Friday, January 15, 2010

Breaking News: Weight Watchers floor collapses...

The floor of a Weight Watchers clinic in Sweden collapsed beneath a group of 20 members of the weight loss programme who were gathered for a meeting. - Story
[No one was hurt.]


  1. (no one was hurt.)

    (except for their feelings)

  2. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Hey I am a member, I can understand this completely...Sr. Petra. LOL

  3. And I should be a member!

  4. NOOOOOO comment!
    (I probably WILL be a member in the not to distant future!)

  5. I cant decide- weight watchers or the chub o' meat diet- Atkins.

    My husband, um I mean my activities director brought home the latest tabloid magazine with Kim Kardishian on it -(she's mostly naked)and it said on the cover...How I lost 15 lbs !! My husband looked at me with a straight face and said I want to know how she did it and if it will help me figure out how to loose some weight too. That's why I bought it. I roared laughing!!

  6. Anonymous7:20 PM

    See, now I have ANOTHER good reason NOT to join :)

  7. Sweden just passed a law that all Weight Watchers meetings must take place in basements from now on.

    Not really! Just kidding!

  8. I might have been there.


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