Monday, November 23, 2009

Blessed Miguel Pro

Today, November 23 is his feast day.  It seems to me he needs to be better known - he should have a larger cult in the United States - especially now when the Catholic Church and the priesthood is held in such contempt by secular/popular culture.  Blessed Miguel Pro has an entire website devoted to him here.
Prayer for the Intercession of Blessed Miguel Agustin Pro, S.J., Priest and Martyr

Loving Father, You have revealed your greatness through your saints.

The Christian faith which You have planted in your Church has been

made abundant and fruitful by the blood of Your martyrs.

May we imitate the life and example of your servant,

Blessed Miguel Agustin Pro. May we courageously proclaim

the Gospel in every aspect of our lives. May we serve You,

just as he did, in the poor and the oppressed. And like him, may

we stand for Justice and Equality towards building Your Kingdom

here on earth.

Grant, through his intercession, the grace I ask of you if it will be for my good.

(recite your intention).

And, in Your chosen time, may he be raised to the honors of Your altar

as one of our exemplary Saints.


O Virgin of Guadalupe, our Mother and Queen,

Pray for us!

By Engr. Christian Allain P. Cerda
Art:  Image by T. Nelson

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