Sunday, May 03, 2009

Walk for a cause - any cause...

It started out to be a lovely morning.
I actually got up early and went to first Mass on Sunday morning again. I like that very much. At the early Mass the clothing police aren't up yet, so I can get by with my jeans and double t-shirt look that impresses so many of the guys at the Vet's Home.
So anyway, I'm driving through the park district (Minnehaha Parkway) and sure enough there is another damn walk for something going on. Masses of people walking for I don't know what. With spring and summer upon us, people are always holding these walk-things, and they badger other people to give them money for it. Walk for diabetes, walk for alcoholics, walk for breast enlargements, walk for bladder control, walk for condoms, walk for obedience schools for pets, walk for HDTV, walk for this cause or that cause. Go ahead - walk - but don't ask me for money.


And stop blocking off thoroughfares. Walker-people are so pesky.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You sound so cranky I thought I was reading Cathy's blog LOL!

  3. I'm just being a brat. I've been told people have been rather "disturbed" by some of my posts lately.

  4. Anonymous6:12 PM

    I voted for you at the Crescat!

  5. Wow thanks Susan. Your painting is in the mail BTW!

  6. Carol8:44 PM

    I love cranky; it does a proffered cheesecake some justice. I love your paintings, too --I got a chance to look at your art blog today. I hope you paint every day of your life!

  7. If you only wore one tee-shirt, attendance at these walks might drop off percipitously. Did you every consider that they just come out to see you like that?

  8. LMAO!

    "Walk for Terry."

    "Walk (behind your husband) for Mantillas."

    "Walk for cake."

  9. You've inspired me to sponsor a walk-a-thon to end walk-a-thons. No donation required.

  10. Anonymous7:29 AM


  11. Anonymous7:47 AM

    And, I'm praying for you!

  12. I'm sponsoring a walk-a-thon to end addiction to bad clothes. You are welcome, hon. You can even walk without a donation!

    Angel Baby: Ter is my long lost twin brother. So lost...:-)

  13. Yeah - today I'm walking on sunshine.

  14. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Terry, I'm with you, so many people are always asking me for money--everywhere! It's very annoying.


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