Saturday, September 30, 2017

The last day of the novena: "Go on with courage - I shall be with you."

Ninth day of the novena to St. Therese.

"On this evening of her death, therefore, as I placed a small piece of ice upon Therese's parched lips, I received in turn a beautiful smile.  As she fixed a tender gaze upon me, it seemed she was looking into the future, with all that it held for me.  Her superhuman expression was full of encouragement and promise as though she were saying to me: 'Va, va, ma Celine, je serais avec toi'"* - My Sister St. Therese

*"Go on with courage, my Celine; I shall be with you."

Therese died at seven twenty in the evening of September 30, 1897.

In thanksgiving for the continual companionship of my patroness and little mother, St. Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face.

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