Every day I pray to Fr. Solanus for priests. Why? Because he is such a good example for priests, despite the fact he was a simplex priest. That means in part that he didn't hear confessions nor did he preach. Nevertheless he counseled thousands of souls and his prayer and Masses were so exalted only heaven knows. Despite his canonical limitations, he was a faithful priest, through and through. All priests entered seminary with the same holy enthusiasm. Not a few falter - because the demands of the vocation can be very difficult at times. So I pray especially for the priests I know, friend and stranger alike. I pray for those who read me or link to me, those I read and link to, those who write to me, those who minister to me, and so on. I pray very, very much for priests - every day.
Sadly, I just came across scandalous news about a famous priest/exorcist. I don't believe the stories for a minute. I suspect the scandal is demonic and most likely a spiritual attack because of the priest's dedicated work on pro-life causes and exorcism. Even if the stories are found to be factual, I still believe it was an attack by Satan on his ministry. Temptation and sin is part of the spiritual combat. I would never cease praying for him even if the stories were true. I don't want to link to the stories or discuss them as they do no good at this point.
That said, I am praying for Fr. Tom and I ask all of you to pray very much for him in these trying times...
Please pray every day for all priests, as well as our bishops and the Holy Father.
For information on Ven. Solanus: http://www.solanuscasey.org/