Saturday, November 22, 2014

Here's something not about gays ...

Heroic drinking and smoking - and still writing.  Now that's special.

Chesterton was a tippler.

That's why he was so fat!  Chesterton cult followers may be disappointed that an 'apparent' lack of temperance may pose problems for his cause - heroic virtue is required if you weren't a martyr.  Although, dispensations have been made in the past - the Pope can beatify anyone.  Kinda, sorta.

"I cook with wine, 
sometimes I even add it to the food."

If Chesterton ever makes it, it will be nice to know we have a saint who liked his drink.  Recovered alcoholics enveloped in the odour of sanctity are so middle class.  These days they are a dime a dozen as well.

Oh wait Chestertonians!  This just in @3:01 PM on November 22, 2014:  Chesterton's reputation untarnished: “The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Behold, a glutton and a drunkard. . .!’ Yet wisdom is justified by her deeds.” (Matt. 11:19)

Indisputable evidence of sanctity and distributist drinking thinking.

"Hear, hear!  I'll have another Frances, my dear!"


  1. Replies
    1. No - but I did. Doesn't matter now - the Chestertonians are rising in up in crusade mode to save his reputation.

  2. Jackie, no one is fat anymore. They are "plus-sized".


    1. which is why capes work out so well - they hide a lot.

    2. My three year old daughter loves capes. A child's imagination is so much fun to interact with. :-)

      Gluttony's a tough vice to over-come--especially since a person is usually focused on healing more serious vices.

  3. +JMJ+

    Several years ago, I still read a blog by someone who had become fed up with what a sacred cow G.K. Chesterton had become among what I can only call "hipster Catholics." (I know the feeling. I love Chesterton and can't stand his other fans. They're the Beliebers of the Church Militant. Like, ew.) So she wrote an entire post about his failings. I especially remember her argument that he caused his wife a lot of unnecessary grief by not taking care of his health and by staying out drinking and carousing even after she had asked him to rein it in a bit. (I'm not sure what the blogger's sources were.) She also mentioned that he had very poor dental hygiene and his mouth was awful--which also can't have been great for his wife. (I know, right?!?! The blog has since become private or I'd hunt it down for the references.) Anyway, it wouldn't surprise me if Chesterton had been disgusting. Someone who openly enjoyed the contrast between his rapier wit and his large girth would probably want to play up other less-than-ideal physical aspects. Not that that's a sin, of course. Didn't the desert monks go for years without bathing? (What???) And "distressing his wife" doesn't seem to be a mortal sin, either, though a decent advocatus diaboli would be able to make something of it . . . except that that role doesn't seem to exist anymore. If Chesterton gets canonised, a lot of overweight neckbeards are going to get a pass. Not that it matters; they're mostly atheists anyway.


    1. Monks on Athos still don't bathe.

      When I spent a month with the Carthusians I asked permission to take a shower the first week and the novice master agreed after several seconds of hesitation and a disapproving look I got the distinct impression I probably should have roughed it longer before seeking the luxury of a hot shower. I nearly froze to death as it was.


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