Thursday, February 16, 2012

Here is a guy who struggles with SSA and is 'out'.

That is, he doesn't write about SSA using a pseudonym - not that anything is wrong with that BTW...

One of my friends suggests anonymous writers on SSA lack credibility on some level.  I don't think that - but I understand wanting to know who is writing what and for what and do they practice what they preach and so on.  Anyway, I came across this author who uses his real name, and speaks about same sex issues in, how should I say it?  More theological terms.  His name is Patrick Einheber - and I found a photo of some one by the same name.  I think my friend might like what he has to say.
Same sex attraction and the choice of the greatest good.

A major part of my struggle as a Catholic who experiences same-sex attraction has been the difficulty of wrestling with my desire for the goodness of love, relationship and pleasure that seems to be denied me by the teachings of the Church about homosexual relationships. After all, aren't these things good and aren't we all entitled to them? Why would the Church, or more importantly, God, wish to deprive some of us of these things? The answer, although it may not seem obvious at first glance, is that they don't wish to deprive us of any goodness at all and in fact wish for our perfect happiness. So how then can we understand these apparently disparate things? I found the solution to this problem in a consideration of good and evil themselves, as the Church and the Bible describe them, and what it is that the good God wishes to give to us in our creation as sexual beings. It's not a simple answer, but it is a consistent, meaningful and beautiful one.
Same sex attraction presents a situation that is very similar to that experienced by Adam and Eve. Every person who is attracted to others, whether they are of the same sex or not, sees something good, pleasing and desirable in those people. And these things are certainly and truly present. All people are created by God and are good. We all radiate this goodness in an apparent way, especially in our sexual nature. We understand that there is goodness to be had in the giving of ourselves and the receiving of the other in a mutual exchange of persons. However, just like Adam and Eve, we are not free to take hold of every good that we perceive. Sometimes there are very apparent goods around us that we are not allowed to grasp because there are greater goods to be had. For example, we should not forcefully take the goodness of another person's sexuality because to do so would be to violate their freedom and dignity as a person. These greater goods must always be considered. - Read it all.


  1. Impressive. I'm looking forward to more of his promised series.


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