Monday, September 07, 2009

More favorite endings...

Labor Day signals the end of summer in these parts. I love good endings - and I don't always mean the happily ever after endings either. Some endings are sad. Other endings are really beginnings... although we never find out how it ends.
From Klute:
Bree Daniels: "I have no idea what's going to happen. (Pause.) I just can't stay in the city, you know? (Pause.) Maybe I'll come back... (Long pause.) You'll probably see me next week."

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Something about the duties of bishops...

The Holy Father on St. Gregory the Great:
"Taking up a favorite theme, he (Gregory the Great) affirms that the Bishop is, above all, the 'preacher' par excellence: As such, he must first be an example for others, so that his behavior may constitute a point of reference for everyone.
Effective pastoral action also requires that the bishop knows who it is addressed to and adapt his interventions to every particular situation. Gregory takes time to illustrate the various categories of the faithful with acute and timely observations, which could well justify those who also see this work as a treatise on psychology. One thus understands that he truly knew his flock and that he spoke about everything with the people of his time and of his city.
The great Pontiff, nonetheless, insists on the Pastor's duty to recognize daily his own poverty, so that pride may not render in vain, in the eyes of the Supreme Judge, the good that he has done.
Thus, the final chapter of the Rule is dedicated to humility: "When one is pleased at having achieved many virtues, it is good to reflect on one's insufficiencies and be humble: instead of considering the good one has achieved, one must consider that which one failed to achieve." - Benedict XVI on The Pastoral Rule by Gregory the Great, Wednesday Audience 6/4/08