Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Infant Jesus

Today begins the monthly novena in honor of the Infant Jesus.

Devotion to the Infant Jesus is not limited to devotion to the miraculous Infant Jesus of Prague - although the miracles attributed to the Infant of Prague have helped increase devotion to the Sacred Child.  There are other miraculous images of the Infant Jesus throughout the world, many resembling the Infant of Prague, while others may depict the Child Jesus in other guises.  The variety of devotions are solidly based upon devotion to the Sacred Humanity of Christ.

Some people find the clothing of statues, especially that of the Infant Jesus difficult to understand.  For instance the Infant of Prague is dressed as a priest and as a king, in the fashion of the period wherein the statue was made, and the devotion began.  The Child wears an alb - no more considered a dress than that which a priest wears, although the cape, or cope the Child wears is the same as that of a king, as well as a bishop.  The Divine Child wears liturgical vestments, which change with the liturgical seasons, signifying the devotion is anchored and sustained in the liturgy.  It is a liturgical, Eucharistic devotion.  It is also Marian, since the Divine Infant is most often found in the arms of His Mother - and yes, dressed in a robe or tunic, as little boys were often dressed in their infancy.

The monthly novena reminds us of the mysteries of the holy childhood and hidden life of Jesus.  The promises attached to the devotion echo the promises of Christ in the Gospel.  "No one who comes to me will I ever reject."  "Ask and it will be given to you.  Seek and you shall find.  Knock and it shall be opened to you."  "He who honors me honors the Father who sent me."  "Whatever you ask in my name will be granted to you."   And so on.

The monthly novena.  Something I wrote earlier:
The monthly novena is an efficacious spiritual practice. It focuses the soul upon the mystery of the Incarnation, the Nativity, and the early years of Our Lord's life. Some recommend that one not limit the Divine Child by asking for particular favors, since He already knows our needs. I pray the novena to draw close to the Divine Child with the confidence that I shall want for nothing. However, He is a little Child and He knows how little children are, hence he is never put off by our particular requests, indeed, He enjoys listening to them.
The chief effect of devotion to the Infant Jesus is He becomes our constant companion, and increases our capacity to love. In some cases He heals the wounds inflicted upon us in our childhood, tracing our sins to these roots, helping us to overcome them, or at least humbly repent, with greater self knowledge each time we fall. The Infant Jesus instills humility, confidence and love, as He traces out the way of Spiritual Childhood for us.
The Divine Child is vulnerable and open to all, especially sinners. He teaches us to refrain from judging another, or condemning another, and if we do, He quickly reminds us of our own sins to gently reprimand us. With him the soul is able to see the Divine spark within even the most hardened and offensive person, often indicating to us that person's particular suffering, pain, loneliness, and isolation. The Divine Child teaches us to love and have compassion, even upon ourselves - He rejects no one who comes to him. He elicits such a love from our hearts that we quickly find ourselves loving without desire for sensual gratification or self-seeking, rather loving for Love's sake alone.

Prayerof the Holy Father Benedict XVI to the Infant Jesus of Prague

O my Lord Jesus,
we gaze on you as a baby
and believe that you are the Son of God,
who became man
in the womb of the Virgin Mary,
through the working of the Holy Spirit.
Just as at Bethlehem,
we too, with Mary, Joseph,
the angels and the shepherds,
adore you and acknowledge you
as our only Savior.
You became poor
to enrich us with your poverty.
Grant that we may never forget the poor
and all those who suffer.
Protect our families,
bless all the children of the world,
and grant that the love you brought us
may always reign amongst us
and lead us to a happier life.
Grant, O Jesus, that all
may recognize the truth of your birth,
so that they may know
that you came to bring
to the whole human family
light, joy and peace.
You who live and reign
with God the Father
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.

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