.  While the mountains of our reputation tumble into the sea, and the facades of our own or other's construction tumble down, we are brought back to our early love and dependence upon God alone.  We turn once again to God's mercy and love that once found us broken and battered in the gutter of personal sin.  God alone is good.
"Though proud men smear me with lies, yet I keep your precepts." - Ps. 119: 69
I should probably look it up for the actual passage in her works, but St. Teresa scolded her nuns for being too concerned about their reputations and honors, while she disdained any income for her foundations.  One must not forget that she herself was subject to the Inquisition without complaint.  There is so much to learn from the humility and example of the saints.  And of course we can't forget, John of the Cross was imprisoned and persecuted by his own congregation.  These troubles were the source of great graces for the saints - just as our troubles can be for us... "It was good for me to be afflicted, that I might learn your statutes."
I find it edifying that we are all praying for Fr. Corapi, some of you even participating in public novenas, hoping that Father will be exonerated; but what is more interesting is how we pounce on those who have been accused of similar things, justly or falsely, and because they may not be as 'conservative' as a Corapi, we fore go any defense or support and set out to vilify and condemn those who by their office, we are still obliged to show respect and obedience.  It is good to be afflicted in conscience about our double standards and bias.
Good lessons to ponder here I think - at least for me.
"The season of judgement has begun, and begun with God's own household." - 1 Peter 4: 17


Some Catholics are quite thrilled because they can eat meat today and break their Lenten fast as well, since the Annunciation is a Solemnity.  That's kind of cute, don't you think?  It seems so juvenile for some reason.  It must rejoice the Heart of Jesus - "let the children come to me!" 
Art: Annunciation, John Collier.  Contemporary religious art is so refreshing sometimes.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Servant of God, Oscar Romero, March 24

Sharing the lot of the saints in light.
I almost missed the anniversary of his assasination, only to be reminded of it because President Obama visited Archbishop Romero's tomb this past week.  I recall having been deeply moved when I heard about his death - learning that he had been shot during the consecration and elevation of the chalice.  
Drinking the cup of the Lord:  "My chalice you will indeed drink..."
Romero was shot on 24 March 1980, while celebrating Mass at a small chapel located in a hospital called "La Divina Providencia", one day after a sermon where he had called on Salvadoran soldiers, as Christians, to obey God's higher order and to stop carrying out the government's repression and violations of basic human rights. According to an audio-recording of the Mass, he was shot while elevating the chalice at the end of the Eucharistic rite. When he was shot, his blood spilled over the altar along with the contents of the chalice.


On the tenth anniversary of the assassination in 1990, the sitting prelate archbishop of San Salvador, Msgr. Arturo Rivera, appointed a postulator to prepare documentation for a cause of beatification and canonization of Romero. The documents were formally accepted by Pope John Paul II and the Congregation for the Causes of Saints in 1997, and Romero was given the title of "Servant of God". The process continues today with further investigation of the heroism and martyrdom of Romero. Upon the declaration of heroism and martyrdom, it is expected that Romero will achieve the title of "Venerable". If the decree finds that Romero was a martyr, there would be no further obstacles to his beatification. A declaration of only heroic virtue, however, would require that a miracle must be attributed to Romero in order for him to be declared Blessed. - Source

Photo:  Moments after the Archbishop was shot.

Traditional Catholic Web Pages - Ratings: Tradition in Action

I never realised such websites were rated.
From Catholic Culture:
Tradition In Action:  Description

Tradition in Action claims to be "committed to defend the perennial Magisterium of Holy Mother Church and Catholic traditions. TIA also works for a restoration of Christian civilization, adapted to contemporary historical circumstances."
However, TIA's members attempt to do this by ridiculing the Roman clergy, the Pope, and many prominent Catholic leaders and religious. Their manner of presenting pictures and commentary completely aside from any context is both a misrepresentation of facts and disgraceful to the Church and Her hierarchy. While ostensibly seeking to reinstate traditions in the Church, this site ridicules the living Tradition of the Church’s Magisterium and therefore, it cannot validly claim a right to defense of Holy Mother Church. We recommend avoiding it altogether. - Link
And to think I would link to stories and photos on that website.  Uber-trads can be as dangerous as the ultra-liberals, and both undermine the Magisterium.

Policy Note:  I am now using Comment Moderation for all comments.

An example of recovering one's reputation...

It's not impossible.
"Cardinal Bernardin's public life was far from "over" after the allegations of pedophilia against him were proven false. He went on to have a very successful career as Cardinal of the Archdiocese of Chicago and authored a wonderful book on the value of suffering." - Commenter on Lessons from the allegations against Father John Corapi.

Bernadin was certainly a well known Churchman - even outside of the Church.  Of course the Cardinal's reputation has been totally destroyed, and just about all of his works demonized by 'the many' since his death from cancer, but he certainly suffered all of his trials gallantly and heroically.  Humility is a very great virtue. 

Archangel Gabriel

Supreme commander of God,

Minister of His divine glory,

Leader of the angels and instructor of men:

Ask for us great mercy and that which is profitable,

In that you are the supreme commander of the incorporeal hosts.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Heavy Snow in Minneapolis.

No - that is not a code for coke.
They closed adoration at my parish today.
I also have to shovel/snow-blow again.
Do you know it is kind of faithless to complain about the weather?  At least Angela of Foligno thought so - she pointed out that Christ subjected himself to all sorts of inclement weather, and was obedient.
I wonder why we are always surprised when some misfortune happens to us?  As if we deserve otherwise?
I love how Teresa of Avila used to scold people for being so concerned about their honor and their rights - reminding them of the humiliations Christ submitted himself to.
Even the saints found religious people tiresome.

Top photo:  Montreal - I'm pretending Minneapolis is that charming.
Lower photo:  Heavy snow in Avila.

Remembering Dame Elizabeth

She was a caring, loyal, loving woman.  Love covers a multitude of sins.  May she rest in the mercy of God.

Elizabeth Tayor
February 27, 1932 – March 23, 2011

Another post on the Fr. Corapi Accusations.

"The blogosphere has been crackling..." Greg Kandra
Fr. 'I'm so well known that the damage is irreparable' Corapi.  I was thinking about that statement.  That's a pretty high opinion of oneself.  I haven't noticed anything on national news regarding this story - just online Catholic sources.
When these stories come out about priests I am always shaken.  It bothers me and tempts my fidelity.  While pondering the Corapi discussion, I've concluded that even if Fr. Corapi is innocent of the accusations, I believe this whole interruption to his life and career just might be good for him and his followers.  We believe in Divine Providence, right?  God draws good out of evil, right?  Perhaps this is a correction, a needed break to step back and examine the 'business' Corapi is about?  Maybe the 'for profit' deal isn't the way to go when fulfilling the mission to 'preach the Gospel without charge'?  Discounting the business part, maybe it is a good reminder just how fallible human beings are and that we ought to place our faith and trust in God alone - not 'princes'.  
I've never read the Deacon's Bench before, but today I came upon some objective commentary on the Corapi affair not found elsewhere online.  Most of Corapi's middle American fan base seems ready to defend the priest to the death and come close to condemning anyone who dares to suggest the accusations just might make sense.  In the beginning I liked Corapi - although I never thought he had the greatest elocutionary skills, but he pretty much lost me during his copyright wars over his material and speaking tours, not to mention the death threat drama and security detail he incorporated into his entourage.  None of that meant he can't preach the Word of God however - Jim Baker, Ted Haggert, Jimmy Swaggert, and other televangelists have brought many a soul to Jesus Christ as well.
Though it is extremely difficult and shameful to be accused unfairly - believe me I know how that feels; after all is said and done, it seems to me to be conformed to our Master through accusation and persecution may not be such a bad thing - at least to the extent of not complaining and saying "Why me?"  "No servant is above his Master."  Unless the servant begins to imagine he is, and then humiliations clear that misconception up - if we're lucky.
Fact is, we all need purification, and no one is his own master.  And troubles are the lot of the Christian in these times.
UPDATE:  A friend sent me this link to an even better commentary: Regarding Father Corapi: I Wish This Were Less Predictable

The Consequences of Our Personal Sins.

The way you look.
Mortification is clearly imposed on us by reason of the effects of our personal sins. Renewed actual sin engenders a habitual bad disposition which, when grave, is called a vice or at least a defect. These defects are habitual modes of seeing, judging, willing, and acting, which combine to form an imperfect mentality, a spirit which is not that of God. And sometimes they translate themselves to our exterior, so much so that someone has rightly said that at thirty or forty years of age every man is responsible for his own countenance, according as it expresses pride, self-sufficiency, presumption, contempt, or disillusionment. These defects become traits of character, and little by little God's image is effaced in us.
The things you did can come back to haunt you.
When sins are confessed with contrition or sufficient attrition, absolution obliterates sin, but it leaves certain dispositions, called the remnants of sin, reliquiae peccati, 24 which are, as it were, im­printed in us, like a furrow in our faculties, in our character and temperament. Thus the seat of covetousness remains after baptism. It is certain, for example, that although a man who has fallen into the vice of drunkenness and who accuses himself of it with sufficient at­trition receives together with pardon sanctifying grace and the infused virtue of temperance, he preserves an inclination to this vice, and, unless he flees from the occasions, he will fall again. This trying inclination must not only be moderated, it must be mortified, made to die in order to unfetter both nature and grace.
The same is true of our unreasonable antipathies. They must be not merely veiled, not only moderated, but mortified, because they are seeds of death. That from this point of view an idea may be formed of the necessity of mortification, we must bear in mind the numerous vices that are born of each of the seven capital sins. For example, from envy are born hatred, slander, calumny, joy at the misfortune of another, and sadness at his success. From anger, which is opposed to meekess, come disputes, fits of passion, insults, abusive words, and at times blasphemy. From vainglory spring disobedience, boasting, hypocrisy, contention through rivalry, discord, love of novelties, and stubbornness. St. Thomas lays emphasis on each of these vices which spring from the capital sins (25) and which are sometimes more grave than they. The field of mortification is consequently very wide.  Three Ages, Garrigou-Lagrange
Photo: Keith Richards, sporting the hard-rockstar look.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Please pray for Theo.

Theo is my friend Angela's uncle.  He lives in the Netherlands.  He has a terminal illness and is scheduled to be euthanized this coming Friday, feast of the Annunciation.  Please pray for him and his family.  I pray Our Lady of the Angels to dispatch her angels to intervene in this matter.  Our Lord specifically asked that we pray the chaplet of Divine Mercy for the dying.  How important that is makes so much sense in a situation like this.
It is nothing less than stunning that euthanasia has become routine in the Netherlands.

With all that is going on these days...

These days there's so much going on
No one seems to want to know... - Talking Old Soldiers
"Odious to the Lord and to men is arrogance..." - Sirach 10:7
"For they preach but do not practice... they widen their phylacteries and lengthen their tassels.  They love places of honor at banquets, seats of honor in synagogues, greetings in marketplaces... Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, but whoever humbles himself will be exalted." - Matt. 23: 1-12
"I will correct you by drawing your sins up before your eyes." - Ps. 50
God loves humility so much...

Refocusing for Lent.

Only God does not deceive - He can neither deceive nor be deceived.
"That our sanctification did not depend upon changing our works, but in doing that for GOD's sake, which we commonly do for our own.
That it was lamentable to see how many people mistook the means for the end, addicting themselves to certain works, which they performed very imperfectly, by reason of their human or selfish regards.
That the most excellent method he had found of going to GOD, was that of doing our common business without any view of pleasing men, [Gal. i. 10; Eph. vi. 5, 6.] and (as far as we are capable) purely for the love of GOD. 
That it was a great delusion to think that the times of prayer ought to differ from other times.
That we are as strictly obliged to adhere to GOD by action in the time of action, as by prayer in its season. 
That his prayer was nothing else but a sense of the presence of GOD, his soul being at that time insensible to everything but Divine love: and that when the appointed times of prayer were past, he found no difference, because he still continued with GOD, praising and blessing Him with all his might, so that he passed his life in continual joy; yet hoped that GOD would give him somewhat to suffer, when he should grow stronger. 
That we ought, once for all, heartily to put our whole trust in GOD, and make a total surrender of ourselves to Him, secure that He would not deceive us. - Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection, Practice of the Presence of God
Put not your trust in princes,
in man, in whom there is no salvation. - Ps. 146

Monday, March 21, 2011

The goatee: Orgins and meaning.

A more or less unconscious statement about virility and temperament.
Throughout history facial hair on gentlemen has been an important grooming statement for the man, often dictated by fashion and convention, facial hair can be said to be representative of a man's need to assert his masculinity and status.  Simply by his attentiveness to detail and by his carriage, the perfectly groomed gentleman announces his genteel taste and superiority to the public.  Whereas the poorly groomed, scruffy bearded man reveals his disinterest in material wealth and honors, and more often than not his lower status.  He may be a student or artist - whose disinterest is demonstrated by a nonchalance about his appearance - much like the monk, whose identity is frequently associated with the lowly and the poor.
The goatee on the other hand, gives the wearer a quite distinct identity from all other beards.  Originally the goatee was seen as a fashion fop for the very vain and pompous, a characteristic which endures to this day.  Of course it became identified with the intellectual and creative elite as well.  It was also adopted by the avant garde to distinguish themselves from the bourgeoisie in the 20th century. 
Likewise, as the name indicates - goatee - the beard is modeled after the he-goat, hence the beard became associated with evil and the occult.  Pop-culture demonstrates this frequently in media and practice, especially when worn with shaved heads.  The goatee also can make a sexual statement.  In cases of shaved heads and highly styled goatees, it can signal a shaved body as well as other erotic accessories and proclivities - otherwise not perceived by the uninitiated.
Like body piercings, most men have no idea the significance of their fashion statements and how they are perceived by the public.

Disclaimer:  This post has absolutely nothing to do with anyone living or dead.  Please be advised that I made the entire thing up as well.  It kind of makes sense though. 

Fr. Corapi Accused: I think I solved the mystery...

If the accusations turn out to be true, and I hope not, it wasn't the real Fr. Corapi - it was an impostor.  I think these photos are irrefutable proof.
Surprised?  Don't be.
As everyone knows, Paul VI was replaced with an impostor who did all of the damage to the post-Vatican II Church.
Then there is the Sr. Lucy of Fatima impostor - they bumped off the real Sr. Lucy and had the impostor pretend the Third Secret of Fatima was actually revealed in it's entirety.  Who were they trying to kid?


I know!  Makes no sense.  So, I'm moving on now to more serious matters.  Why I get caught up in these things I do not know.  And yes I am praying for Fr. Corapi.

The expanded war.

“The disturbing news coming from Libya has awakened in me fear and trepidation,” Pope Benedict told the faithful in St. Peter’s Square after the traditional Sunday Angelus prayers. He reported that he had made a “special prayer” about the state of affairs in Libya during his Lenten spiritual exercises last week. - CNA
I'm consoled by the fact that the Holy Father can also be afraid.
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Sunday, March 20, 2011

FLOTUS and POTUS: Photo-Op in Brazil.

Sheesh!  What the hell is Michelle wearing now?

Rainy Sunday Morning Mysteries: Apocalypse Now.

See you at the rapture.
Franklin Graham said that the earthquake in Japan could be the birth pangs spoken about in the Bible preceding the second coming of Jesus.  I think that thought may have crossed many a mind - but it's not cool to talk about stuff like that because we all know that no one knows the date or the hour it will happen.  I did find it interesting that he felt the earthquake was of such magnitude  however.  And then, after some thought, I realized something...
No. 9, No. 9, No. 9....
The Beatles song, Revolution No. 9 - of course!  The Beatles were like Prophets!  The world is fomented by revolution.  The Islamic revolution, neo-Marxist revolutionaries like Chavez and Obama, the gender revolution, the cloning revolution, the drug cartels.  And then, and then - the Japanese disaster - the 9.0 quake.  No. 9, No. 9, No. 9....

Factoids you probably did not know...
The Number Nine
The number nine is a most remarkable number in many respects. It is held in great reverence by all who study the occult sciences; and in mathematical science it possesses properties and powers which are found in no other number.*
* Among others may be mentioned (1) that the sum of the digits which form its multiples are themselves always a multiple of nine; e.g., 2 x 9 = 18 (and 1+8=9); 3 x 9 = 27 (and 2+7=9); 4 x 9 = 36 (and 3+6=9); 5 x 9 = 45 (and 4+5=9), etc., etc.; and so with the larger numbers: 52843 x 9 = 475587 (and 4+7+5+5+8+7=36, and 3+6=9). (2) The sum of its multiples through the nine digits = 405, or 9 times 45.
It is the last of the digits, and thus marks the end; and is significant of the conclusion of a matter.
It is akin to the number six, six being the sum of its factors (3x3=9, and 3+3=6), and is thus significant of the end of man, and the summation of all man's works. Nine is, therefore, the number of finality or judgment.
The Number of Finality or Judgment

The number of finality or judgment is committed unto Jesus as "the Son of man" (John 5:27; Acts 17:31). It marks the completeness, the end and issue of all things as to man—the judgment of man and all his works.
It is a factor of 666, which is 9 times 74.
The gematria of the word "Dan," which means a judge, is 54 (9x6).
"th orgh mou" (tee orgee mou), my wrath, = 999 (Hebrews 3:11).
The solemn amhn (ameen), amen, or "verily," of our Lord, amounts also to 99, summing up and ending His words.
The First Contest

(Genesis 14)
The first contest is a battle between the 4 kings and 5 (=9).*
* The Gematria of verses 3 and 4, Genesis 14, which describe the rebellion and the battle, is 5655 (13x435). And verses 4 and 5, which describe the coming of the four kings, = 5590 (13x430). Thus the rebellion verse binds the war and its cause together. Verse 9, also, which describes the battle, is 4732 (132x28).
The swift vengeance of Abram, verses 13-16, = 10738 (13x7x118).
The standing of Abram before Melchisedech (Melchizedek) = 19019 (13x7x11x19). Thus with Abram we find not only the 13, but 7 marking the spiritual character of himself and his mission.
And here it is - the clincher - hang onto your remotes!

Genesis 19, recording the judgment of Sodom, is marked by multiples of nine. Verses 4-29 amount to 89550 (9x9950, or 9x50x199). The same is seen if we divide it into sections:—
•Verses 4-18. From the riot in Sodom to Lot's plea for Zoar is 50733 (9x3x1879).
•Verses 19-25. From Lot's plea to the overthrow is 24543 (9x9x303).
•Verses 26-29. From "Lot's wife" to the end of the history is 14274 (9x2x13x61).*
* It is interesting to note that in the midst of all this, the words which refer to the deliverance of Lot, "Haste thee" (v 22) to "out of the midst" (v 29), give a multiple of 8, the Dominical Number; it is 25304 (8x3163); while four of the verses of this section (25-28) are each separately multiples of 8; their total sum being 11312 (8x1414). The sum of the whole chapter is a multiple of 13.
We see the same phenomena in the account as given in the Second Epistle of St. Peter. As we do also in the judgment pronounced upon Jerusalem. - Source
Michael Brown, eat your heart out.

Mass Chat: Nothing much to talk about.

Mass was rather quiet last evening - I like that.  Before Mass started however, they announced that someone left their car running with the keys in the ignition - turns out it was an old lady in her 90's.  Someone had taken care of it and the usher returned her keys after she identified herself.  She uses a cane and I'm sure it is an event to get in and out of her car.  People smiled and even chuckled a bit.  Lately I've been noticing a lot of ageism - people making fun of old people and stuff.  Some people want geezers dead.  Haven't you read that kind of stuff on blogs?  "I can't wait until those liberals die off."  Or, "The ageing hippies will soon be dead, yay!"
It was cloudy last night and I couldn't see the full moon.  I watched Moonstruck instead and missed my old neighborhood and all of my old friends - who are dead of course.  Talking Old Soldiers - my favorite song by Elton John speaks to that.
I am working on my painting of Cardinal Burke - it is one of three I'm planning.  This one is a serious one.  As I paint him, concentrating intensely upon his face - every little wrinkle in fact, I realize he is a very 'nice' man.  I can tell he is very warm and compassionate, charitable and somewhat humble.  It surprised me because he likes a lot of grandeur.  His ring is huge, and of course he obviously loves the cappa.  I want to paint him in the biretta next, and then do something with the galero outfit.  If I complete these, I will have done 4 paintings so far of Cardinal Burke.
Oddly enough, a couple of comments on Fr. Z's blog post of the the Cardinal in the galero suggested Burke as papabile.  Wishful thinking I hope, but I'm plussing as to why they would see him as the next pope?  The comments are always amazing on Father's blog anyway.

Home For Purim!

Purim begins today, March 20.
h/t Adrienne