Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Inhospitality of Sodom.

On display on late nite.
With celebs such as Bill Maher, Marc Maron, and Dan Savage, all attacking Michele Bachmann and her husband, as well as Rick Santorum with vulgar, hate-filled rhetoric, discussing 'hate-sex' - raping the politicians 'angrily' - one might be able to buy into the scriptural interpretation gay exegetes suggest as the real sin of Sodom - inhospitality.  There is nothing hospitable about 'hate-sex' and rape:  After all, the townsfolk of Sodom came out late at night to savage Lot's visitors.  Today the analogy works for me. 
What is so spectacularly hypocritical about all of this is that Dan Savage is the guy who began the ever so compassionate "It gets better" political campaign against gay bullying... So who's the bully now?
The crap these guys spew is so repulsive I am offended it is permitted to air - anywhere.  The emails I received speaking of the matter were just as repulsive and disgusting due to the graphic content.  These celebrity rants bring to mind the horrible crimes committed against that innocent family in Connecticut wherein a doctor's wife and daughters were raped and burnt to death in their own home
I know gay men who will rant and rave in similar fashion against any politician they perceive as anti-gay agenda.  They've said the same things about people like Sarah Palin and her daughter.  Radical feminist women, who supposedly continue to defend women against violence, have spouted similar hate-filled epitaphs.  These people are so not about 'peace' they are about violence and hate.
Mark Shea says it better than I can:
"This is a militant crusading intolerant and deeply hypocritical faith that does not hesitate for a second to deploy against its perceived enemies everything it pretends to decry. Hate sex Rape is openly bruited and applauded. The most miserable schoolyard bullying is just part of the toolkit for these phony apostles of compassion. These guys are going to wear out their welcome damn fast once they use the force of law to try to hammer people into Goodthink. You can't beat people into loving your perversion."
Know your enemies.  
Photo: Bill Maher - source


  1. And this was considered humorous. I can hear their defense now: "can't you take a joke? get a life." And anyone offended by this will be painted as puritans and unenlightened somehow.

    Another reason I don't watch TV anymore. Just too depressing.

  2. yep, it is like the old and new exegetes merge ... to one big truth about two distant times about the same culture.

    Ironically, the UK Guardian ran this sad real life story today: http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2011/jul/17/the-rape-of-men/print

    Bet'cha u won't hear any apologies to those individuals they threatened with rape, nor to the broader audience of viewers.

    Curious enough too, another Australian 'comedian', Andrew O'Neill, also seems to think it is funny to include rape fantasies. One person commenting on an O'Neill show stated:

    " ... I thought Andrew O'Neill was funny, smart, and talented; I would have gone to see him again. Then he offered money for someone to rape the Jonas Brothers and I lost all respect. Rape jokes are not funny. Encouraging people to violent sexual assault, even tongue-in-cheek, is not funny..."

  3. "Someone should tell him that bullying is a form of attention. Nevertheless, it occurred to me that a little bit of criticism from one's peers, even mockery for dressing like a comic book character, or getting pushed around a'la Napoleon Dynamite can be character building and go a long way to help a kid to mature and better assimilate into society. Quite honestly, I am of the opinion that a certain amount of taunting and bullying is not all that bad - it helps form a person; suffering develops empathy, and so on. If my friends never taunted me about using drugs and drinking so much, I might be dead today. Everything in moderation of course."


  4. Thom - did you read the post? What I said before is so not applicable to these perverts - they are advocating exactly what happened to the Petit family in Connecticut. There is absolutely no defense for sodomy or rape or hate sex in any situation. Sodomite violence is despicable.

  5. I don't condone any violent speech-- straight on gay or gay on straight.

  6. honeybee2:34 PM

    I am so devoutly thankful that I no longer live in the US and am not exposed to this garbage.

    I have no idea who Bill Mahler, Marc Maron or Dan Savage are, and you can bet I'm not about to click on the links for illumination.

    Lord, have mercy, if this is what America has come to.

  7. honeybee2:37 PM

    Come to think of it, I don't know who Michelle Bachmann is, either!

  8. Honeybee - she's a conservative Republican senator from Minnesota - alligned with the Tea Party folks and ultra-conservatives. She's runnibg for the Republican nomination for president. She's a very savvy politician and supports pro-life, pro-family causes whole-heartedly and unflinchingly - that makes her a lightening rod for liberals. She's a smart lady and seems pretty tough. The media tries very hard to make her look dumb and bigotted - she's not.

  9. This is horrifying.

    That's it. I have no other words that will be anything but extraneous.

  10. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Behold this was the iniquity of Sodom thy sister, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance, and the idleness of her, and of her daughters: and they did not put forth their hand to the needy, and the poor.
    -Ezekiel 16:48

  11. -Ezekiel 16:48-...

    Once these conditions were met, the thing that brought God to anger and action was the people of Sodom and Gomorrah no longer resisted sin.

    God has pretty much made up His mind that man is sinful by nature; He becomes angry when we no longer resist sin, even if for just a moment.

    Great post.

    Really good comments.

    I want to comment on this Bill Maher guy and Beck and Limberger.


  12. Anonymous6:12 PM

    I read this post because for the past six months, I've been mulling over the whole idea of "Bill Maher". I once liked Bill Maher. A decade ago I enjoyed his now defunct Comedy Central show in which Maher would mediate four types of public figures as they discussed topics he would throw out. It was low budget and less slick than his present day Real Time with Bill Maher show. I was going to leave a comment about how Maher has become just as much a blowhard as the people he slams his "New Rules" down upon. However, one hour ago I got the opportunity to watch the episode highlighted in your post.

    I was sick to my stomach by the end of the episode. I turned the television off and quietly said to myself, "I don't want to watch television ever again."

    I am not American. I don't speak Republican or Democrat, Red or Blue. I have no emotional attachment to any of the politicians on the receiving end of what I witnessed today. What I can say is that Bill Maher is not funny anymore. He is not a comedian anymore. He is as much a crazy bully and intolerant hate-filled jack-hole as the people he rants about. He is incapable of having any sort of meaningful or rational discussion - especially if religion is involved and that is because he has no interest in learning anything outside of what he deems "logical and rational". His comments on Christian scripture were laughable, and his tiresome pandering for the Pavlovian hounds in his audience (I mean, come on Mr. Maher, these days you set up your "brilliant" bon mots with as much finesse as a snowplow)has almost become eye-rollingly painful.

    Everyone associated with the panel on this episode should be ashamed of himself and herself. The salivating howler monkeys in the audience that thought comments on retaliatory rape were hilarious should be ashamed of themselves. And I don't want to hear that this is Maher's schtick or this is comedy. It wasn't comedy. Maher hasn't been funny for a good many years. All he is is smug, self-righteous, and sad.

  13. GREAT comment Burgo. Very well said.

  14. I probably shouldn't have read the transcript....but I did.

    Lord have mercy on them...

  15. Burgo - excellent comment - thank you very much.

  16. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Thank you, Clare, and thank you, Terry for calling out Bill Maher and his panel. I hate to give him any "power" by admitting that he and his show have been on my mind lately, but it was good to see that others recognize him for what he is and that really, this has nothing to do with Republicans or Democrats or even Conservatives or Liberals. Ugly is ugly, and throwing more ugly onto something you find ugly already doesn't make it less ugly.

  17. This is such a useless post. I find it so interesting that you and other neocon Catholics like Bill Donahue will easily defend Michele Bachmann when she is very clearly anti-Catholic despite what she says. I have WELS Lutheran family like Michele Bachmann and they are very openly anti-Catholic. Been putting up with it all my life and regardless of what your politics are Michele Bachmann is a crappy person and this story shouldn't even matter. But alas today being uber Conservative is just as or even more important than being Catholic for all the neocons. Lord help us!

  18. TJP - I don't care if she's anti-Catholic. I am also not supporting her candidacy. I'm objecting to the vulgar attacks upon her and others, advocating hate sex and rape.

  19. “…neocon Catholics, WELS Lutheran family, uber Conservative…”


    What does all that mean?

    Please elucidate.


  20. I just talked to a friend on the phone and he told me Michelle Bachmann is not smart and her law degree means nothing.

    I have also heard from other people that they support Bill Maher and what was said on that show.

    That's all.


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