Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Who is Tessa Bielecki?

For starters, she's no longer a monk.
Tessa Bielecki cofounded the Spiritual Life Institute with Fr. Wm. McNamara, and lived there as monk and Mother Abbess for almost 40 years. She now lives alone in a log cabin in the wilderness outside Crestone, Colorado, where she writes and teaches. Tessa recently created the Desert Foundation, an informal Circle of Friends who explore the wisdom of the world’s deserts, focusing on peace and understanding between the three Abrahamic traditions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. She was one of the first teachers at Naropa University’s Buddhist-Christian dialogue in the 1980s and considers that experience pivotal in her life. She is the author of several books and CDs on St. Teresa of Avila, and recently recorded Wild at Heart for Sounds True. - Source
Watch out for New Age false mysticism.


  1. And here I thought that was an updated photo of Sr. Patricia!!!

  2. Ay, yi, yi!
    Oh, dear Jesus, save this poor soul!
    How did this happen?
    The Carmelite Saints are SOOO centered on the Sacred Humanity of our Lord Jesus. This is just nuts.
    I'm eclipsed.

  3. Good one Angela! LOL!

    Maybe they were twins separated at birth....hmmm, an idea is brewing...

  4. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Why do these women have such unflattering haircuts?? If my hairdresser did that kind of job on me, I'd sue her and complain to the union... Not feminine at all! (Yes, I know we're not supposed to judge a book by its cover, but come on, really ... )

  5. Anon - I agree - I mean, if you are going to wear dangly earrings and a necklace wouldn't you AT LEAST put a curling iron in your hair?! Sheesh!

  6. Thanks for the warning, Terry - and the reminder to keep praying...


  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. There are snakes in the garden folks.

  9. Terry - you should check out the blog "Enlightened Catholicism". It's a hoot - could've been written by Tessa hereself.

  10. New Age mysticism? Doesn't Oprah also promote this crap?? Perhaps our beloved leader has an affinity to this type of nonsense.

  11. Anonymous10:02 AM

    was there a scandal that caused Tessa to leave the Spiritual Life Institute?

  12. It would appear there was some sort of a "falling out" at the Spiritual Life Institute. Bear in mind that the organisation is not an established religious institute and still very much "experimental". In the history of the Church such experiments are essential, some succeed long term, others do not. Where would we be without the "experiments" of Sts. Francis, Ignatius, Teresa et al??? Tessa gave many years of her life in the service of this particular experiment in authentic Christian living. Now, very late in her life she has to manage without the securities that most people commenting here have built up. Whatever her beliefs and her current work, I think she deserves basic Christian charity as well as some respect. Comments here are very far from Christian.


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