Saturday, April 25, 2009

Weblog humor.

Get off the wagon once in a while.
Sometimes it is hard to tell if a writer is being funny-sarcastic or snarky-sarcastic, or both - although they mean no harm either way. Ya know what I mean?
No, I thought you didn't - which is why you get mad at me. And that may explain why I have been writing about serious topics lately, and at the same time trying so hard not to offend anyone. But! It is just too much stress to keep up with all of that. People! Listen up - we have got to toughen up and not be such delicate Camille's about the stuff we write.
For instance, when I write about sanctimonious, holier than thou, crosier up the **** trads - I'm writing about a specific category of trads - not all trads are like that - I hope.
When I write about militant homosexual activists with a world domination complex, I'm not writing about all gays - not all gays are that nuts.
I know, I know. I can get all sensitive and hurt too; misunderstanding another person's humorous comment or blog post - especially if I'm depressed about something... like my stats. (Although I do try to turn insults and mockery into fertilizer for humility.)


But if we are online, shooting our mouths off with our unsolicited opinions and observations, and deep dark secrets no one should mention except to a confessor, then we gotta buck up.


So let's lighten up, the Swine-flu pandemic is coming.
(I think that is a conspiracy theory to be revealed! C'mon - two strains of pig flu, a dash of avian-flu, and mix well with human flu... someone manufactured that. You heard it here first!)

St. Toribio Romo Gonzalez

Patron of border crossers.
On my way to mail some letters the other day, I noticed a 'pilgrim' with a nap sack, looking very disheveled, sitting on a park bench, overlooking the wetland across from the post office. I mailed my stuff and drove on to the store. Suddenly I realized that this man was most likely homeless, so I immediately turned around, drove back to give him some money. He noticed me as I got out of the car, and seemed to tighten up a bit, as if afraid. "How could he be fearful of me?" I said to myself as I approached him.
I greeted him and asked, "Are you homeless?" Noticing that he looked Mexican, I knew that to be the case by how big his knapsack was.
"No. No." He answered, smiling nervously.
"Are you sure? I'd like to help you out if you would let me." Reaching for my wallet, "I can give you some money for food at least."
"No! No, no, no! I'm okay." He insisted.
I apologised and wished him well as I backed away, feeling foolish that I had embarrassed him - I should have just given him my cash. As I drove off, I realized he was most likely an illegal immigrant and was fearful that I was an agent, or that I would turn him in. I felt really stupid.
If he only knew I just wanted to help him.
Thankfully one saint does seem to help such people, and his name is St. Turibio Romo Gonzalez, a Mexican Martyr. He is known to come to the aid of the immigrants and border crossers.
Photo: Shrine of St. Toribio Romo. Source.

Friday, April 24, 2009

The Secretary of State and Margaret Sanger...

"Charity believes all things, hopes all things..." - 1 Corinthians 13
I really do try to give people a break. Case in point, Hillary Clinton's visit to Our Lady of Guadalupe - there is no accounting for God's grace, and perhaps the woman will be converted someday because of that encounter, but for now she remains an obdurate devotee of Margaret Sanger.
One certainly has to admire the integrity of Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) as he questioned the Secretary of State during a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on Wednesday. If Hillary really did not know the history, character, and agenda of Margaret Sanger, whom she claims to admire so much, she certainly did after Rep. Smith's questioning.
Confronting evil.
Rep. Smith began his comments by criticizing Secretary Clinton’s reception of the Margaret Sanger Award from Planned Parenthood in Houston in March. Secretary Clinton said she was in “awe” of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger and claimed her “life and leadership” was “one of the most transformational in the entire history of the human race.”
Secretary Clinton also said that Sanger’s work was “not done.” Rep. Smith said Sanger’s work was indeed “transformational,” but “not for the better if one happens to be poor, disenfranchised, weak, disabled, a person of color, an unborn child, or among the many so-called undesirables Sanger would exclude and exterminate from the human race.”
“Sanger’s prolific writings drip with contempt for those she considers to be unfit to live,” Rep. Smith said.
Noting that he had read many of Sanger’s articles and books, Rep. Smith characterized Sanger as an “unapologetic eugenicist and racist” who said “the most merciful thing a family does for one of its infant members is to kill it” and also characterized eugenics as the “most adequate and thorough avenue” to solve “racial, political and social problems.”
He quoted Sanger’s book “Pivot of Civilization” in which she decried charitable work as “not merely superficial and near-sighted” but also as concealing “a stupid cruelty” that leads to “the perpetuation of defectives, delinquents and dependents.”
Rep. Smith said it was “extraordinarily difficult” to understand how a Secretary of State could be in “awe” of Sanger, saying she had openly professed views “antithetical to protecting human rights.” - Source
I find it completely impossible to understand.

Hate crime legislation and gays.

The activists.
I have been deliberately trying to not write about gay issues so as not to offend some of my readers who disagree with me on Roman Catholic Church teaching on the subject. But I have to tell you, I go to Pewsitters for a lot of my stories, and that website is filled with news articles concerning gay culture, gay militants and their very real agenda. The stories are all about gay marriage, hate crime legislation, and so on. It is getting completely ridiculous. Talk about attention grabbing narcissists - it looks as if gay activists are hogging the media, and people are falling for their poor me act.
A day or two ago, on another post mentioning Perez Hilton, I received a few comments regarding the "it's all about me" syndrome many gay men, and lesbians indulge in. "Just Jack" on Will and Grace exemplified the problem brilliantly, as did Rosie O'Donnell's real-life crash and burn on The View. As Barbara Walters described it in her book, "Rosie wasn't content with riding along - she had to drive the bus." When she didn't get her way, she raged and threw tantrums. That type of adolescent behavior isn't simply narcissism, it is also a tactic of control and manipulation.
Protesting gay militants continually cry victim in an attempt to play the discrimination (just like race) card. I'm convinced that comparing the gay rights struggle with the civil rights struggle of the 20th century is simply way over the top sensationalism. It is complete exaggeration and hype. (Gays have the same protection of the law ordinary American citizens enjoy - they just can't get married - because marriage is between a man and a woman.) I believe that proposed hate crime legislation, which is most likely inevitable, is fundamentally an effort to silence Christian moral teaching in that regard.
Hate Crimes Act of 2009
The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Act of 2009, currently before the House Judiciary Committee, is expected to come up for a vote before the House of Representatives later this spring. This proposed law gives federal officials greater authority to engage in hate crime investigations at the local and state level. It also removes the current prerequisite that the victim be engaging in a federally protected activity like voting or going to school. In other words, it opens the door for federal law enforcement officials (whether it be agents from the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and so on) to crack down on undesirable behavior wherever it occurs. - Source - the entire article is very informative.
As a culture, it seems to me the homosexual movement mirrors many of the traits often associated with the same-sex-attracted personality. For instance, arrested development - remaining emotionally adolescent, alternating with adult behavior when needed. As Van Den Aardweg notes, " especially common view of self (for the homosexual) is that of the wronged, rejected, 'poor me'. Homosexuals are therefore easily insulted; they 'collect injustice', as psychiatrist Berger has so well put it, and are liable to see themselves as victims. This explains the overt self-dramatization of the militants, who adroitly exploit their neurosis to gain public support. Attached to self-pity, they are inner (or manifest) complainers, often chronic complainers. Self pity and protest are not far apart. A certain inner (or overt) rebelliousness and hostility to others who do them wrong and to 'society' and a determinate cynicism, are typical of many homosexuals." - The Battle For Normality


There you go.
Photo: Folsom St. Fair, San Francisco. The smiling slave is totally naked - the civil rights schtick for these guys appears to be a joke.

Tea with Mussolini... er, Obama.

Just a little bit of history repeating?
"America is going from what used to be the major capitalistic country in the world of free market – a crusader – into what Mussolini would have called fascism: the merger of state and corporate powers. So it is not socialism as people believe, it is socialism’s egalitarianism. It’s not communism where the state controls monopolies – it’s fascism, plain and simple. The merger of corporate and government powers. State-controlled capitalism is called fascism, and fascism has come to America in broad daylight. But they’re feeding them it in little bits and pieces. First AIG was too big to fail. Mortgage companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were too big to fail. Banks too big to fail and auto companies. And now we give money to the people that make the auto parts. And now there’s talk about the technology companies, wanting their piece of the action. The merger of state and government is called fascism. Take it from Mussolini; he knew a thing or two about it. - Gerald Celente

At any rate, I'm pretty sure many people who voted for Obama are going to be as disappointed with him as Lady Hester was with Mussolini.

Thanks to Western Confucian for the quote.

Weird people in the Obama Administration.

"Who hired them?"
I thought Janet Napolitano was kinda nuts in fingering abortion opponents and returning veterans as right wing extremists, now it appears she blames Canada for 9/11? I know - Blame Canada - works in comedy, but...
In an interview broadcast Monday on the CBC, Ms. Napolitano attempted to justify her call for stricter border security on the premise that "suspected or known terrorists" have entered the U. S. across the Canadian border, including the perpetrators of the 9/11 attack.
All the 9/11 terrorists, of course, entered the United States directly from overseas. The notion that some arrived via Canada is a myth that briefly popped up in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, and was then quickly debunked.
Informed of her error, Ms. Napolitano blustered: "I can't talk to that. I can talk about the future. And here's the future. The future is we have borders." - Source
Maybe Sarah Palin wouldn't have been so bad after all.

The President and Miss California.

What they have in common.


Both of them are against same sex marriage. Both of them believe that marriage should be between a man and woman. Both of them explained it was part of their Christian beliefs.


I'm against it too, although I'd be against same sex marriage even if I wasn't Christian.

Archbishop Robert Zollitsch

Maybe the Rhine ought to be damned.*
I think Germany just may need an exorcism. Hitler had to have unleashed minions of demons through his dabbling with the occult, seeking world domination, culminating in the extermination of millions of Europeans. After visiting the country, which is lovely, I nevertheless began to wonder if Germany was haunted... (Austria might be as well.)
The most recent evidence something is wrong in Germany is indicated by the statements of Archbishop Robert Zollitsch, Archbishop of Freiburg and Chairman of the German Catholic Bishop Conference:
"According to the chairman of the Catholic bishops' conference of Germany, the death of Jesus Christ was not a redemptive act of God to liberate human beings from the bondage of sin and open the gates of heaven. The Archbishop of Freiburg, Robert Zollitsch, known for his liberal views, publicly denied the fundamental Christian dogma of the sacrificial nature of Christ's death in a recent interview with a German television station.
Zollitsch said that Christ "did not die for the sins of the people as if God had provided a sacrificial offering, like a scapegoat."
Instead, Jesus had offered only "solidarity" with the poor and suffering. Zollitsch said "that is this great perspective, this tremendous solidarity."
The interviewer asked, "You would now no longer describe it in such a way that God gave his own son, because we humans were so sinful? You would no longer describe it like this?"
Monsignor Zollitsch responded, "No." - Source
That's pretty screwed up.
*It's a metaphor: To stop its flow into the Tiber.
Photo: From an article, "Germans like their devils." About yard ornaments.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Blogger Awards

I want to thank all of my fans!
I cannot believe it! I was actually nominated in a couple of categories for the Cannonball Catholic Blog Awards! The Cannonball Award is the most prestigious in blogdom, and I am so honored just to be nominated! My original recording of "Cry Me A River" paid off! Thanks Larry and all of those who have voted for me, I don't deserve it! In gratitude, I promise never to dis anyone who nominated me on any of my posts. This promise goes for anyone who votes for me as well.*
To nominate, and for more details on voting, visit The Crescat. Vote and vote often, as Father always says.
*Certain conditions prevail however. This promise does not apply to certain bloggers, nor does it extend beyond the final announcement of winners for the contest, or for those of you who ask for money or gifts on your blogs. Cooperation in this contest does not obligate me to anyone, and all proposals of marriage and favors offered are here to with null and void, and if used, they are intended for campaign and promotional purposes only. The contest rules are valid only in the state of origin; those outside the nominee's household may not make any claims upon me or my estate. In the event of litigation, I reserve the right to disavow any knowledge of said contest, the sponsors, as well anyone nominating or voting. This has been a Mark Goodson - Bill Todman Production.

27th of Nissan

Yom Hashoah



It happened. Gypsies, Poles, Communists, Catholics, homosexuals, the disabled, the elderly, and European Jews. Most of these were brutally imprisoned in slave labor camps, and millions were put to death. Yet the Jews were the largest, single group to be deliberately and systematically exterminated, suffering through a most vile, dehumanizing propaganda campaign culminating in the murder of 6 million persons of Jewish descent - entire families were completely annihilated.
O God, do not keep silent,
do not be dumb and unmoved, O God,
for your enemies raise a tumult.
Those who hate you lift up their heads.
They plot against your people,
conspire against those you love.
They say: 'Come, let us destroy them as a nation;
let the name of Israel be forgotten.'
They conspire with a single mind,
they make common alliance against you... - Psalm 82
Photo source.

Barbie says: "I think I believe..."

Good for her.
A Miss USA contestant believes she lost the title because she said, "I think I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman." Does she think and therefore believe? Or does she just think she believes? Kidding.
At any rate, the judges and the audience did not like her response one bit. Miss California was simply responding to a question posed by blogger-turned-Louella Parsons-type-gossip-columnist, Perez Hilton regarding her stance on gay marriage. The question itself was obviously a set up, a propaganda tool for the promotion of gay marriage in California. However, the young lady did not fall for it and voiced her opinion - sounding and looking like a complete bimbo in the process - "I think I believe."
Yet who cares? What possible difference does the opinion of a beauty contestant make to the issue, much less that of an effeminate gossip monger asking dumb questions? Why am I even writing about this anyway? The whole thing is stupid. I apologize for being so trivial.
(I crack myself up sometimes!)
Oh! Oh! Oh! But why do women enter beauty pageants in the first place? I know - there is money in it, maybe scholarships, and career opportunities too - not unlike prostitution. But I doubt walking around in bikinis and lingerie and answering stupid questions does anything to elevate, much less honor the female sex.


Photo: Miss California, Carrie Prejean. I didn't want to scandalize anyone by showing the full photo of her near nudity (She really does look like Barbie). ROFLOL! Put some clothes on!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Cathy did it!

Someone sent my real profile photo to Fr. Eric.

The Obama's may need the Motown lady.

"Artist development"
In the 1960's, while Motown records was emerging as a force to be reckoned with in the music industry, Barry Gordy employed the help of stylists to groom the new stars, and one woman in particular, Maxine Powell to train the young stars in etiquette, speech, and bearing - something called "artist development". Gordy's agenda aimed at helping the new talent reach out to the booming crossover market of white teens and their parents. It worked - Diana Ross and the Supremes wowed the fans with royal glitz and glamour, accompanied by elegant posture and restrained dance movements, as did the Temptations and Smokey and Marvin and the others; all suited up in tuxes, coolly, yet modestly moving to the music, with out any bumps or grinds. Soul music for Lutheran and Catholic teens - without any sign of the ghetto.
I'm not saying the Obama's are ghetto - far from it - Michelle is a well heeled corporate executive, highly intelligent, and a lovely woman. The President is a polished, conservative appearing, well educated politician, with wonderful oratorical skills. That said, international diplomacy seems to me to be a little more demanding than what is expected in the average corporate setting, and I think a bit more decorum is in order when meeting heads of state. (Sarkozy excepted - he has a reputation for diplomatic blunders, as well as arrogance, himself.) Of course, Americans really are not known for their decorum. The last couple in the White House who knew how to act was the Reagan's - before them, there was Mrs. Kennedy. Bush Senior was okay, and Junior - the Mrs. presented much better.
When Junior President Bush winked at the Queen, that was just dumb. When he gave Angela Merkel a back rub - that was really inappropriate. So I am not just picking on the current First Family.
But. When President Obama bent at the waist for a Saudi King - and maybe kissed his hand - well, that was embarrassing, ignorant, and out of line... And above all, weak and obsequious.
Acting like home-boyz with South American criminals such as Chavez and Noriega - that isn't diplomacy. As Gingrich commented: "Appearing on Fox News Channel's "Fox & Friends," Gingrich said: "This does look a lot like Jimmy Carter. Carter tried weakness and the world got tougher and tougher because the predators, the aggressors, the anti-Americans, the dictators, when they sense weakness, they all start pushing ahead." - Source
Oh. And Michelle dressing like an office assistant when she met the Queen? That is called inappropriate - the First Lady had been better dressed in that photo-op of her digging in the White House victory garden.
Don't get me wrong - the Obama's are nice enough people, and no one is perfect, but they do have the responsibility of representing the American people, and they ought to try to be a little more gallant about it. If they have event people telling Georgetown to cover over the Holy Name, shouldn't there be someone to help them out with how to act and dress for the world stage?

As for dialog with South American countries, as well as Cuba - that is a good thing - just do it right.
Photo: The Supremes meet the Queen Mother.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Divine Mercy.

I spent the afternoon at the Cathedral in St. Paul. The church was filled. 10 priests heard confessions from after the noon Mass until after Benediction, which concluded around 3:30 PM. What a holy day, and thank God for such good, holy priests. This Archdiocese is truly blessed. I wish I had brought my camera because the sanctuary was magnificently decorated with flowers of every sort, and the very large miraculous image of Divine Mercy was suitably exposed for veneration.
As I prayed, I wished those I love, family and friends who do not go to church, or do not believe, could have been there with me - how easy it would have been for them to go to confession and receive grace in abundance. I brought them with me in my prayer however... If you are reading this, or have ever read my blog, you were there in my prayer too.
Thanks to Fr. Joseph Johnson, Rector of the Cathedral of St. Paul, and his associates, for their devout example and generosity in bringing the sacraments to us this day, and always.
Image: Divine Mercy shrine in Vilnius, Poland.

Novus Ordo Priests

I came across that term on another Catholic blog. The question posed dealt with whether or not "Novus Ordo priests" would have the same courage of the Mexican martyr priests during the Mexican revolution.
I find the question offensive. First of all, because any Roman Catholic priest deserves to be respected as a Roman Catholic priest regardless of which form of Mass he celebrates. Indeed, every priest ordained in communion with Rome is a Novus Ordo priest since the Ordinary form of Mass, the Mass of Paul VI, is the ordinary form of Mass.
Secondly, to question a priest's orthodoxy or fidelity based upon which form of Mass he celebrates, or whether or not he uses Latin, is an offense to the Holy Father and the Magisterium, the Sacred Vatican Council, the Sacrament of Holy Orders as well as the Mexican Martyrs who gave their life for the Church in our day.

This type of foolishness is what annoys me most about the overly pious, sanctimonious, elitist traditionalists, and those who play to them.
Image: Fr. Miguel de la Mora de la Mora and Companions. Source