Friday, June 04, 2010

Why Didn't McCartney Sing This At The White House?

"A lot of political nonsense in the air." - Wild Life lyrics, McCartney
Unfortunately one of my favorite musicians/song writers has turned out to be an old fool, praising Obama as a great man and defending him against his critics while entertaining the First Family the other night at the White House.  If anything, Paul McCartney ought to have spoken out against the way British Petroleum, the White House, indeed the world is handling the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.  Where is the world's elite who cry foul because of so-called global warming?  Where are the Nobel Laureates, the celebrities, the politicos, the scientists, the intellectuals? 
McCartney has completely sold out. 
No one gets a free pass on this one.  Why weren't safety measures in place in the event of a worst case scenario such as what is happening now?  Global warming my ass.


  1. The Gores are busy...getting divorced, splitting their possessions/money, etc.
    The Obamas are "fiddling while Rome burns" (maybe literally...don't know).
    The butt-kissing, entitled elite are too busy admiring one another to notice that the earth and its inhabitants, are well, going to hell, in one form or another...maybe not the eternal hell, but one that is just as horrible.
    Too bad for them.
    They're gonna have quite a "reckoning" one day...maybe sooner than you think.
    Thanks, Terry.

  2. Father, absolutely right. They're all fools.

  3. T- I was told earlier this week that the depth of the drilling location vs closer in was the fruit of environmental activism, similar to forced protocols on forest management out West that lead to the forest floors becoming hot beds of rich fire kindle.

    The kindle rich floors were a major factor for the fires that raged out of control out West several years ago. From what was shared, if drilling was done closer in, as in the past, it would have made efforts easier to cap this well.

    I will admit I have not been following this disaster just because of finger pointing that is going on ... In the end, once the well is block, there will be further and perhaps more helpful critical analysis ... All I know now is a bunch of negligence charges can be justly distributed to many individuals/public authorities.

    Oh, I have been wondering too about the Russians. Are they still able to drill in the Gulf or where ever Obama gave them permission to drill. Haven't heard anything about that operation since the BP story broke.

  4. "If anything, Paul McCartney ought to have spoken out against the way British Petroleum, the White House, indeed the world is handling the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico."

    Excellent point.

    But then again, I expect a man who has physically abused his wife - regardless of how unbalanced she may be - to have be much more endeared with himself than with any worthwhile humanitarian causes.

  5. Tom - are there reports he abused Heather? I think she may have said that, but I wouldn't believe anything she says. I'm quite sure the only thing Paul could have abused is drugs. (Although he may have hidden her leg once or twice. Sadly they are all phony opportunists, aren't they.

  6. PML - That enviromental activism angle may be true - nonetheless, precautions ought to have been in place, instead it was rush to profit as always. I'm pretty certain the environmental activist thing may have been supported by luxury resort developers who would prefer to keep the view as pristine as possible for the tourist trade.

    I wonder when the so-called financial crisis is going to cause that extravagance to come to a halt?

  7. Tom - I just did a quick search about the claims - if the gossip is true - I have to say I don't blame him - and I'm sure he has matured since. (There are times I wanted to slap his first wife Linda while listening to her horrid vocals on some of the Wing's sets. And I'd be tempted to throw Heather Mills under another bus if I saw her standing on a corner.)

  8. My goodness, Terry, maybe you should be the one singing for Obama. (I kid).

    You know, I'm aware of the fact that his ex-wife is, shall we say, "touched." I think even her father had some disparaging comments about his own daughter during McCartney's contentious divorce. The truth is probably somewhere in between. But allegations of physical abuse have surfaced about previous relationships. To my knowledge, allegations is all they are.

  9. Tom - glad you know I was just being silly. I do think I heard a story he took Heather's leg away once though.

  10. I heard the same thing once too, Terry. I want to chuckle but I know I shouldn't:0I


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