Monday, January 07, 2013

If he only had a gun

Looks as if Christmas is finished.

There's nothing in canon law
to prohibit it.

1 comment:

  1. +JMJ+

    What, Terry? You didn't watch The Rise of the Guardians??? Well, okay, I didn't, either. =P

    But according to an impeccable source (that is, a child), Santa uses a sword in that movie. He may not be packing one thing, but he's packing another. And the Easter Bunny's eggs explode like grenades, while the Sandman conjures up whips. (Sandy is my favourite.) The Tooth Fairy, you say? Who cares about her? She's just a girl.

    Anyway, my point is that you're so behind the zeitgeist, mate! And not just by the few weeks since the Rise of the Guardians premiere. The second Yoda picked up a light saber, it was all over. And that was over a decade ago. Get with the times!

    And while you're at it, get me my medication . . .


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