Wednesday, May 23, 2012

It is right and just...

H/T Mark Shea

Editor's note - disclaimer:  This Michael Voris video is nicely done.  Like all of his reports, it is his point of view or opinion in the light of Church teaching.  It is certainly compassionate, and therefore a welcome change in attitude towards persons with homosexual inclination.

I disagree that the sufferings of the ssa person are all that different from the single, heterosexual person for whom chastity may be a difficulty.  There are many heterosexual persons unable to marry because of moral or physical impediments, the homosexual impediment is not any worse than other impediments in todays culture.

Michael inadvertently suggests a 'special' spirituality for the homosexual condition, offering a component of victim soul spirituality for the chaste person who deals with same sex attraction.  Naturally, there is nothing wrong with offering one's spiritual trials to God as a sacrifice or penance for the conversion of sinners.  In fact, to abstain from sin is a sacrifice God expects from all who approach him.  Nevertheless, it is no more unusual or unique a requirement than what is expected of all Christians.  Subsequent temptations and trials, especially those associated with loneliness and feeling different or alienated, are not unique to the homosexual person. 

There is a danger, due to the general acceptance of homosexuality as a natural variant in human sexuality (which it is in so far as fallen human nature or concupiscence is concerned) to promote a unique, specialized spirituality just for gay people.  That in itself strikes me as contrary not only to tradition and Catholic moral teaching, but it is also contrary to scripture.
"For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.  There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free person, there is not male and female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus." - Galatians 3: 27-28

How we say things today is very important.


  1. Good grief! Mark is smoking dope now. Could've knocked me over with a feather...

    1. I toldja he was nice. Haha.

      Actually there are just a few small points I find troubling with Voris' take on things. I'll save them for a post - no wait, I'll add a disclaimer/editorial.

  2. Allrightey then. I updated the post.

  3. I think your point is well taken and I sort of got the same feeling, but I wasn't interested enough to pursue it intellectually. I thank you for doing so...

  4. I agree with everything you stated, especially that last line.

  5. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Toldja I don't hate Voris. When will people just take me at my word. When I object to something Voris says or suggests ("communion in the hand is somehow redolent of Priscillianism/E. Michael Jones is a reputable thinker and lets all chuckle about and dismiss his crazy anti-semitism/Corapi is the Fearless Truthteller victimized by Professional Catholics and a Shadowy Gay Conspiracy") it's because I object to what he says or suggests, not because I have some vendetta against him and everything he says.

    When he gets it right, I'm happy to acknowledge it. Here, he got it very right, I thought.

    Mark Shea

  6. Got it very right? Victim souls suffering for the salvation of others? A cross specially prepared for them (gays) by God? That's Catholic? Maybe it's Mikie's version and maybe his god is that twisted that he revels in preparing tortures for some of his most loved and special children. Welcome change in attitude indeed.

    Terry, Is this payback for my comments about The Prophet's locutions on the bishop's lawsuits against the Health Care Initiative? Listen to that episode and see if you can reconcile the two in your mind.

    1. Payback - LOL! I don't do that stuff.

      Frequently in devotional literature the idea that God has prepared a special cross for chosen souls is expressed in much the same language Michael Voris uses and applies to ssa people who experience their condition has a great suffering. I don't agree with the victim soul analogy - God knows gay people love drama, so I'm not sure it is ever a good idea to suggest something so 'special' to those who already believe they are unique and above ordinary humans. I say that half in jest - but you get what I'm saying.

      However, the sacrifice involved in living the Gospel is indeed a share in the cross of Christ, and therefore is a means of sanctity. In the cross is our salvatio, thus what afflicts us can save us in Christ.

      Remember, I emphasized in my commentary that the thoughts Voris expounds upon in his video are his thoughts and opinions, which many times accord with Catholic doctrine.

      Victim souls belong to the category of mystical theology and I dare say, above our heads. A confessor may advise a ssa individual on the nature of his personal experience, but I have never heard it said that reformed homosexuals are victim souls.

      I pretty much took the words of Michael Voris metaphorically.

    2. Terry, are you now officially a bigger reactionary conservative than Michael Voris? :)

  7. Anonymous9:39 PM

    As a Catholic man who suffers from SSA, I found Voris' presentation refreshingly compassionate and encouraging.

    The issue of homosexuality is rarely approached with much compassion in the Roman Catholic blogosphere; it's more or less a matter of so many rants against the latest exploits of gay activists that one encounters.

    While this is understandable, it's also exhausting for someone like myself to be constantly reminded that he's a disordered monster every other time he reads a Catholic blog, when all he wants to accomplish while reading a Catholic blog is find some inspiration or nourishment or Catholic comeraderie.

    I understand in an age in which the issue of gay marriage is in the headlines that it's all but impossible not to encounter the Catholic call to arms against the gay community (of which I do not consider myself a member). It can't be helped, I suppose.

    But that being the case, a rare embrace of those of us who are Catholic and homosexual in a compassionate tenor, such as this video by Michael Voris, can serve to remind us that we really are part of the family, and not outsiders, or appalling oddities whom the rest of our family would just as soon keep locked away, hidden, in the attic.

    To be thought of, furthermore, as somehow especially loved by's really not something I would ever have expected anyone to say or even imagine. I have to say I found the sentiment enormously consoling. Enormously.

    1. Thanks very much for your good comment, which demonstrates the good effects of Voris' video. I appreciate it. I'm afraid I come off too critical at times. Forgive me.


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