Tuesday, July 17, 2012

If you thought bloggers were nutz - you might be right.

Or if you felt you were going nuts - you just might be.

Must read - Study finds: People Who Are Constantly Online Develop Mental Disorders.


The Symptoms:
  • They start fights over stupid things other people write or say on their blogs or in their com boxes.
  • They complain of "too much stuff - too many books" yet keep adding to their wish list and begging for donations.
  • They keep taking down and putting up their blog - or starting new ones.
  • They imagine the world is filled with poodles. 
  • They blog, twit, face-book their lives while talking on their cell phone and playing online games during their soccer-mom-dad chauffeur-time.
  • They keep posting fake profile photos of themselves and start believing that is really what they look like.
  • They compulsively check email, comments, stats, and comment on as many blogs as possible to get more traffic to their site.
  • They get all stressed out as if they missed something - anything - online.
  • They start believing that their opinion and POV matters and the world awaits their every post.
  • They believe they have a 'public' they must play to and maintain a persona for.
  • They believe they are on a mission from God.
  • They think they are God - or maybe just the head of a new Vatican dicastery.
[BTW - Remember those bloggers whose name begins with the initials C and A and J?  They are still locked up in a State mental institution.  What?]


  1. They let me out of the restraints once a day so I can post and check my stats. It's cheaper than meds...

  2. I was gonna read this post earlier, but I had to check my stats.

  3. LOL! It would sound like me except I have a dumb phone that has no games and I can't even text with. (I had the text disabled so I wouldn't have to pay for all those texts I don't want to read.)

    Now I better go take my vitamins so I have the energy to get back to work tomorrow. Darn! did I miss anything while I was on retreat?

  4. You mean that isn't a real photo of you?


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