Thursday, March 19, 2009

The increase of evil.

What are the signs?


The work of the devil will infiltrate even the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against other bishops. - Message of Akita


These days the Holy Father, along with the bishops and priests in union with him, including faithful Roman Catholics, are being attacked, mocked, and scorned with increasing ferocity. Now, more than ever, faithful Catholic bloggers need to support one another, and witness to the Faith as best they can. More importantly, we need to stand fast, united in prayer.


On the feast of St. Joseph, May 1, 1976, the angel told Sr. Agnes after Communion:

"Many men in this world afflict the Lord. Our Lady awaits souls to console Him. Remain in poverty. Sanctify yourself and pray in reparation for the ingratitude and the outrages of so many men. The Rosary is your weapon. Say it with care and more often for the intention of the Pope, of bishops and priests. You must not forget these words (of Mary). The Blessed Virgin prays continually for the conversion of the greatest possible number and weeps, hoping to lead to Jesus and to the Father souls offered to Them by Her intercession. For this intention, and to overcome exterior obstacles, achieve interior unity, form a single heart. Let believers lead a life more worthy of believers! Pray with a new heart. Attach great importance to this day for the glory of God and His Holy Mother. With courage spread this devotion among the greatest number. Inform your superior and him who directs you of what I have told you." - Source