Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Dancing with the has-beens and wanna-bes.

Don't look now.
I don't watch Dancing With The Stars - I think it's sad anyone does.  However I must admit that sometimes, while surfing channels, I have paused to take in the spectacle - sort of how one does with a car accident, I suppose.  I watched Sarah Palin's daughter a couple of times, just because I thought she looked pregnant and couldn't figure out why she was on a TV show.  I also tuned in to watch Kirstie Alley fall - that was funny - they kept replaying it too.  But I would never recommend the show - the dances and costumes are usually so immodest, bordering on the erotic, that even I have to flip the channel.
News is that the show has booked Chaz Bono for the next season.  I'm sure Chaz is a nice person - I saw him/her on Oprah promoting the autobiography and the documentary about the transition from female to male - although the change is really just a hormonal, cut the boobs off, psychological transition.  The girlfriend claims to enjoy the change as well.  Chaz was a lesbian before this.  It's a complicated transition - one that Catholics do not have to accept as natural or true - since the biological markers still say female. 
I'm not making fun of Chaz or persons who seek sexual reassignment - I actually believe that there are authentic cases of gender mix-up at birth - I don't understand it - but I've read about such things.  Again - I'm no expert, but it seems to me most of those cases are based on biology and not individual preference, be it psychological or emotional.  Having listened to Chaz, who says at this point she intends to keep her below the belt anatomy intact, I have a hard time understanding how she can be considered a real man.  Again - to each his own and best wishes.  [Yes I feel sorry for such people, much in the same way I felt sorry for Michael Jackson's botched facial reconstruction.]
That said - if I had kids I wouldn't tune into Dancing With the Stars this season.  In fact, there are a lot of television shows I don't think kids should be watching.  It's not that kids do not already know and hear about the things that are portrayed on TV, it is just that by watching it - week after week, the aberrations are gradually normalized for the impressionable viewer.  Entertainment and news is essentially a propaganda tool.
Although I still think Modern Family is the funniest show on network TV - right after Big Bang Theory that is.  So anyway - if you watch these shows with your kids, remember to explain what is really going on.  For example:
Dancing With the Stars:  "Honey, Chaz isn't a real man - she doesn't have a poddy."
Modern Family:  "It's just a TV show sweetheart!  Those two guys are not really married and even if they could be they are probably living in sin and for sure destroying that little Asian girl's life."
Big Bang Theory:  "Now take Amy Farrah Fowler and Sheldon - so far, they have the ideal relationship for unmarried couples - they never touch or kiss or do anything else that is sinful."
Teach your children, and always monitor their entertainment.  Remind them that most of humanity will be damned.
Seriously - I think most of television has become a near occasion of sin for many - if not the program - for sure the ads... Victoria's Secret for instance - I don't know why feminists don't object.  It is soft porn.
Photo:  Chaz at the gym - TMZ.


  1. I can't even read this post because for me it is a sin to dwell on such things. I pray for celebrities, for some reason I pray for Marc Jacobs' conversion and that of Brigid Berlin and her sister. You should have immense love for these people, they haven't been given the graces we have been given (which we should always be giving thanks for). Love them enough to want their souls to be saved. Entrust them over and over to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

    Why do we never hear of celebrities having major conversions? I guess Jim Caviezel is one, but who else?

  2. I'm going to be held responsible for the programs my children watch.

    Radio is just as bad. Katy Perrys
    -sex with an alien song is one of the creepiest songs I've ever heard.

  3. Terry, do you really think most of humanity is damned? I know we shouldn't just take it easy and think everyone goes to heaven, but then again, when people die, even the worst sinners, we pray for God's mercy. I know people who have died living lives at odds with the Catechism, but I have to pray for them. Thinking "guess they're in hell now" just doesn't seem to work.

    Its interesting that lots of early Christians assumed their parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles were all burning in hell for eternity. How can one live with such a thought? I for one just say "whatever has happened, God is merciful, and we should pray for the dead" Does that make me a bad or a weak Catholic?

    Also, and maybe I'm missing some humor, but do you think unmarried people courting one another shouldnt touch or kiss AT ALL? I don't mean fondling and "making out", either. Ha, St. Alphonsus thought engaged couples should only meet once or twice before marriage, and that anything else was too extreme a danger to chastity to allow. So, by those standards, any young couple dating each other, even if they are chaste, are just constantly sinning.

  4. Mercury, Hans Urs Von Balthasar, in contrast to John of the Cross, speculated that all men might be saved in his work, Dare We Hope...

    Thought the Modernists would appreciate that reference.

  5. I for one just say "whatever has happened, God is merciful, and we should pray for the dead" Does that make me a bad or a weak Catholic?

    It makes you neither - it makes you...Catholic. Period. We ought not canonize anyone unless it's someone the Church has officially recognized. And like the Church, we ought not presume upon the eternal damnation of any particular individual. Prayers for the dead - for those in purgatory, known only to God - is the proper thing to do. If the people we're praying for aren't in Purgatory, then God will apply those prayers in however He deems fit.

    I hope this helps.

  6. however *way* He deems fit.

  7. Thanks, Larry.

    Clark, are you trying to tar von Balthasar? Have you read the book, because as I understand it, he was misunderstood by those who wanted to paint him as a liberal.

    After all, shouldn't we HOPE and PRAY for the salvation of all? Or is the "lead all souls to Heaven, especially those in the most need of your mercy" a joke?

  8. "Or is the "lead all souls to Heaven, especially those in the most need of your mercy" a joke?"

    Again, you're on my brainwave. I've always found that prayer comforting because God wouldn't ask us to pray for the impossible.

  9. "After all, shouldn't we HOPE and PRAY for the salvation of all? Or is the "lead all souls to Heaven, especially those in the most need of your mercy" a joke?"

    Reread my 1st post. Spiritual works of mercy for souls are at the core of my entire prayer life.

    As for Von Balthasar, I was raised by a nanny who was Johannes Gemeinschaft, so I know ALL about H.U.VB. I'd say he was certainly better than most of the German-Swiss Council Fathers, including the current pope.

  10. Clark, sorry to be rash, then. I wish I knew how have any fruitful prayer life - so I'm sure you do more than I.

    I do love Benedict XVI, though.

  11. Dear Mercury, Try making short visits to the Blessed Sacrament, like 5 minutes and short ejaculatory prayers. Pick 3 favorites and say them all day long. Ask God for Joy and Hope, but once you pray, don't dwell on it. Make your visit and then move on with your day. Once your 5 mins are up in front the Blessed Sacrament, you go, you don't wrestle with, " hour would be more pleasing." You just go and keep those little practices up, but do no more.

  12. What's an example of an ejaculation? I say Hail Marys every now and then, especially when I am struggling with some mental image, or when I see someone doing something sinful or hear people talking about it (which is probably more effective than confronting them head on - admittedly not my style, and since most of them are not professed Christians anyway ...).

    Any examples? I typed up some morning and evening prayers yesterday, too, but I'm afraid it may be too long - not that one can pray too long, but my attention span is bad during prayer, and I'm afraid that if I bite off more than I can chew, I'll get lazy and give up.

  13. Only say the devotional prayers that you really love to say and that make you happy to offer them to God each day. Just those few, even if they are random.

    Examples of ejaculatory prayers:

    Most Sacred Heart of Jesus I implore that I may ever love Thee more and More.

    O Mary Conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

    Jesus, Mary, I love Thee, save souls!

    Mary, Mother of grace, Mother of mercy, shield me from the enemy and receive me at the hour of death. Amen.

    Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto Thine.

    Oh Jesus, save me!

    Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I put my trust in Thee.

    Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy Kingdom Come!

    Jesus, Mary, Joseph, assist me (now and) in my last agony.

    There are hundreds of them.

  14. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Any special prayers for a man addicted to cruising?

  15. Anonymous - pray for them - pray for the virtue of chastity for the person's you cruise.

  16. Merc - I just caught that about unmarried people not touching - I was just kidding with my television show commentary.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Yes, Anonymous 5:51,

    1. A sincere confession, asking Our Lady (perhaps hourly) to help keep your amendment.

    2. Daily Mass (The earlier in the day the better)

    3. The Rosary--Everyday!

    4. I think working with the poorest of the poor helps curb a lot of sin.

    5. Detest sin, not just dislike it, hate it and all the paths that lead to it.

    All else failing, throw yourself on the mercy of the Sacred Heart of Our Lord. Say to Him, "Lord, I do not want to fall into this sin, lease remove these temptations. If it be Your Holy Will that I be tempted further, I rely solely on Your grace and mercy to keep me from falling."

  19. Oh Terry, Happy Feast of St Raymond Nonnatus. I know you have a special love for Our Lady of Ransom.

    If you get a chance read my email.


  20. Please understand that I'm not trying to be mean to anyone but In my opinion, if most people do end up in hell it will be because they put themselves before others and before God. It was all about me, me, me..

    All of you who worry about whether or not God finds favor in you are wasting precious prayer time for others. It's obvious your in love with Christ by your writings. Don't worry. How could Christ abandon people who are so much in love with him especially when most people don't even consider if they're leading a life which is pleasing to God. I think this is a mental trap I've wallowed in it for years. If I end up in hell I deserve it, but I'm not going to worry about it anymore, I'm going to pray for other people and trust in Christs mercy, no matter where I end up.

    BTW..I gave up TMZ on the net when I saw two young women doing something shocking. TV, radio, Internet, it's all the same.

    I love Chaz. I like her personality. I don't agree with her though, but if I only loved non-screwed up people I'd have no friends - except for my blog administrator.

  21. About a thousand times a day (OK, maybe not that many) I say over and over again: Lord Jesus, Son of God and Son of Mary, have mercy on me, a sinner. You might try that one Mercury, for starters. I think it says it all. Peace.

  22. Thanks Clark, Belinda, Little Way, and Terry.

    I'm not sure if this is true, but I've heard it somewhere - that every time you pray for others, you receive grace as well, and that every time you pray for those in Purgatory, you receive the same indulgence.

    Does anyone know if this is true?

  23. Said with a deep sounding voice which echos and reverberates....

    Yeeeeess Merrrrcury it is sooooo.
    Stop worrying, your driving me nuuuts.

    I Love you more than you love me anyway.

  24. RE TV....

    I'm a serious gal with a serious job...and sometimes at the end of along gruelling day it is nice to come home, turn on the tube, and just laugh myself silly..

    I'm an adult, I can appreciate adult humor....almost with a nice adult beverage (or two..)

    I can only take so many G-rated movies before I poke my eyes out... Miley Cirus movies and Barney are absolute PURGATORY (for me)..

    Probably why I could never be an elementary school (or for that matter Religious Education) teacher...


  25. Mercury,

    Get a little prayer book and keep it with you. Following is one that a friend has. It doesn't matter which one you get, so long as you know it's good, solid, Catholic prayers.

  26. Anonymous9:42 PM

    And leave the gummy bears and cheerios at home, right Sara?

  27. Thanks, Nan.

    Anon - what's wrong with gummy bears?

  28. Cheerios are for the dining problem with that. Although in reality I'm not a big cold-cereal eater..

    No gummy bears in my house though..they'd disappear too fast :) Same with ice cream :) When my mom visits for Christmas she complains that I don't have lots of snacks around...:) Well except for popcorn :)


  29. Hey Sara! I'm a Middle School RE teacher. What's being implied here?!

  30. i do not mean to be a "smart ass" or to sound flippant.
    and i am not taking anyone's inventory, people are adults and perhaps some can watch TV shows that might be a real problem for others. it seems sad that TV has become the default setting for most of us to "relax/recreate". but at least with TV, what you see is what you get for the most part. so much of it is crude, in your face and little left for imagination or it is just dumb (i am talking about prime time shows/cable). that it is easy to make a decisions what i should or should not watch.

    but what i have found, and this is my point, there may be a lot more spiritual danger in reading blogs and especially the comments. it is easy to get sucked into all kinds of sinful attitudes, these sinful attitudes maybe more subtle, but are more deadly in the long run. it seems that blogs and facebooks etc just keep us in the cycle of getting more and more hardened in "my opinion". the pontificating, endless judging, the harsh responses to those who disagree.......what is the point? it seems to me it is just a way to pass time, but spiritually the risks maybe more dangerous with blogs, at least with a racy TV show or commercial the choice is black and white and i know if i am crossing a line. but with blogs, beneath a veneer of piety and orthodoxy i can be just hardening my heart in more and more pride and stroking my ego through an addictive cycle that goes on for years just sucking me into this cyber world for hours that waste into years....and what real fruit does it bear?

    i am just thinking out loud and asking myself these questions.....and am not attacking anyone person or post.

  31. "What real fruit does it bear?"

    To me, the point of Catholic blogs are to build up the body of Christ and to strengthen one another while there's still time and freedom to do so. The thing that people continually forget is that we're going to be held accountable -by God, for every written word. Blogging comes with a responsibility that shouldn't be taken lightly and I believe at some point it will also come with a price.

    I've been blogging with Catholics for the last three years and I've grown tremendously from it - No regrets. I think blogging has made me a better person. I also enjoy having thoughts and feelings in common with people who I also happen to like. These are thoughts and feelings foreign to the real world but necessary for entry into the next.

    We bloggers have an obligation to offset the filth that rages on the Internet. I love that my Catholic blogger buddies post in opposition to it and even if they are repeating themselves or others. We need to display Christ on the Internet.

    So many lost people, so little time.

  32. I agree with Patrick AND Belinda. The internet brought me the Church teachings I was robbed of, but the comments section really can be a twisted form of sloth and wrath. I've EASILY wasted WEEKS of time on the internet that could have been better spent.

  33. Patrick - you wrote: "at least with a racy TV show or commercial the choice is black and white and i know if i am crossing a line. but with blogs, beneath a veneer of piety and orthodoxy i can be just hardening my heart in more and more pride and stroking my ego through an addictive cycle that goes on for years just sucking me into this cyber world for hours that waste into years....and what real fruit does it bear?"

    That's it! You nailed it!

  34. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Yes, patrick did nail it! However, he was not talking about your blog, Ter. I'm serious!(read: Don't even think of quitting!)

  35. Anonymous11:31 AM

    If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen! That's what I say. We could do without most of the Novus Ordo blogs anyway.

  36. Yes because I have never seen self-righteous pride, ad appalling lack of charity, or a distortion of Church teaching on a traditionalist blog. By the way, the phrase "Novus Ordo Catholic" is deliberately insulting, sort of like "neo-con".

  37. Manonicymous8:40 PM

    Why should you get the rights of the sole moniker "Catholic"? Gotta define you types somehow, we "trads" are only following what the Church had always been, after all.
    But, really, I've found the sane trad blogs to be the most charitable compared to neo -cath blogs. I troll blogs like these to see what nonsense they're saying about trads, and it's always something. Trad bloggers seem to only call out neo's when they are attacked by them first.

    Ah well, it's all no good for nobody, I think I'll just stick to the saints. Pax vobiscum.

  38. The Saints wouldn't act like you're acting, man.

    "You types"? "neo-cath"? The words are meant to insult and demean and to show contempt for other Catholics. Why do those who are in union with the Pope in Rome and follow the teachings of the Church - why is it that we need to be called anything special?

    Traditionalists, or trads, or what have you call themselves that, and that's fine. But no one self-identifies as "Novus Ordo Catholic" or "neo-Cath". So, by even using the words, you demonstrate an appalling lack of charity and contempt for others.

  39. Mr.Terry has never shown a preference for either Mass as he's found fault with both - at one time or another and he's treated both groups of his readers equally and with respect.

    THAT means he's bitten all of us at one time or another, so don't poke the BEAR! Besides, I don't think he's had all of his shots

  40. Joel--nothing at all...I was talking about ME...
    I have all the admiration in the world for folks who can teach our young people...I just don't have the genes--or the patience-- for it. It is definitely a calling.



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