Saturday, October 24, 2015

(Gary) Michael Voris speaks from Rome.

He's still on the Pope's side - but Voris makes it clear for us stateside just exactly what is going on.  He's got the rumor and hearsay down pat, and evidently he's in communication with the very famous Fr. Z.

A quick take here.

I don't care what anyone says - but Gary gets better looking all of the time.  That boyish tousled hair waves about in the wind proving absolutely it's not a hairpiece.  He's lost weight and his complexion looks smoother than ever.  He's a strong, forceful presence on camera, handsomely attired in business casual - I could almost mistake him for nobility, or a diplomat.  If you watch this video closely, the expression in his left eye is very much reminiscent of Dan Rather - as well as Robert Redford.  He's a class act.

Remnant editors and Voxa Cantina, Throw the Arses Out writers are so jealous of his on air persona and huge following - not to mention his European audience.

I wish Pope Francis would confer a Papal Knighthood* on him, he's such a staunch defender of the Church.  Wouldn't he look great in white tie?

Song for this post here.

*Turns out Michael is a knight already: In 2011 Voris was inducted into the knighthood of the Royal Order of St. Michael of the Wing, by the Royal House of Portugal. - Wikipedia


  1. Gary, breathlessly reporting, speculating, suggesting, implying, pedaling "insider's" view points as if fact. I remain unimpressed except for one thing, he reminds us of what's most important, to support, to love and to pray for our Holy Father.

    The Barque of Peter is always swimming against the tide and being rammed and plotted against from all sides. Betrayal and ridicule are nothing new whatsoever so no reason to get excited over one more breathless report of a "failed papacy." No one pope is, has, been, ever will be perfect. I mean gee ... look what happened to Papa Benny on his watch, betrayed by his very on valet. He failed in many respects to "curb the Curia" too.

    If many rail against the Holy Father, he alone knows why and who. He is silent before the Cross of the Crucified One, all the while praying and entrusting us and the Bride of Christ to Almighty God.

    1. I'm not worried either - I just wanted to do a sort of Ed Grimley post - remember how he was so enamored of Pat Sajak? That's how I feel about Gary. ;)

    2. Loved it too as I sensed some wisecracks in your posts and well, thoroughly enjoyed them. Anyway, when it comes to Gary, I exaggerate too ... sorta like what he gives the impression he's doing. ;p

  2. Interesting tone, Terry. You're starting to sound like me.

    1. It will all soon be over and we'll move on to the next crises. Ah.

    2. Terry,

      Please remain the calming reassuring voice of reason you have always been ... at least for me. You have been a source of inspiration so many times over and I thank you for that. ^^

    3. What Yaya said.

  3. Who is "Gary," ?

    Wow, Scarlett, you need to sit on a veranda and fan yourself drink a mint tea and use some smelling salts!: ) It makes me laugh to think of how Mikey would squirm having a guy talk like that(though he would probably say, "He is absolutely right") Taste is an arbitrary thing.. (though, and I am not being bitchy about this, from that pick he looks like he has lost way too much weight...)

    Anyway, love your sense of humor (can you move in next door to us, the house if for sale and you can help me with my backyard...) and I will watch the video to see what crackpot stuff he and Z came up with gossiping at some intimate Rome cafe, where Z will of course post pictures of as I think he is as uh, "starstruck,' as you!

    1. Jackie Parkes likes to use his first name now that we know it - so I do it to amuse her.

    2. We should cherish our Garys: they’re a dying breed


  4. I miss Ed Grimley. also Church Lady. Perhaps Fr. Z will take G. Voris out to eat with him and then we can a Video of some wonderful meal somewhere that would be really fun.
    Actually, according to Charlie Johnson, all of this (and all us !) will be a moot point, and soon, too.
    My head is swimming with it all. So relieved that all I am required to is: get to Mass today: "Pray, pray alot": and continue to paint my front posts et al and Really pray I don't fall of the ladder. and that it stays above 50 degrees....

  5. Every time I see Voris I think of a recently deceased Canadian TV personality named Chris Hyndman. He has a profile on Wiki if you want to compare photos.

    1. there isn't a photo. Anyway...if you click on the links in the article I am sure it will lead you to one.

    2. I googled his name and photos of, and articles about him came up. So sad the way he died. May he rest in peace. And yes, they look very similar.

    3. I just Googled him - I know who he is - local TV ran their show here and suddenly stopped - now I know why. I bet he used a sleeping aid - and therefore walked in his sleep. That's too bad.

      In some of the photos he does look like Gary - only really gay.

      I could watch Steve and Chris for very long - sounded like radiators hissing and girl talk and everyone talking at once - they drove me nuts. I watched only because I couldn't believe they actually hosted a show.

      Poor fellow - I'll pray for him. What a shock - the way he died.

    4. What I meant to say is I couldn't watch their show for very long - I flipped the channel pretty fast.

    5. It would be hysterical if Michael Voris presented like Chris on Mic'd Up though.

      There really needs to be a Catholic version of SNL or Second City.

    6. I used to watch their decorating show and I thought Chris was so fun. They never addressed the gay thing or being a couple. I never watched the talk show - at that point they were more 'out' and it would have been too much for me. Just after Chris died there was a photo of him online somewhere and I mistook him for Voris - had a good laugh over that one!!!


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