Sunday, April 17, 2011

Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz of Lincoln, Nebraska on the need for clear teaching.

This is good...
Priests should not use concerns over “prudence” as an excuse to avoid speaking boldly on the immorality of homosexual acts, says Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz of Lincoln, Nebraska.

“Caution and prudence are important, but I don’t think they should be excuses for not properly speaking when speaking is necessary or extremely important pastorally,” the bishop told LifeSiteNews this week.
He said priests may be reluctant to address homosexuality because “there’s a lot of intimidation in various places,” but he stressed that the wide promotion of openness to homosexuality in our culture demands that they present the Catholic Church’s teachings clearly. “In a culture in which this kind of activity is broadcast all over, I think it’s important that the teaching of the Church be clear and precise,” he said.
“Homosexual acts are intrinsically evil, and if one does them with full knowledge and consent, they’re mortal sins and place one’s eternal salvation in the gravest of jeopardy,” he added.
Those who experience same-sex attractions must “resist that inclination,” he said. “People who have such an inclination, however they obtained it, must maintain what God wants us to do in regard to the way human sexual activity and human reproductive activity takes place.”

Bishop Bruskewitz lamented that “in recent times things that were unspoken, or basically unspeakable, are now broadcast all over the media.” “We have a proliferation of every sort of pornography on the internet, and there’s a general cultural deterioration in that direction,” he said.
While there’s a need to present the Church’s sexual teachings clearly, the bishop also stressed that priests must make a “pastoral judgment” in determining the appropriate context for these discussions. “I think there’s a time and place to do these things. Sometimes there’s a certain delicacy, I think, and modesty in speaking and referring to sexual matters that has to observed,” he explained. - Source
Unfortunately, because there is a proliferation of every sort of pornography in media - more like an inundation - Church teaching needs to be reiterated again and again.


  1. and he's right about the time & place to speak about such things. it's mature content, and to speak in detail about what's involved in this issue from the ambo on sunday when children are present would not really be the time & place. so i can see why bishops & priests shy from doing so AT THAT TIME & PLACE. BUT, it still needs to be discussed with charity and clarity. it saddens me to know there are many bishops in this nation who won't allow the *courage* apostolate a home in their dioceses.

  2. Doughboy: I did not know until recently that Judas was the prototype for apostate Bishops. We have seen many betray our Lord with their silence in the last forty years. The deafening silence, and indeed support for homosexuality from the some priests and Bishops, esp. the Jesuits , reminds me of the upheaval surrounding abortion and contraception many years ago. Many Bishops and priests defied the Magisterium and oh, what that hath wrought. How we need brave men like this Bishop!

  3. I agree there is a proper place and time as well.

  4. That's why G_d created Blogger and Wordpress, duh. ;)


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