Thursday, December 02, 2010

Wikileaks... gay rage?

Just asking.
I got an email about the Wikileaks leaks.  I haven't written anything about this issue, there are enough people doing so already.  However, I do consider the entire situation to be treason - and quite honestly, I'm surprised someone hasn't assassinated Julian Assange by now.  I don't think it takes a moral theologian to tell you that the Wikileaks actions are immoral.  Although someone please shut Sarah Palin up from expounding on how incompetent the Obama Administration is.  She's the queen of incompetence, so I don't know what she's shooting off her mouth about. 
Speaking of queens...
My email tipster sent me a post from Mass Resistance - a site I never read - but I found the article rather interesting.  I know some of my readers will be upset with me for posting about it, but that's how this blog goes - if you haven't noticed already.  Anyway, the site makes the claim that an angry homosexual activist is behind the WikiLeaks treachery. 

The US Army intelligence analyst who has been arrested for disclosing more than more than 90,000 intelligence reports and more than 150,000 diplomatic cables to the Wikileaks website is a homosexual activist enraged at the military's "anti-gay" policies.
Bradley Manning, who is now awaiting court-marshal at a military stockade in Quantico, VA, was arrested last May for giving a classified video to the Wikileaks website, and later it became clear that he had given them thousands of other military documents. He is an open homosexual, and his anger at the military's rejection of homosexuality appears to be the major reason for his actions. - The angry gay activist did it.
Media ignoring the story.
Is there a media blackout on this because of the pending "don't ask, don't tell" military ban, opening the barracks to homosexuals?  Some people seem to thinks so.  Years ago homosexuals in the military and secret services were considered a liability due to their susceptibility to blackmail.  I actually understood that.  Even in corporate situations I've experienced the wrath of gay men...  I once had a member of senior management tell me, "You know what you have to do to get ahead."  That was back in the days before any self-respecting man would come forward with a sexual harassment suit.  Gay men with power - or access to it, can be treacherous. 
Though I'm not as extreme as the fellow who wrote the following, he does make a very valid observation - albeit extremely un-PC:
So why were homosexuals denied security clearance in the first place? A series of Senate committee reports from the 1950s concluded that "moral perverts are bad national security risks ... because of their susceptibility to blackmail" and that homosexuals are "vulnerable to interrogation by a skilled questioner" due to emotional instability and moral weakness. (Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 10/1/2001). - WkiLeaks Gay Connection
I suppose the gay thing will turn out to be just one more conspiracy theory and condemned as homophobic hate speech and all that stuff - which is probably why mainstream press refuses to take it seriously.  I don't know if the gay issue is really THE issue, nevertheless it seems clear that Bradley Manning's emotional stability and loyalty was compromised by something.  Gay activists take their identity as gay people very seriously - but is it possible their personal rights could trump National Security?  Would gay activists ever try to subvert the U.S. government, seek to over turn laws, and change moral standards?
As Derek Fey might say:  "How very dare you!  How very dare you suggest such a thing!"


  1. Someone should tell that gay dude in the picture that "@ the battlefield" makes no sense grammatically.

    Then again, I'm sure that's the last thing this kid's confused about.

  2. Anonymous1:08 PM

    You mean there might be gays out there who don't like the US military and who want to change moral standards?

    Hard to imagine!

    The Obama Administration, unfortunately, is now obssessed with having more homosexuals in the military - and no, the conspiracy theories about Obama and Rahm Emmanuel both being members of the same gay bathhouse club in Chicago should come as no surprise!

    Result? The fact that the biggest intelligence leak scandal in a decade demonstrates the best possible reason not to have gays in the military will be quietly glossed over by the Administration's toadies in the mainstream media.

  3. I smell a combox war coming...

  4. michael. r.1:23 PM

    Oh please, Catholic Boy. Google it, and you will find pages on this already. Ann Coulter has even found the gay needle in the haystack!

  5. michael, was the gay needle in the gay haystack?

  6. Terry, you're such a gossippy ol' queen.




  7. Conspiracy theories, everybody loves 'em! We have to put tin foil in our caps, to keep them from getting in our brainz and stealing our thoughts (actually I stole that from Lolcats).

  8. It was a needle in the gaystack.

  9. one stressed out queen in the ranks does not speak for the thousands of servicemembers who identify as gay and serve with honor. shame on you.

  10. Doughboy--AMEN on proud gay servicemembers who serve without calling attention to themselves..

    ANYONE can be blackmailed..everyone has a soft spot and skilled agents can find it homosexual, or booze, or women, or drugs, or financial, or ill family members, your children or other family members...everyone is vunerable.

    And there ALOT more to this story than meets the eye...a typical military private does not have access to the wide variety of documents, unless he's some topnotch computer hacker.....I'm thinking he's the fall guy. And YEAH...SO EASY to dismiss the "disgruntled fag"...the military and the CIA has its ways of finding out who REALLY did this..and yeah it's high TREASON...used to be punishable by hanging or walking the plank..


  11. Catherine Tate is a genius!

  12. One bad apple, DB and Sara....

  13. Sara - I dunno - the homos... they can be vicious. LOL!

  14. I'm not sure that treason moniker can stand with the owner of the site. He's not an American. The Army pvt who is assumed to have sent all the information from our State Department network would have committed treason.

    As to the angry gay groups being behind the leaks; you do know that the owner of the site is under inditement in Britain for having sex with a minor, albeit a minor prostitute.

  15. Charlene - didn't know that. Thanks. I'm still surprised someone didn't blow the guy away - though I'm told he has the info set to release anyway in the event of his arrest or death. This will definitely be a film!

  16. I was being a smart-A before, but seriously, I think Sara and Doughboy are right.

  17. There is precedence for this kinda thing...Anthony Blunt and the Bloomsberry group in Britain during WWII were accused and found guilty of treason against the Allied forces.
    E. Michael Jones has the documentation and story at
    Read it for yourself. I'm just putting this info "out there".

  18. Thanks Father - I came across that too.


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