Monday, March 05, 2012

If I had kids, I would not want to have to explain this...

The new normal.

I came across this photo today, of a Marine returning home and jumping into the arms of his partner in a passionate embrace and kiss.  Story here.   

In the meantime, parents who hope to raise their kids according to the accepted norms of traditional morality and religious teaching face ever increasing challenges such as this, in your face, public display of affection.  Sanctioned by the United States Marines and the United States Government.


  1. Out of all of the images of the war that have come out, this is the one you object to?


  2. Personally, I wouldn't want to raise kids to think that this is normal:

  3. I don't know Thom - both turn my stomach, but Terry's selection is way way worse.

  4. Thom, who has said that the behavior in that image that you have shown is normal or commendable.

    Sure, I have heard people make excuses or try to ignore it ("You don't know what that guy did", blah blah blah), but no one of any importance says that we SHOULD accept such behavior of celebrate it - not even the "evil" right-wing talk show hosts.

  5. Abbey Roads writes : "parents who hope to raise their kids according to the accepted norms of traditional morality . . . Sanctioned by the United States Marines and the United States Government."

    Or we could use such occurrences to explain to our children how sowing the wind reaps the whirlwind.

  6. Two words come to mind...national disgrace and gross. I guess that's technically three words. Seems like they are coming to mind a lot lately.

  7. there was a day when, as a former active duty captain with a walk-in closet, i would've cheered this. but since my reversion and accepting Truth, it just saddens me. and i'm ashamed i ever once advocated same-sex PDA's, for the level of scandal that it actually wreaks is beyond measure (not the gasping christian kind of scandal, but the soul-damaging kind that we don't see).
    I *still* think persons who identify as gay should be allowed to serve in the military. any citizen devoted to our nation should be given that opportunity to die to preserve our liberties. man hath no greater love than to lay down his life, right? but public displays of emotional and sexual behavior that are not ordered to their proper ends are going to be paraded & normalized. i wonder what our Lord is thinking right now. personally, i really do believe He is going to deliver us up to our enemies (as He is wont to do) as punishment. it won't be long before our righteous country will be supplanted ... and it won't be difficult to guess who's taking over.

  8. If gays and lesbians are (rightly) considered fit to risk their lives in Afghanistan (or wherever) then we should not metaphorically throw up when we see this photo. Sorry, but I think you do protest too much.

  9. I agree with Doughboy on this one 100%. I served in the military under don't ask don't tell. I hope I served my country well.

    DOUGHBOY said: but public displays of emotional and sexual behavior that are not ordered to their proper ends are going to be paraded & normalized.

    I don't think there is any place for this sort of thing. Yes, I agree that the LORD will probably deliver us into the hands of our enemies if we continue down the path we have chosen and I have no reason to believe that our path will change.


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