Thursday, March 26, 2009

Oprah's World

Such are the fruits.

Yesterday evening I arrived home from adoration just before 5PM; the first thing I did was turn on the television to catch the news - I do things like that when I'm expecting some sort of disaster to happen any day.


So anyway - I turn on TV and Oprah is still on, and of course they are talking about sex and homo-sex and stuff like that. I gathered it was a therapist who was speaking, and she said something like, "And the wonderful thing is, that students today no longer think of gender when falling in love, they think of falling in love with a person. That doesn't mean that some are not gay, but that isn't an issue either." Now that must be an example of highly evolved thought. The woman seemed to be applauding the progress that has been made regarding sexual openness when it comes to falling in love with a person, rather than someone of the opposite sex, or simply wanting to experience every aspect of human sexuality through experimentation, without the limitations imposed by gender, or outdated social taboo. (That is actually defined as lust.)


Those programs to help LBGT students seem to be paying off already.
Update: I just checked - the show was actually about women leaving men for other women and living without labels. Stupid women.
Dr. Lisa Diamond, author of Sexual Fluidity: Understanding Women's Love and Desire, says women like Chris and Rebecca are far from unusual. "A lot of people think fluidity means choice. That's not true," Dr. Diamond says. "As we've heard here, a lot of these women never expected to feel what they felt. It was not a conscious decision. It was something they experienced happening to them." - Oprah


  1. Anonymous11:43 AM

    oh, terry, my dear ... could not have picked a better illustration ...

    ... posting timing just perfect for me today ... thanks!

  2. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Oprah is a menace to society--a true anti-Christ along with her buddy Obama. She has been spreading her "religion" for years--and the public buys the lies.

  3. What a crock of crap she comes out with...

  4. +JMJ+

    I stopped taking Oprah seriously after the show on artificial insemination. She and her guests that day didn't care about the poor children who'd suffer because their parents wanted to give themselves (or others) "the gift of life"--and she wanted her audience to side with the parents. =(

  5. Whatever happened to the good ol' days when a woman left a man for another man??? Sin used to be so much more normal then. /sarc off

  6. guy came into my office today complaining about his divorce and what a pain it what to go through... then he ended his diatribe by punctuating "I wish I had known I liked man *before* I got married"

    only he didn't say "men" ... it rhymed with rock.


  7. Kat - you really run into them don't you. You do work for Dunder-Mifflin, don't you.

  8. Kat, at least you had something in common....


  9. (You don't need to post that, Terry. I'm in a mood.)


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