Saturday, August 11, 2007

Priests at the Minneapolis bridge collapse...

A friend from New York sent me this photo of local priests who were at the I-35W bridge collapse. I believe I remember one of the priest's names, and if my memory serves me, that would be Fr. Peter Williams - in the foreground.

Basilica of Santa Chiara, Assisi

The tomb of St. Clare is contained in this Basilica. I attended the community Mass here every morning when I lived in Assisi.

Friday, August 10, 2007

The mystery of the battered Bishop...

Agatha Christi, where are you?

For some reason there is a mystery developing over Bishop Donald Pelotte, who told police he had been injured when he fell in his house. He had been taken to a Phoenix hospital with serious injuries doctors described as more typical of a beating than a fall. The Bishop isn't saying anything more, and the police are seeking a judge's ruling as to whether the police photos of his injuries may be publicly released.

So what's the big deal and whose business is it anyway? I think interested parties are looking to prove he was beaten - which may imply something more...

Thursday, August 09, 2007

More bad habits...

Some religious women's habits really did need modifying.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Ecclesiastical fashion show...

I'm working on a post at Abbey-Roads2 on what to wear with what for priests.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Is this Mitchell?

Cathy - is this the man you saw in your dream? I always imagined Mitchell to wear glasses. (Isn't this him in his condo downtown?)

Social event of the neighborhood...

"Take Back the Night" or something.

My neighbors across the street are insisting I join them tonight for their block party. I can't really pretend I'm not home or anything like that - they can see my house. I guess it's something to do with "National Night Out" - can't those people down the block just be content with a wave and a smile when they see me out in the yard, or when I drive by? (I'm sure that crazy woman with the kids will be there too.) Do I have to bring some kind of picket sign? Is this about people "coming out" - I'm so against that. (There are a lot of lesbians in the neighborhood.)

If I show up, maybe I should wear my goalie mask and bring my chainsaw - since I'm trimming trees in my yard.

Cats who don't exercise...

This looks like my kitty, Xena-Celine. She has an eating disorder and doesn't exercise...just like her dad. (Agnes is my kitty who is mentally ill...just like her dad.)

From the Gospel of Life...


Brother kills brother. Like the first fratricide, every murder is a violation of the "spiritual" kinship uniting mankind in one great family, in which all share the same fundamental good: equal personal dignity. Not infrequently the kinship "of flesh and blood" is also violated; for example when threats to life arise within the relationship between parents and children, such as happens in abortion or when, in the wider context of family or kinship, euthanasia is encouraged or practised. - John Paul II

Sunday, August 05, 2007

When Government Takes the Place of God.

You don't have to be a Tibetan Buddhist to know the oppressive regime of Communist China is trying to play God. After all, as a Catholic, I'm well aware of how they name their own bishops in defiance of the Vatican. Everyone knows China is an atheist regime, so why do they bother with religious matters? No, I'm not naive, the world's most tyrannical, institutionalized abuser of human rights seeks the control of every individual - not simply their temporal existence, but their soul as well.
And we as a Nation, support that.