Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Day

Oh, that you were my brother, 
nursed at my mother's breasts!
If I met you out of doors, I would kiss you
and none would taunt me.
I would lead you, bring you in

 to the home of my mother.

 There you would teach me to give you

 spiced wine to drink and pomegranate juice. - Song of Songs 8

Art:  Virgin de la Leche with Infant Jesus and St. Bernard, Peru c. 1680, Peyton-Wright


  1. Tis a wonderful gift, the birth of the Lord. An even greater gift is the peace and freedom to celebrate His birth in the safety of one's place of worship and home, surrounded by the ones you love.

    I had to pause today and reflect and pray for my many brothers and sisters of faith who were bombed in Iraq on Christmas morning. Their faith is so much more than mine and I hope they will pray for me and mine too.

    Holy Mary, in your arms you hold the Light of the world...the precious babe, Jesu. Remember your children in war torn countries, in places of unrest and oppression, and in places of persecution.

    Ask our Heavenly Father to grant them fortitude and strength to press onward. Ask Him to reward them heaven in the face of all they have suffered and continue to suffer.

    Ask Him to have mercy on those of us who have forgotten them.


  2. I was reading this Francis de Sales reflection on Christmas and I came across this exact passage which St Francis spoke of as the wonderful expectation of the Virgin, then I thought of La Leche, then I thought of you. I love this image. Merry Christmas!

  3. Thanks! Merry Christmas!


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