Thursday, June 28, 2012

ObamaCare Won.

Taxing the poor.

I didn't expect that.

I'm against it. 

So if someone* doesn't have a job or an income and lives off the kindness of strangers, and doesn't have health insurance, how's he supposed to be able to pay a fine/tax?

I'm against it.

*Homeless people and those who solicit donations online. ;)


  1. According to our constitution, only Congress can levy taxes. The Supremes just levied a tax. What's up with that?

    1. I don't know - but this country is screwed... Right now I am too angry to say much more.

  2. yes, I am angry and surprised, too. How can this be, how can the Supremes do this ? What happened to freedom in this country ? It dove-tails with their desire to impose their "health" values on the Church, too.
    Makes me want to take to the streets, like in the 60's.

  3. He has to go this coming Nov.

  4. words fail.

    i'm sure justice roberts was grinding his teeth when he sided with the majority.

    hope this galvanizes conservatives and we ouster this socialist president and his senatorial co-conspirators.

  5. I'm not generally given to overt kookiness, but I wonder if the November election will matter. I wonder if we've already had our last free election and didn't even know it.

    Pay attention to DOJ's and Pelosi's continued efforts to strike down all voter ID laws.

    1. Poor Pelosi attributes the Supremes ruling to the intercession of Ted Kennedy.

  6. Replies
    1. Ron - are you safe from the fires? Also - you have so many blogs - which one should I link to?


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