Thursday, January 07, 2016

A 'personal relativism'.

And a very gay 'internal forum'...

Personal conviction and personal relativism - aka internal forum.

One has to be careful.  Joe Sciambra catches up with this outlook.
More dialogue: “Living the Truth in Love” author to speak at pro-gay conference…
One of the authors included in “Living the Truth in Love: Pastoral Approaches to Same-Sex Attraction,” published by Ignatius Press, will speak at a pro-gay Christian forum; the topic of her speech: “Changing our Church Communities.” The event is the annual Gay Christian Network Conference: which includes a wide variety of workshops that explore the LGBT and Christian landscapes especially geared for those who struggle to reconcile their Christian faith with their sexual orientation. The stated mission of the Gay Christian Network (GCN) “…is transforming attitudes toward LGBT people across denominations and cultures.” Part of their “Statement of Faith” proclaims that: “We believe that lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Christians are full participants in God’s kingdom…” This decidedly includes those who are also sexually active. In fact, membership in the GCN is split into two factions: Side A (supporting same-sex marriage and relationships) and Side B (promoting celibacy for Christians with same-sex attractions). Although this is a crucial difference, the GCN decided collectively not to dispute the issue as it remains a point of “personal conviction;” the idea of “personal conviction” is an endlessly repeated term used throughout GCN literature and within the writings and correspondences of its various members; it’s a sort of extreme form of personal-relativism. - Sciambra

Joe is right.  Personal conviction can indeed be a sort of extreme personal relativism.  The idea swirls in and through the conversations connected to the Synod on the Family when speaking of an "internal forum".  It is something to be aware of in pastoral care.

Conspiracy theorist ears might perk up when they read the title of the Catholic speaker's address:  “Changing our Church Communities.”  As well as the name taken by the organization: "Gay Christian Network".  What is concerning about that?

Agents for change have been active for decades to change, incrementally, Catholic teaching.  A dated, albeit relevant study and book was published decades earlier, titled: "The Homosexual Network."  Of course it is not the same sort of 'network', however there still appears to be a strong desire to change the Church.  Some call it 'queering the Church'.  Two sides of the same coin.  Just saying.

I like to point out that Catholic teaching and the question of homosexuality - all of that is settled in my mind. I am convinced of the immorality of homosexual acts and I accept Catholic teaching on the subject with great freedom of spirit. My conscience is formed accordingly and I couldn't consent to any other teaching.

If others choose to reject Catholic teaching on sexual ethics and marriage, giving themselves in marriage and choosing to engage in homosexual acts, that is their choice. Civil law protects their right to do so - Catholic teaching condemns it - and that can't change.

They know what I think about it.  It's settled.  Joe Sciambra's message is important for those who think otherwise.  Again - they can reject it - but it's the truth, and the truth can't change.

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