Tuesday, September 06, 2016

In odium fidei: The attack against an 81 year old Bolivian nun.

This story is odious ...

I came across the story late last night.  It was extremely upsetting to read.  My night prayer turned into anguish:  "Lord, make it stop!"  "Lord, why?"

It is sheer evil, hatred, hatred for the Church.

ROME- An 81-year old nun was kidnapped and raped by four men on Tuesday night near Bolivia’s largest city, after assailants intercepted her car as she was coming back from a pastoral meeting.
The attack comes against the backdrop of several other recent cases of violence against religious sisters.
In a statement released by the Bolivian bishop’s conference and the diocese of Coroico, some 60 miles from La Paz, two of the men who raped the religious sister were wearing police clothes. After assaulting her, they took her truck, using the excuse that it was implicated in a drug trafficking case.
According to the statement, the attack on the elderly sister was “cold and calculated,” perpetrated by gangs related to organized crime who want to take over some Church-owned lands. - Crux

This is not the only the only incident of this sort, as the Crux article points out.  Last year a 72 year old nun in India was gang raped by Muslims.

Perhaps the most disgusting crime against the person - against women and children, is rape.  (Even men are raped.)  It is heinous and demeaning and disgusting beyond description.  It is the oldest form of oppression and shaming and breaking a person.  It is diabolical.  It is a crime against humanity.

St. Eulogius of Cordova, in his Exhortation to Martyrdom to St.s Flora and Mary, who were threatened with rape and to be sold into prostitution, encouraged them, writing: "They threaten you with a shameful slavery, but do not fear: no harm can touch your souls whatever infamy is inflicted on your bodies."

[Of course the worst, most diabolical crime against humanity is abortion and infanticide.]

Arise O Lord and let your enemies
be scattered,
and let those who hate you,
flee before your Holy Face!


  1. As with the Missionaries of Charity in Argentina, the words of Our Lord come to mind:..'now is your hour and the power of darkness.' The Holy Face is a very, very appropriate icon. Thank you, Terry, for bringing this to our attention.

  2. "and let those who hate you, flee before your Holy Face!"

    Who could stand before such impossible holiness? Purity? Transparency?

    We toss the word transparency around as if we truly understand its meaning. Little do we know what it truly means as I reflect on what has been written in Holy Scripture:

    "On the last day when every heart shall be laid bare"

    These men who committed such a crime against an innocent woman, a daughter of Christ, woe to them who believe themselves "safe."

    And woe to me who thinks the same.

    Praying for sister to recover and to be healed, body and soul, by the loving mercy of our Lord Jesus.

  3. Satan also tempts all readers to wonder why God permits such things. God allowed John the Baptist to be beheaded and there was no greater man and he was a man who lived on locusts for protein. If God permitted it to him, He might have hidden reasons of love to permit it to us. In this rape, the stage may have been set for the future repentance of these men when the pains of old age come upon them.


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