Friday, April 17, 2009

Wha'd up?

I think Obama-rama just wants to be liked.

Season 1 Episode 106-Dick's First Birthday Clip 2

Fr. Z and Vincenzo are doing posts on the best TV series ever, and I thought I'd post one of my favorite reality series, 3rd Rock.

Today I like The Office and 30 Rock docu-dramas.

Lovely Lady

Susan Boyle
I finally saw the Youtube videos, including interviews with her. She is a fine talent and a very lovely person, a simple and pure soul.
I apologize that I mistook her as being of Irish-descent. ;)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

My St. Sebastian

Image: Detail from my panel: "Holy Card: St. Sebastian, Martyr" - Terrance Nelson, 2009

The entire image can be viewed on my art blog, Up Your Street - which I update frequently. I hope to enter the piece in an upcoming art festival, entries will be accepted for the jury to review this weekend - I hope it isn't too amateurish.


SOLD. (I have never sold a painting so fast, thanks be to God.)

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Georgetown proves that many Catholic Universities are no longer Catholic.

Does President Obama object to the Holy Name of Jesus?
I definitely believe there is a very real anti-Catholic spirit (and therefore the spirit of anti-Christ) rapidly gaining momentum throughout the world. As Christians, we should not be surprised by this.
By now, many bloggers heard the news that Georgetown University covered the monogram of the Holy Name of Jesus to please the President. White House staff requested that the Holy Name be covered for the President's speech. The issue over the commencement address at Notre Dame can perhaps be debated, but a Catholic University covering up the Holy Name cannot even be defended. Complying with such a request, not even under duress or coercion, becomes a powerful symbol of apostasy.
The readings from Mass during the Octave of Easter all point to the power and authority of the Holy Name of Jesus, the Name before which every knee must bend, in the heavens, on the earth, and under the earth.

St. Benedict Joseph Labre

April 16 is the Saint's feast day.
I'll bet you St. Benedict Joseph is the Pope's secret patron. Happy birthday Holy Father.
I painted the icon (shown) around 1983. The original is in a house of Franciscan Friars in Boston, and Fr. Benedict Joseph Groeschl told me he placed a copy I gave him in his cell.
St. Benedict Joseph, pray for us.
For more information on St. Benedict Joseph Labre go here.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Stuff I did not know.

At least I thought I didn't.
The Tea Party thing - no one invited me. I just heard about it this evening.
I knew of course that Janet Napolitano and Homeland Security was fingering us for terrorists - imagine her playing the race card to support her claims - citing a black president. She's just trying to start trouble. Homeland Security probably doesn't play by the rules either - I bet they can do lots of stuff other law enforcement can't.
I do not know who Susan Boyle is - but from the looks of her, I'd say she is Irish descent.


It still is.
Something happened to me during Lent - I don't know how to explain it. Wish I could - but I can't. It is kind of eerie however... I feel as if I lost all my supports... spiritual supports that is... think crutches. I feel as if I'm in a sort of mist-laden, foggy, dark forest, and I lost my copy of the Philokalia... but I'm not worried. Although I sense I am still this solitary bird - tethered by a nearly invisible bird line, and therefore I'm not entirely free.
Anyway. Friends have asked me about my Easter, I suppose because I didn't post anything about it. I noticed everyone else posted lovely He is Risen posts, but I didn't simply because I was offline, and enjoying it, and because I knew all my readers already knew He is risen, and I didn't have anything to add to that. In fact, I knew He is risen on Holy Thursday while I painted my way through the time for Mass. I knew He is risen as I sat deeply moved during the Good Friday liturgy at the Cathedral. Throughout Lent, even during Advent, all year in fact - I knew He is risen.


That is what being a Christian is all about actually - the Christian actually knows Christ is God and that He is risen - as Catholics, we recognize Him in the breaking of the bread, the Eucharist - He is (always) risen.

Happy Easter.

Homeland Security sending out warnings on right wing conspirators.

The re-emergence of that "vast right wing conspiracy".

"Right-wing extremists in the United States are using economic worries and the election of the first black US president as recruiting tools, the US government warns in a new report. Fears of possible new restrictions on firearms, as well as troubled veterans returning from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, "could lead to the potential emergence of terrorist groups or lone wolf extremists capable of carrying out violent attacks," warned the US Department of Homeland Security." - Source
Adrienne, Catholic Caveman, Cathy, Digi, Fr. Erik, along with many other Catholic bloggers are probably on their watch list. (The Homeland Security warning suggests anti-abortion activists are potential single-issue radicals.)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Matt Talbot

A couple of weeks ago I came across some photo transparencies of a few of my earlier "icons". I decided to have a couple of prints made - shown above is a panel I painted depicting the Venerable Matt Talbot.
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