Saturday, September 15, 2012

Our Lady of Sorrows

Prayer to Our Lady

O Mother of Sorrows, Mother of Mercy, Help of Christians, most faithful minister of Divine Providence, Mediatrix of all graces, remember that never in the world has it been heard that thou hast left him without comfort who has come to thee with true devotion. Wherefore, I, trusting in thy tender pity and in thy most generous providence, bend low before thee, praying that thou wouldst hear my prayer.

Obtain for me a holy provision for the future, namely, graces for all my spiritual and temporal needs, and most especially, the grace of a holy death.  Remember those dearest to me, those for whom I pray and offer my life.

I fervently recommend to thy loving motherly Heart our Holy Church, especially our Holy Father Benedict XVI, the conversion of sinners, the spread of the Catholic faith and those Souls chosen by Our Lord, who are suffering the tormenting flames of Purgatory, that they may soon be comforted with eternal refreshment. Amen.

Thank you for thy Maternal protection and all the graces for which I pray.  Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us now, and at the hour of our death.  Amen.

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