Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Another moving tribute: PETA seeks a commemorative sign...

Desperate search for survivor fish after the October 11 accident.

A commemorative sign to mark a tragic fish accident.

The heart breaking story:
An Irvine resident is requesting that the city install a sign to memorialize the hundreds of fish killed in a traffic crash in early October as they were being taken to Irvine Ranch Market.

The sign would read, "In memory of hundreds of fish who suffered and died at this spot," to remind tractor-trailer drivers of their responsibility to the animals who are "hauled to their deaths every day," according to the letter provided by PETA.

The crash occurred Oct. 11 when a truck, carrying 1,600 pounds of live fish and several tanks of pure oxygen, crashed with two other vehicles.

The oxygen was used to keep saltwater bass alive as the fish were being taken to market.
"Although such signs are traditionally reserved for human fatalities, I hope you'll make an exception because of the enormous suffering involved in this case," the letter read.

"Research tells us that fish use tools, tell time, sing, and have impressive long-term memories and complex social structures, yet fish used for food are routinely crushed, impaled, cut open, and gutted, all while still conscious. Sparing them from being tossed from a speeding truck and slowly dying from injuries and suffocation seems the least that we can do," the letter continued.  - Orange County Register
How many fish were injured, killed, tossed out of the ocean in Hurricane Sandy?

I don't know how much more I can take.  How many more fish have to die?!



  1. If we did that, we'd have to place a plaque mourning the life of each deer or other animal that dies in a collision with a car. PETA wanna pay for that? Oh, wait, they were planning on taxpayers paying.

  2. ....I actually know a person who became a Frutarian because of things like this ! yes. it's true. There are people who only eat things that can be harvested with out any distres to Anything. Only fruits that naturally fall to the ground, that do not even have to suffer being Picked. *sigh*.

  3. If people are so moved by this "fish tragedy" to make a commemorative sign in memory of the thousands of fishes killed in this accident, why are people so unmoved at the tragedy of thousands of human children that are killed through abortion each day?! Perhaps Americans should consider re-organizing their priorities.

  4. If people are so moved by this "fish tragedy" to make a commemorative sign in memory of the thousands of fishes killed in this accident, why are people so unmoved at the tragedy of thousands of human children that are killed through abortion each day?! Perhaps Americans should consider re-organizing their priorities.

  5. PETA wants to elevate animals above humans.


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